// Copyright 2020 The Ebiten Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package msl import ( "fmt" "go/constant" "go/token" "regexp" "strings" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/shaderir" ) const ( vertexOut = "varyings" ) type compileContext struct { structNames map[string]string structTypes []shaderir.Type } func (c *compileContext) structName(p *shaderir.Program, t *shaderir.Type) string { if t.Main != shaderir.Struct { panic("msl: the given type at structName must be a struct") } s := t.String() if n, ok := c.structNames[s]; ok { return n } n := fmt.Sprintf("S%d", len(c.structNames)) c.structNames[s] = n c.structTypes = append(c.structTypes, *t) return n } const Prelude = `#include <metal_stdlib> using namespace metal; constexpr sampler texture_sampler{filter::nearest}; template<typename T, typename U> T mod(T x, U y) { return x - y * floor(x/y); }` func Compile(p *shaderir.Program, vertex, fragment string) (shader string) { c := &compileContext{ structNames: map[string]string{}, } var lines []string lines = append(lines, strings.Split(Prelude, "\n")...) lines = append(lines, "", "{{.Structs}}") if len(p.Attributes) > 0 { lines = append(lines, "") lines = append(lines, "struct Attributes {") for i, a := range p.Attributes { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s;", c.varDecl(p, &a, fmt.Sprintf("M%d", i), false))) } lines = append(lines, "};") } if len(p.Varyings) > 0 { lines = append(lines, "") lines = append(lines, "struct Varyings {") lines = append(lines, "\tfloat4 Position [[position]];") for i, v := range p.Varyings { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s;", c.varDecl(p, &v, fmt.Sprintf("M%d", i), false))) } lines = append(lines, "};") } if len(p.Funcs) > 0 { lines = append(lines, "") for _, f := range p.Funcs { lines = append(lines, c.function(p, &f, true)...) } for _, f := range p.Funcs { if len(lines) > 0 && lines[len(lines)-1] != "" { lines = append(lines, "") } lines = append(lines, c.function(p, &f, false)...) } } if p.VertexFunc.Block != nil && len(p.VertexFunc.Block.Stmts) > 0 { lines = append(lines, "") lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("vertex Varyings %s(", vertex), "\tuint vid [[vertex_id]],", "\tconst device Attributes* attributes [[buffer(0)]]") for i, u := range p.Uniforms { lines[len(lines)-1] += "," lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\tconstant %s [[buffer(%d)]]", c.varDecl(p, &u, fmt.Sprintf("U%d", i), true), i+1)) } for i := 0; i < p.TextureNum; i++ { lines[len(lines)-1] += "," lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\ttexture2d<float> T%[1]d [[texture(%[1]d)]]", i)) } lines[len(lines)-1] += ") {" lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\tVaryings %s = {};", vertexOut)) lines = append(lines, c.block(p, p.VertexFunc.Block, p.VertexFunc.Block, 0)...) if last := fmt.Sprintf("\treturn %s;", vertexOut); lines[len(lines)-1] != last { lines = append(lines, last) } lines = append(lines, "}") } if p.FragmentFunc.Block != nil && len(p.FragmentFunc.Block.Stmts) > 0 { lines = append(lines, "") lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("fragment float4 %s(", fragment), "\tVaryings varyings [[stage_in]]") for i, u := range p.Uniforms { lines[len(lines)-1] += "," lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\tconstant %s [[buffer(%d)]]", c.varDecl(p, &u, fmt.Sprintf("U%d", i), true), i+1)) } for i := 0; i < p.TextureNum; i++ { lines[len(lines)-1] += "," lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\ttexture2d<float> T%[1]d [[texture(%[1]d)]]", i)) } lines[len(lines)-1] += ") {" lines = append(lines, c.block(p, p.FragmentFunc.Block, p.FragmentFunc.Block, 0)...) lines = append(lines, "}") } ls := strings.Join(lines, "\n") // Struct types are determined after converting the program. if len(c.structTypes) > 0 { var stlines []string for i, t := range c.structTypes { stlines = append(stlines, fmt.Sprintf("struct S%d {", i)) for j, st := range t.Sub { stlines = append(stlines, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s;", c.varDecl(p, &st, fmt.Sprintf("M%d", j), false))) } stlines = append(stlines, "};") } ls = strings.ReplaceAll(ls, "{{.Structs}}", strings.Join(stlines, "\n")) } else { ls = strings.ReplaceAll(ls, "{{.Structs}}", "") } nls := regexp.MustCompile(`\n\n+`) ls = nls.ReplaceAllString(ls, "\n\n") ls = strings.TrimSpace(ls) + "\n" return ls } func (c *compileContext) typ(p *shaderir.Program, t *shaderir.Type) string { switch t.Main { case shaderir.None: return "void" case shaderir.Struct: return c.structName(p, t) default: return typeString(t, false) } } func (c *compileContext) varDecl(p *shaderir.Program, t *shaderir.Type, varname string, ref bool) string { switch t.Main { case shaderir.None: return "?(none)" case shaderir.Struct: s := c.structName(p, t) if ref { s += "&" } return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", s, varname) default: t := typeString(t, ref) return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", t, varname) } } func (c *compileContext) varInit(p *shaderir.Program, t *shaderir.Type) string { switch t.Main { case shaderir.None: return "?(none)" case shaderir.Array: return "{}" case shaderir.Struct: return "{}" case shaderir.Bool: return "false" case shaderir.Int: return "0" case shaderir.Float, shaderir.Vec2, shaderir.Vec3, shaderir.Vec4, shaderir.Mat2, shaderir.Mat3, shaderir.Mat4: return fmt.Sprintf("%s(0)", basicTypeString(t.Main)) default: t := c.typ(p, t) panic(fmt.Sprintf("?(unexpected type: %s)", t)) } } func (c *compileContext) function(p *shaderir.Program, f *shaderir.Func, prototype bool) []string { var args []string // Uniform variables and texture variables. In Metal, non-const global variables are not available. for i, u := range p.Uniforms { args = append(args, "constant "+c.varDecl(p, &u, fmt.Sprintf("U%d", i), true)) } for i := 0; i < p.TextureNum; i++ { args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("texture2d<float> T%d", i)) } var idx int for _, t := range f.InParams { args = append(args, c.varDecl(p, &t, fmt.Sprintf("l%d", idx), false)) idx++ } for _, t := range f.OutParams { args = append(args, "thread "+c.varDecl(p, &t, fmt.Sprintf("l%d", idx), true)) idx++ } argsstr := "void" if len(args) > 0 { argsstr = strings.Join(args, ", ") } t := c.typ(p, &f.Return) sig := fmt.Sprintf("%s F%d(%s)", t, f.Index, argsstr) var lines []string if prototype { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s;", sig)) return lines } lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s {", sig)) lines = append(lines, c.block(p, f.Block, f.Block, 0)...) lines = append(lines, "}") return lines } func constantToNumberLiteral(t shaderir.ConstType, v constant.Value) string { switch t { case shaderir.ConstTypeNone: if v.Kind() == constant.Bool { if constant.BoolVal(v) { return "true" } return "false" } fallthrough case shaderir.ConstTypeFloat: if i := constant.ToInt(v); i.Kind() == constant.Int { x, _ := constant.Int64Val(i) return fmt.Sprintf("%d.0", x) } if i := constant.ToFloat(v); i.Kind() == constant.Float { x, _ := constant.Float64Val(i) return fmt.Sprintf("%.10e", x) } case shaderir.ConstTypeInt: if i := constant.ToInt(v); i.Kind() == constant.Int { x, _ := constant.Int64Val(i) return fmt.Sprintf("%d", x) } } return fmt.Sprintf("?