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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy <elmindreda@glfw.org>
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Ebitengine Authors
//go:build darwin || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd
#pragma once
#if defined(_GLFW_USE_CONFIG_H)
#include "glfw_config.h"
#if defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_GLCOREARB) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_ES1) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_ES2) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_ES3) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_ES31) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_ES32) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_GLEXT) || \
defined(GLFW_INCLUDE_GLU) || \
#error "You must not define any header option macros when compiling GLFW"
#include "glfw3_unix.h"
#define _GLFW_POLL_AXES 1
#define _GLFW_MESSAGE_SIZE 1024
typedef int GLFWbool;
typedef struct _GLFWerror _GLFWerror;
typedef struct _GLFWinitconfig _GLFWinitconfig;
typedef struct _GLFWwndconfig _GLFWwndconfig;
typedef struct _GLFWctxconfig _GLFWctxconfig;
typedef struct _GLFWfbconfig _GLFWfbconfig;
typedef struct _GLFWcontext _GLFWcontext;
typedef struct _GLFWwindow _GLFWwindow;
typedef struct _GLFWlibrary _GLFWlibrary;
typedef struct _GLFWmonitor _GLFWmonitor;
typedef struct _GLFWcursor _GLFWcursor;
typedef struct _GLFWmapelement _GLFWmapelement;
typedef struct _GLFWtls _GLFWtls;
typedef struct _GLFWmutex _GLFWmutex;
typedef void (* _GLFWmakecontextcurrentfun)(_GLFWwindow*);
typedef void (* _GLFWswapbuffersfun)(_GLFWwindow*);
typedef void (* _GLFWswapintervalfun)(int);
typedef int (* _GLFWextensionsupportedfun)(const char*);
typedef GLFWglproc (* _GLFWgetprocaddressfun)(const char*);
typedef void (* _GLFWdestroycontextfun)(_GLFWwindow*);
#define GL_VERSION 0x1f02
#define GL_NONE 0
#define GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT 0x00004000
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0x1401
#define GL_EXTENSIONS 0x1f03
#define GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS 0x821d
#define GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS 0x821e
#define GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT 0x00000002
#define GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT 0x00000001
typedef int GLint;
typedef unsigned int GLuint;
typedef unsigned int GLenum;
typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;
typedef unsigned char GLubyte;
typedef void (APIENTRY * PFNGLCLEARPROC)(GLbitfield);
typedef const GLubyte* (APIENTRY * PFNGLGETSTRINGPROC)(GLenum);
typedef const GLubyte* (APIENTRY * PFNGLGETSTRINGIPROC)(GLenum,GLuint);
#if defined(_GLFW_COCOA)
#include "cocoa_platform_darwin.h"
#elif defined(_GLFW_X11)
#include "x11_platform_linbsd.h"
#error "No supported window creation API selected"
// Constructs a version number string from the public header macros
#define _GLFW_CONCAT_VERSION(m, n, r) #m "." #n "." #r
#define _GLFW_MAKE_VERSION(m, n, r) _GLFW_CONCAT_VERSION(m, n, r)
// Checks for whether the library has been initialized
#define _GLFW_REQUIRE_INIT() \
if (!_glfw.initialized) \
{ \
return; \
if (!_glfw.initialized) \
{ \
return x; \
// Swaps the provided pointers
#define _GLFW_SWAP_POINTERS(x, y) \
{ \
void* t; \
t = x; \
x = y; \
y = t; \
// Per-thread error structure
struct _GLFWerror
_GLFWerror* next;
int code;
char description[_GLFW_MESSAGE_SIZE];
// Initialization configuration
// Parameters relating to the initialization of the library
struct _GLFWinitconfig
struct {
GLFWbool menubar;
GLFWbool chdir;
} ns;
// Window configuration
// Parameters relating to the creation of the window but not directly related
// to the framebuffer. This is used to pass window creation parameters from
// shared code to the platform API.
