graphics: Bug fix: Don't touch interface after locking

This commit is contained in:
Hajime Hoshi 2016-06-12 21:19:54 +09:00
parent d99bfaf034
commit ea440f5b17

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@ -399,32 +399,33 @@ func NewImageFromImage(source image.Image, filter Filter) (*Image, error) {
size := source.Bounds().Size()
w, h := size.X, size.Y
// TODO: Return error when the image is too big!
img := &imageImpl{
width: w,
height: h,
filter: filter,
defer imageM.Unlock()
eimg, err := theImages.add(img)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Don't lock while manipulating an image.Image interface.
rgbaImg, ok := source.(*image.RGBA)
if !ok {
if !ok || source.Bounds().Min != image.ZP {
origImg := source
newImg := image.NewRGBA(origImg.Bounds())
draw.Draw(newImg, newImg.Bounds(), origImg, origImg.Bounds().Min, draw.Src)
rgbaImg = newImg
// TODO: Set pixels here?
defer imageM.Unlock()
img := &imageImpl{
width: w,
height: h,
filter: filter,
var err error
img.image, err = graphics.NewImageFromImage(rgbaImg, glFilter(ui.GLContext(), filter))
if err != nil {
// TODO: texture should be removed here?
return nil, err
runtime.SetFinalizer(img, (*imageImpl).Dispose)
eimg, err := theImages.add(img)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return eimg, nil