(unexpected literal: %s)", v) } func localVariableName(p *shaderir.Program, topBlock *shaderir.Block, idx int) string { switch topBlock { case p.VertexFunc.Block: na := len(p.Attributes) nv := len(p.Varyings) switch { case idx < na: return fmt.Sprintf("attributes[vid].M%d", idx) case idx == na: return fmt.Sprintf("%s.Position", vertexOut) case idx < na+nv+1: return fmt.Sprintf("%s.M%d", vertexOut, idx-na-1) default: return fmt.Sprintf("l%d", idx-(na+nv+1)) } case p.FragmentFunc.Block: nv := len(p.Varyings) switch { case idx == 0: return fmt.Sprintf("%s.Position", vertexOut) case idx < nv+1: return fmt.Sprintf("%s.M%d", vertexOut, idx-1) default: return fmt.Sprintf("l%d", idx-(nv+1)) } default: return fmt.Sprintf("l%d", idx) } } func (c *compileContext) initVariable(p *shaderir.Program, topBlock, block *shaderir.Block, index int, decl bool, level int) []string { idt := strings.Repeat("\t", level+1) name := localVariableName(p, topBlock, index) t := p.LocalVariableType(topBlock, block, index) var lines []string if decl { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s = %s;", idt, c.varDecl(p, &t, name, false), c.varInit(p, &t))) } else { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s = %s;", idt, name, c.varInit(p, &t))) } return lines } func (c *compileContext) block(p *shaderir.Program, topBlock, block *shaderir.Block, level int) []string { if block == nil { return nil } idt := strings.Repeat("\t", level+1) var lines []string for i, t := range block.LocalVars { // The type is None e.g., when the variable is a for-loop counter. if t.Main != shaderir.None { lines = append(lines, c.initVariable(p, topBlock, block, block.LocalVarIndexOffset+i, true, level)...) } } var expr func(e *shaderir.Expr) string expr = func(e *shaderir.Expr) string { switch e.Type { case shaderir.NumberExpr: return constantToNumberLiteral(e.ConstType, e.Const) case shaderir.UniformVariable: return fmt.Sprintf("U%d", e.Index) case shaderir.TextureVariable: return fmt.Sprintf("T%d", e.Index) case shaderir.LocalVariable: return localVariableName(p, topBlock, e.Index) case shaderir.StructMember: return fmt.Sprintf("M%d", e.Index) case shaderir.BuiltinFuncExpr: return builtinFuncString(e.BuiltinFunc) case shaderir.SwizzlingExpr: if !shaderir.IsValidSwizzling(e.Swizzling) { return fmt.Sprintf("?(unexpected swizzling: %s)", e.Swizzling) } return e.Swizzling case shaderir.FunctionExpr: return fmt.Sprintf("F%d", e.Index) case shaderir.Unary: var op string switch e.Op { case shaderir.Add, shaderir.Sub, shaderir.NotOp: op = opString(e.Op) default: op = fmt.Sprintf("?(unexpected op: %d)", e.Op) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", op, expr(&e.Exprs[0])) case shaderir.Binary: switch e.Op { case shaderir.VectorEqualOp: return fmt.Sprintf("all((%s) == (%s))", expr(&e.Exprs[0]), expr(&e.Exprs[1])) case shaderir.VectorNotEqualOp: return fmt.Sprintf("!all((%s) == (%s))", expr(&e.Exprs[0]), expr(&e.Exprs[1])) } return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) %s (%s)", expr(&e.Exprs[0]), opString(e.Op), expr(&e.Exprs[1])) case shaderir.Selection: return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) ? (%s) : (%s)", expr(&e.Exprs[0]), expr(&e.Exprs[1]), expr(&e.Exprs[2])) case shaderir.Call: callee := e.Exprs[0] var args []string if callee.Type != shaderir.BuiltinFuncExpr { for i := range p.Uniforms { args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("U%d", i)) } for i := 0; i < p.TextureNum; i++ { args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("T%d", i)) } } for _, exp := range e.Exprs[1:] { args = append(args, expr(&exp)) } if callee.Type == shaderir.BuiltinFuncExpr && callee.BuiltinFunc == shaderir.Texture2DF { return fmt.Sprintf("%s.sample(texture_sampler, %s)", args[0], strings.Join(args[1:], ", ")) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", expr(&callee), strings.Join(args, ", ")) case shaderir.FieldSelector: return fmt.Sprintf("(%s).