struct _GLFWwndconfig
int width;
int height;
const char* title;
GLFWbool resizable;
GLFWbool visible;
GLFWbool decorated;
GLFWbool focused;
GLFWbool autoIconify;
GLFWbool floating;
GLFWbool maximized;
GLFWbool centerCursor;
GLFWbool focusOnShow;
GLFWbool mousePassthrough;
GLFWbool scaleToMonitor;
struct {
GLFWbool retina;
char frameName[256];
} ns;
struct {
char className[256];
char instanceName[256];
} x11;
// Context configuration
// Parameters relating to the creation of the context but not directly related
// to the framebuffer. This is used to pass context creation parameters from
// shared code to the platform API.
struct _GLFWctxconfig
int client;
int source;
int major;
int minor;
GLFWbool forward;
GLFWbool debug;
GLFWbool noerror;
int profile;
int robustness;
int release;
_GLFWwindow* share;
struct {
GLFWbool offline;
} nsgl;
// Framebuffer configuration
// This describes buffers and their sizes. It also contains
// a platform-specific ID used to map back to the backend API object.
// It is used to pass framebuffer parameters from shared code to the platform
// API and also to enumerate and select available framebuffer configs.
struct _GLFWfbconfig
int redBits;
int greenBits;
int blueBits;
int alphaBits;
int depthBits;
int stencilBits;
int accumRedBits;
int accumGreenBits;
int accumBlueBits;
int accumAlphaBits;
int auxBuffers;
GLFWbool stereo;
int samples;
GLFWbool sRGB;
GLFWbool doublebuffer;
GLFWbool transparent;
uintptr_t handle;
// Context structure
struct _GLFWcontext
int client;
int source;
int major, minor, revision;
GLFWbool forward, debug, noerror;
int profile;
int robustness;
int release;
_GLFWmakecontextcurrentfun makeCurrent;
_GLFWswapbuffersfun swapBuffers;
_GLFWswapintervalfun swapInterval;
_GLFWextensionsupportedfun extensionSupported;
_GLFWgetprocaddressfun getProcAddress;
_GLFWdestroycontextfun destroy;
// This is defined in the context API's context.h
// This is defined in egl_context_unix.h
// This is defined in osmesa_context_unix.h
// Window and context structure
struct _GLFWwindow
struct _GLFWwindow* next;
// Window settings and state
GLFWbool resizable;
GLFWbool decorated;
GLFWbool autoIconify;
GLFWbool floating;
GLFWbool focusOnShow;
GLFWbool mousePassthrough;
GLFWbool shouldClose;
void* userPointer;
GLFWbool doublebuffer;
GLFWvidmode videoMode;
_GLFWmonitor* monitor;
_GLFWcursor* cursor;
int minwidth, minheight;
int maxwidth, maxheight;
int numer, denom;
GLFWbool stickyKeys;
GLFWbool stickyMouseButtons;
GLFWbool lockKeyMods;
int cursorMode;
char mouseButtons[GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST + 1];
char keys[GLFW_KEY_LAST + 1];
// Virtual cursor position when cursor is disabled
double virtualCursorPosX, virtualCursorPosY;
GLFWbool rawMouseMotion;
_GLFWcontext context;
struct {
GLFWwindowposfun pos;
GLFWwindowsizefun size;
GLFWwindowclosefun close;
GLFWwindowrefreshfun refresh;
GLFWwindowfocusfun focus;
GLFWwindowiconifyfun iconify;
GLFWwindowmaximizefun maximize;
GLFWframebuffersizefun fbsize;
GLFWwindowcontentscalefun scale;
GLFWmousebuttonfun mouseButton;
GLFWcursorposfun cursorPos;
GLFWcursorenterfun cursorEnter;
GLFWscrollfun scroll;
GLFWkeyfun key;
GLFWcharfun character;
GLFWcharmodsfun charmods;
GLFWdropfun drop;
} callbacks;
// This is defined in the window API's platform.h
// Monitor structure
struct _GLFWmonitor
char name[128];
void* userPointer;
// Physical dimensions in millimeters.
