
344 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy <elmindreda@glfw.org>
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The Ebitengine Authors
//go:build darwin || windows
package goglfw
const (
NoAPI = 0
OpenGLAPI = 0x00030001
OpenGLESAPI = 0x00030002
NoRobustness = 0
NoResetNotification = 0x00031001
LoseContextOnReset = 0x00031002
OpenGLAnyProfile = 0
OpenGLCoreProfile = 0x00032001
OpenGLCompatProfile = 0x00032002
CursorNormal = 0x00034001
CursorHidden = 0x00034002
CursorDisabled = 0x00034003
AnyReleaseBehavior = 0
ReleaseBehaviorFlush = 0x00035001
ReleaseBehaviorNone = 0x00035002
NativeContextAPI = 0x00036001
EGLContextAPI = 0x00036002
OSMesaContextAPI = 0x00036003
DontCare = -1
type Action int
const (
Release Action = 0
Press Action = 1
Repeat Action = 2
type Hint int
const (
Focused Hint = 0x00020001
Iconified Hint = 0x00020002
Resizable Hint = 0x00020003
Visible Hint = 0x00020004
Decorated Hint = 0x00020005
AutoIconify Hint = 0x00020006
Floating Hint = 0x00020007
Maximized Hint = 0x00020008
CenterCursor Hint = 0x00020009
TransparentFramebuffer Hint = 0x0002000A
Hovered Hint = 0x0002000B
FocusOnShow Hint = 0x0002000C
MousePassthrough Hint = 0x0002000D
RedBits Hint = 0x00021001
GreenBits Hint = 0x00021002
BlueBits Hint = 0x00021003
AlphaBits Hint = 0x00021004
DepthBits Hint = 0x00021005
StencilBits Hint = 0x00021006
AccumRedBits Hint = 0x00021007
AccumGreenBits Hint = 0x00021008
AccumBlueBits Hint = 0x00021009
AccumAlphaBits Hint = 0x0002100A
AuxBuffers Hint = 0x0002100B
Stereo Hint = 0x0002100C
Samples Hint = 0x0002100D
SRGBCapable Hint = 0x0002100E
RefreshRate Hint = 0x0002100F
DoubleBuffer Hint = 0x00021010
ClientAPI Hint = 0x00022001
ContextVersionMajor Hint = 0x00022002
ContextVersionMinor Hint = 0x00022003
ContextRevision Hint = 0x00022004
ContextRobustness Hint = 0x00022005
OpenGLForwardCompat Hint = 0x00022006
OpenGLDebugContext Hint = 0x00022007
OpenGLProfile Hint = 0x00022008
ContextReleaseBehavior Hint = 0x00022009
ContextNoError Hint = 0x0002200A
ContextCreationAPI Hint = 0x0002200B
ScaleToMonitor Hint = 0x0002200C
type InputMode int
const (
CursorMode InputMode = 0x00033001
StickyKeysMode InputMode = 0x00033002
StickyMouseButtonsMode InputMode = 0x00033003
LockKeyMods InputMode = 0x00033004
RawMouseMotion InputMode = 0x00033005
type Key int
const (
KeyUnknown Key = -1
// Printable keys
KeySpace Key = 32
KeyApostrophe Key = 39 // '
KeyComma Key = 44 // ,
KeyMinus Key = 45 // -
KeyPeriod Key = 46 // .
KeySlash Key = 47 // /
Key0 Key = 48
Key1 Key = 49
Key2 Key = 50
Key3 Key = 51
Key4 Key = 52
Key5 Key = 53
Key6 Key = 54
Key7 Key = 55
Key8 Key = 56
Key9 Key = 57
KeySemicolon Key = 59 // ;
KeyEqual Key = 61 // =
KeyA Key = 65
KeyB Key = 66
KeyC Key = 67
KeyD Key = 68
KeyE Key = 69
KeyF Key = 70
KeyG Key = 71
KeyH Key = 72
KeyI Key = 73
KeyJ Key = 74
KeyK Key = 75
KeyL Key = 76
KeyM Key = 77
KeyN Key = 78
KeyO Key = 79
KeyP Key = 80
KeyQ Key = 81
KeyR Key = 82
KeyS Key = 83
KeyT Key = 84
KeyU Key = 85
KeyV Key = 86
KeyW Key = 87
KeyX Key = 88
KeyY Key = 89
KeyZ Key = 90
KeyLeftBracket Key = 91 // [
KeyBackslash Key = 92 // \
KeyRightBracket Key = 93 // ]
KeyGraveAccent Key = 96 // `
KeyWorld1 Key = 161 // non-US #1
KeyWorld2 Key = 162 // non-US #2
// Function keys
KeyEscape Key = 256
KeyEnter Key = 257
KeyTab Key = 258
KeyBackspace Key = 259
KeyInsert Key = 260
KeyDelete Key = 261
KeyRight Key = 262
KeyLeft Key = 263
KeyDown Key = 264
KeyUp Key = 265
KeyPageUp Key = 266
KeyPageDown Key = 267
KeyHome Key = 268
KeyEnd Key = 269
KeyCapsLock Key = 280
KeyScrollLock Key = 281
KeyNumLock Key = 282