%s", expr(&e.Exprs[0]), expr(&e.Exprs[1])) case shaderir.Index: return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)[%s]", expr(&e.Exprs[0]), expr(&e.Exprs[1])) default: return fmt.Sprintf("?(unexpected expr: %d)", e.Type) } } for _, s := range block.Stmts { switch s.Type { case shaderir.ExprStmt: lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s;", idt, expr(&s.Exprs[0]))) case shaderir.BlockStmt: lines = append(lines, idt+"{") lines = append(lines, c.block(p, topBlock, s.Blocks[0], level+1)...) lines = append(lines, idt+"}") case shaderir.Assign: lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s = %s;", idt, expr(&s.Exprs[0]), expr(&s.Exprs[1]))) case shaderir.Init: init := true if topBlock == p.VertexFunc.Block { // In the vertex function, varying values are the output parameters. // These values are represented as a struct and not needed to be initialized. na := len(p.Attributes) nv := len(p.Varyings) if s.InitIndex < na+nv+1 { init = false } } if init { lines = append(lines, c.initVariable(p, topBlock, block, s.InitIndex, false, level)...) } case shaderir.If: lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%sif (%s) {", idt, expr(&s.Exprs[0]))) lines = append(lines, c.block(p, topBlock, s.Blocks[0], level+1)...) if len(s.Blocks) > 1 { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s} else {", idt)) lines = append(lines, c.block(p, topBlock, s.Blocks[1], level+1)...) } lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s}", idt)) case shaderir.For: var ct shaderir.ConstType switch s.ForVarType.Main { case shaderir.Int: ct = shaderir.ConstTypeInt case shaderir.Float: ct = shaderir.ConstTypeFloat } v := localVariableName(p, topBlock, s.ForVarIndex) var delta string switch val, _ := constant.Float64Val(s.ForDelta); val { case 0: delta = fmt.Sprintf("?(unexpected delta: %v)", s.ForDelta) case 1: delta = fmt.Sprintf("%s++", v) case -1: delta = fmt.Sprintf("%s--", v) default: d := s.ForDelta if val > 0 { delta = fmt.Sprintf("%s += %s", v, constantToNumberLiteral(ct, d)) } else { d = constant.UnaryOp(token.SUB, d, 0) delta = fmt.Sprintf("%s -= %s", v, constantToNumberLiteral(ct, d)) } } var op string switch s.ForOp { case shaderir.LessThanOp, shaderir.LessThanEqualOp, shaderir.GreaterThanOp, shaderir.GreaterThanEqualOp, shaderir.EqualOp, shaderir.NotEqualOp: op = opString(s.ForOp) default: op = fmt.Sprintf("?(unexpected op: %d)", s.ForOp) } t := s.ForVarType init := constantToNumberLiteral(ct, s.ForInit) end := constantToNumberLiteral(ct, s.ForEnd) ts := typeString(&t, false) lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%sfor (%s %s = %s; %s %s %s; %s) {", idt, ts, v, init, v, op, end, delta)) lines = append(lines, c.block(p, topBlock, s.Blocks[0], level+1)...) lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s}", idt)) case shaderir.Continue: lines = append(lines, idt+"continue;") case shaderir.Break: lines = append(lines, idt+"break;") case shaderir.Return: switch { case topBlock == p.VertexFunc.Block: lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%sreturn %s;", idt, vertexOut)) case len(s.Exprs) == 0: lines = append(lines, idt+"return;") default: lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%sreturn %s;", idt, expr(&s.Exprs[0]))) } case shaderir.Discard: // 'discard' is invoked only in the fragment shader entry point. lines = append(lines, idt+"discard_fragment();", idt+"return float4(0.0);") default: lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s?(unexpected stmt: %d)", idt, s.Type)) } } return lines }