int widthMM, heightMM;
// The window whose video mode is current on this monitor
_GLFWwindow* window;
GLFWvidmode* modes;
int modeCount;
GLFWvidmode currentMode;
GLFWgammaramp originalRamp;
GLFWgammaramp currentRamp;
// This is defined in the window API's platform.h
// Cursor structure
struct _GLFWcursor
_GLFWcursor* next;
// This is defined in the window API's platform.h
// Thread local storage structure
struct _GLFWtls
// This is defined in the platform's thread.h
// Mutex structure
struct _GLFWmutex
// This is defined in the platform's thread.h
// Library global data
struct _GLFWlibrary
GLFWbool initialized;
struct {
_GLFWinitconfig init;
_GLFWfbconfig framebuffer;
_GLFWwndconfig window;
_GLFWctxconfig context;
int refreshRate;
} hints;
_GLFWerror* errorListHead;
_GLFWcursor* cursorListHead;
_GLFWwindow* windowListHead;
_GLFWmonitor** monitors;
int monitorCount;
_GLFWtls errorSlot;
_GLFWtls contextSlot;
_GLFWmutex errorLock;
struct {
uint64_t offset;
// This is defined in the platform's time.h
} timer;
struct {
GLFWmonitorfun monitor;
} callbacks;
// This is defined in the window API's platform.h
// This is defined in the context API's context.h
// This is defined in egl_context_unix.h
// This is defined in osmesa_context_unix.h
// Global state shared between compilation units of GLFW
extern _GLFWlibrary _glfw;
////// GLFW platform API //////
int _glfwPlatformInit(void);
void _glfwPlatformTerminate(void);
const char* _glfwPlatformGetVersionString(void);
void _glfwPlatformGetCursorPos(_GLFWwindow* window, double* xpos, double* ypos);
void _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos(_GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos);
void _glfwPlatformSetCursorMode(_GLFWwindow* window, int mode);
void _glfwPlatformSetRawMouseMotion(_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool enabled);
GLFWbool _glfwPlatformRawMouseMotionSupported(void);
int _glfwPlatformCreateCursor(_GLFWcursor* cursor,
const GLFWimage* image, int xhot, int yhot);
int _glfwPlatformCreateStandardCursor(_GLFWcursor* cursor, int shape);
void _glfwPlatformDestroyCursor(_GLFWcursor* cursor);
void _glfwPlatformSetCursor(_GLFWwindow* window, _GLFWcursor* cursor);
const char* _glfwPlatformGetScancodeName(int scancode);
int _glfwPlatformGetKeyScancode(int key);
void _glfwPlatformFreeMonitor(_GLFWmonitor* monitor);
void _glfwPlatformGetMonitorPos(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* xpos, int* ypos);
void _glfwPlatformGetMonitorContentScale(_GLFWmonitor* monitor,
float* xscale, float* yscale);
void _glfwPlatformGetMonitorWorkarea(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* xpos, int* ypos, int *width, int *height);
GLFWvidmode* _glfwPlatformGetVideoModes(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* count);
void _glfwPlatformGetVideoMode(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWvidmode* mode);
GLFWbool _glfwPlatformGetGammaRamp(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWgammaramp* ramp);
void _glfwPlatformSetGammaRamp(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, const GLFWgammaramp* ramp);
void _glfwPlatformSetClipboardString(const char* string);
const char* _glfwPlatformGetClipboardString(void);
uint64_t _glfwPlatformGetTimerValue(void);
uint64_t _glfwPlatformGetTimerFrequency(void);
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow(_GLFWwindow* window,
const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig,
const _GLFWctxconfig* ctxconfig,
const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig);
void _glfwPlatformDestroyWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle(_GLFWwindow* window, const char* title);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowIcon(_GLFWwindow* window,
int count, const GLFWimage* images);
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowPos(_GLFWwindow* window, int* xpos, int* ypos);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowPos(_GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos);
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSizeLimits(_GLFWwindow* window,
int minwidth, int minheight,
int maxwidth, int maxheight);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowAspectRatio(_GLFWwindow* window, int numer, int denom);
void _glfwPlatformGetFramebufferSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height);
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowFrameSize(_GLFWwindow* window,
int* left, int* top,
int* right, int* bottom);
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowContentScale(_GLFWwindow* window,
float* xscale, float* yscale);