KeyPrintScreen Key = 283
KeyPause Key = 284
KeyF1 Key = 290
KeyF2 Key = 291
KeyF3 Key = 292
KeyF4 Key = 293
KeyF5 Key = 294
KeyF6 Key = 295
KeyF7 Key = 296
KeyF8 Key = 297
KeyF9 Key = 298
KeyF10 Key = 299
KeyF11 Key = 300
KeyF12 Key = 301
KeyF13 Key = 302
KeyF14 Key = 303
KeyF15 Key = 304
KeyF16 Key = 305
KeyF17 Key = 306
KeyF18 Key = 307
KeyF19 Key = 308
KeyF20 Key = 309
KeyF21 Key = 310
KeyF22 Key = 311
KeyF23 Key = 312
KeyF24 Key = 313
KeyF25 Key = 314
KeyKP0 Key = 320
KeyKP1 Key = 321
KeyKP2 Key = 322
KeyKP3 Key = 323
KeyKP4 Key = 324
KeyKP5 Key = 325
KeyKP6 Key = 326
KeyKP7 Key = 327
KeyKP8 Key = 328
KeyKP9 Key = 329
KeyKPDecimal Key = 330
KeyKPDivide Key = 331
KeyKPMultiply Key = 332
KeyKPSubtract Key = 333
KeyKPAdd Key = 334
KeyKPEnter Key = 335
KeyKPEqual Key = 336
KeyLeftShift Key = 340
KeyLeftControl Key = 341
KeyLeftAlt Key = 342
KeyLeftSuper Key = 343
KeyRightShift Key = 344
KeyRightControl Key = 345
KeyRightAlt Key = 346
KeyRightSuper Key = 347
KeyMenu Key = 348
KeyLast Key = KeyMenu
type ModifierKey int
const (
ModShift ModifierKey = 0x0001
ModControl ModifierKey = 0x0002
ModAlt ModifierKey = 0x0004
ModSuper ModifierKey = 0x0008
ModCapsLock ModifierKey = 0x0010
ModNumLock ModifierKey = 0x0020
type MouseButton int
const (
MouseButton1 MouseButton = 0
MouseButton2 MouseButton = 1
MouseButton3 MouseButton = 2
MouseButton4 MouseButton = 3
MouseButton5 MouseButton = 4
MouseButton6 MouseButton = 5
MouseButton7 MouseButton = 6
MouseButton8 MouseButton = 7
MouseButtonLast MouseButton = MouseButton8
MouseButtonLeft MouseButton = MouseButton1
MouseButtonRight MouseButton = MouseButton2
MouseButtonMiddle MouseButton = MouseButton3
var (
NotInitialized Error = 0x00010001
NoCurrentContext Error = 0x00010002
InvalidEnum Error = 0x00010003
InvalidValue Error = 0x00010004
OutOfMemory Error = 0x00010005
ApiUnavailable Error = 0x00010006
VersionUnavailable Error = 0x00010007
PlatformError Error = 0x00010008
FormatUnavailable Error = 0x00010009
NoWindowContext Error = 0x0001000A
type PeripheralEvent int
const (
Connected PeripheralEvent = 0x00040001
Disconnected PeripheralEvent = 0x00040002
type StandardCursor int
const (
ArrowCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036001
IBeamCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036002
CrosshairCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036003
HandCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036004
HResizeCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036005
VResizeCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036006
// v3.4
ResizeNWSECursor StandardCursor = 0x00036007
ResizeNESWCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036008
ResizeAllCursor StandardCursor = 0x00036009
NotAllowedCursor StandardCursor = 0x0003600A
type Error int
func (e Error) Error() string {
switch e {
case NotInitialized:
return "the GLFW library is not initialized"
case NoCurrentContext:
return "there is no current context"
case InvalidEnum:
return "invalid argument for enum parameter"
case InvalidValue:
return "invalid value for parameter"
case OutOfMemory:
return "out of memory"
case ApiUnavailable:
return "the requested API is unavailable"
case VersionUnavailable:
return "the requested API version is unavailable"
case PlatformError:
return "a platform-specific error occurred"
case FormatUnavailable:
return "the requested format is unavailable"
case NoWindowContext:
return "the specified window has no context"
type VidMode struct {
Width int
Height int
RedBits int
GreenBits int
BlueBits int
RefreshRate int
type Image struct {
Width int
Height int
Pixels []byte