void _glfwPlatformIconifyWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformRestoreWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformMaximizeWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformShowWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformHideWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformRequestWindowAttention(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformFocusWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowMonitor(_GLFWwindow* window, _GLFWmonitor* monitor,
int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height,
int refreshRate);
int _glfwPlatformWindowFocused(_GLFWwindow* window);
int _glfwPlatformWindowIconified(_GLFWwindow* window);
int _glfwPlatformWindowVisible(_GLFWwindow* window);
int _glfwPlatformWindowMaximized(_GLFWwindow* window);
int _glfwPlatformWindowHovered(_GLFWwindow* window);
int _glfwPlatformFramebufferTransparent(_GLFWwindow* window);
float _glfwPlatformGetWindowOpacity(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowResizable(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowDecorated(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowFloating(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowOpacity(_GLFWwindow* window, float opacity);
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowMousePassthrough(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled);
void _glfwPlatformPollEvents(void);
void _glfwPlatformWaitEvents(void);
void _glfwPlatformWaitEventsTimeout(double timeout);
void _glfwPlatformPostEmptyEvent(void);
GLFWbool _glfwPlatformCreateTls(_GLFWtls* tls);
void _glfwPlatformDestroyTls(_GLFWtls* tls);
void* _glfwPlatformGetTls(_GLFWtls* tls);
void _glfwPlatformSetTls(_GLFWtls* tls, void* value);
GLFWbool _glfwPlatformCreateMutex(_GLFWmutex* mutex);
void _glfwPlatformDestroyMutex(_GLFWmutex* mutex);
void _glfwPlatformLockMutex(_GLFWmutex* mutex);
void _glfwPlatformUnlockMutex(_GLFWmutex* mutex);
////// GLFW event API //////
void _glfwInputWindowFocus(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool focused);
void _glfwInputWindowPos(_GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos);
void _glfwInputWindowSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height);
void _glfwInputFramebufferSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height);
void _glfwInputWindowContentScale(_GLFWwindow* window,
float xscale, float yscale);
void _glfwInputWindowIconify(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool iconified);
void _glfwInputWindowMaximize(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool maximized);
void _glfwInputWindowDamage(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwInputWindowCloseRequest(_GLFWwindow* window);
void _glfwInputWindowMonitor(_GLFWwindow* window, _GLFWmonitor* monitor);
void _glfwInputKey(_GLFWwindow* window,
int key, int scancode, int action, int mods);
void _glfwInputChar(_GLFWwindow* window,
uint32_t codepoint, int mods, GLFWbool plain);
void _glfwInputScroll(_GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset);
void _glfwInputMouseClick(_GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods);
void _glfwInputCursorPos(_GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos);
void _glfwInputCursorEnter(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool entered);
void _glfwInputDrop(_GLFWwindow* window, int count, const char** names);
void _glfwInputMonitor(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int action, int placement);
void _glfwInputMonitorWindow(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, _GLFWwindow* window);
#if defined(__GNUC__)
void _glfwInputError(int code, const char* format, ...)
__attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
void _glfwInputError(int code, const char* format, ...);
////// GLFW internal API //////
GLFWbool _glfwStringInExtensionString(const char* string, const char* extensions);
const _GLFWfbconfig* _glfwChooseFBConfig(const _GLFWfbconfig* desired,
const _GLFWfbconfig* alternatives,
unsigned int count);
GLFWbool _glfwRefreshContextAttribs(_GLFWwindow* window,
const _GLFWctxconfig* ctxconfig);
GLFWbool _glfwIsValidContextConfig(const _GLFWctxconfig* ctxconfig);
const GLFWvidmode* _glfwChooseVideoMode(_GLFWmonitor* monitor,
const GLFWvidmode* desired);
int _glfwCompareVideoModes(const GLFWvidmode* first, const GLFWvidmode* second);
_GLFWmonitor* _glfwAllocMonitor(const char* name, int widthMM, int heightMM);
void _glfwFreeMonitor(_GLFWmonitor* monitor);
void _glfwAllocGammaArrays(GLFWgammaramp* ramp, unsigned int size);
void _glfwFreeGammaArrays(GLFWgammaramp* ramp);
void _glfwSplitBPP(int bpp, int* red, int* green, int* blue);
void _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(_GLFWwindow* window);
size_t _glfwEncodeUTF8(char* s, uint32_t codepoint);
char** _glfwParseUriList(char* text, int* count);
char* _glfw_strdup(const char* source);
int _glfw_min(int a, int b);
int _glfw_max(int a, int b);
float _glfw_fminf(float a, float b);
float _glfw_fmaxf(float a, float b);