// Copyright 2022 The Ebitengine Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #import #import #import #import #import "Ebitenmobileview.objc.h" @interface {{.PrefixUpper}}EbitenViewController : UIViewController @end @implementation {{.PrefixUpper}}EbitenViewController { UIView* metalView_; GLKView* glkView_; bool started_; bool active_; bool error_; CADisplayLink* displayLink_; bool explicitRendering_; NSThread* renderThread_; bool viewDidLoad_; bool gameSet_; } - (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil { self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]; if (self) { EbitenmobileviewSetSetGameNotifier(self); } return self; } - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { // Though initWithCoder might not be a designated initializer, this should be overwritten. // https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Archiving/Articles/codingobjects.html self = [super initWithCoder:coder]; if (self) { EbitenmobileviewSetSetGameNotifier(self); } return self; } - (UIView*)metalView { if (!metalView_) { metalView_ = [[UIView alloc] init]; metalView_.multipleTouchEnabled = YES; } return metalView_; } - (GLKView*)glkView { if (!glkView_) { glkView_ = [[GLKView alloc] init]; glkView_.multipleTouchEnabled = YES; } return glkView_; } - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; viewDidLoad_ = true; if (viewDidLoad_ && gameSet_) { [self initView]; } } - (void)initView { // initView must be called only when viewDidLoad_, and gameSet_ are true i.e. mobile.SetGame is called. // Or, EbitenmobileviewIsGL causes a dead lock (#2768). // A game is requried to determine a graphics driver, and EbitenmobileviewIsGL cannot return a value without a game. NSAssert(viewDidLoad_ && gameSet_, @"viewDidLoad must be called and a game must be set at initView"); if (!started_) { @synchronized(self) { active_ = true; } started_ = true; } NSError* err = nil; BOOL isGL = NO; EbitenmobileviewIsGL(&isGL, &err); if (err != nil) { [self onErrorOnGameUpdate:err]; @synchronized(self) { error_ = true; } return; } if (isGL) { self.glkView.delegate = (id)(self); [self.view addSubview: self.glkView]; } else { [self.view addSubview: self.metalView]; EbitenmobileviewSetUIView((uintptr_t)(self.metalView), &err); if (err != nil) { [self onErrorOnGameUpdate:err]; @synchronized(self) { error_ = true; } return; } } renderThread_ = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(initRenderer) object:nil]; [renderThread_ start]; } - (void)initRenderer { NSError* err = nil; BOOL isGL = NO; EbitenmobileviewIsGL(&isGL, &err); if (err != nil) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(onErrorOnGameUpdate:) withObject:err waitUntilDone:NO]; @synchronized(self) { error_ = true; } return; } if (isGL) { EAGLContext *context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2]; [self glkView].context = context; [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context]; } displayLink_ = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(drawFrame)]; [displayLink_ addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; EbitenmobileviewSetRenderRequester(self); // Run the loop. This will never return. [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run]; } - (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews { if (!started_) { return; } NSError* err = nil; BOOL isGL = NO; EbitenmobileviewIsGL(&isGL, &err); if (err != nil) { [self onErrorOnGameUpdate:err]; @synchronized(self) { error_ = true; } return; } CGRect viewRect = [[self view] frame]; if (isGL) { [[self glkView] setFrame:viewRect]; } else { [[self metalView] setFrame:viewRect]; } } - (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews { [super viewDidLayoutSubviews]; if (!started_) { return; } CGRect viewRect = [[self view] frame]; EbitenmobileviewLayout(viewRect.size.width, viewRect.size.height); } - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. // TODO: Notify this to Go world? } - (void)drawFrame{ @synchronized(self) { if (!active_) { return; } } NSError* err = nil; BOOL isGL = NO; EbitenmobileviewIsGL(&isGL, &err); if (err != nil) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(onErrorOnGameUpdate:) withObject:err waitUntilDone:NO]; @synchronized(self) { error_ = true; } return; } if (isGL) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[self glkView] setNeedsDisplay]; }); } else { [self updateEbiten]; } @synchronized(self) { if (explicitRendering_) { [displayLink_ setPaused:YES]; } } } - (void)glkView:(GLKView*)view drawInRect:(CGRect)rect { [self updateEbiten]; } - (void)updateEbiten { @synchronized(self) { if (error_) { return; } } NSError* err = nil; EbitenmobileviewUpdate(&err); if (err != nil) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(onErrorOnGameUpdate:) withObject:err waitUntilDone:NO]; @synchronized(self) { error_ = true; } } } - (void)onErrorOnGameUpdate:(NSError*)err { NSLog(@"Error: %@", err); } - (void)updateTouches:(NSSet*)touches { if (!started_) { return; } NSError* err = nil; BOOL isGL = NO; EbitenmobileviewIsGL(&isGL, &err); if (err != nil) { [self onErrorOnGameUpdate:err]; @synchronized(self) { error_ = true; } return; } for (UITouch* touch in touches) { if (isGL) { if (touch.view != [self glkView]) { continue; } } else { if (touch.view != [self metalView]) { continue; } } CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:touch.view]; EbitenmobileviewUpdateTouchesOnIOS(touch.phase, (uintptr_t)touch, location.x, location.y); } } - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { [self updateTouches:touches]; } - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { [self updateTouches:touches]; } - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { [self updateTouches:touches]; } - (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { [self updateTouches:touches]; } - (void)suspendGame { if (!started_) { return; } @synchronized(self) { active_ = false; } NSError* err = nil; EbitenmobileviewSuspend(&err); if (err != nil) { [self onErrorOnGameUpdate:err]; } } - (void)resumeGame { if (!started_) { return; } @synchronized(self) { active_ = true; } NSError* err = nil; EbitenmobileviewResume(&err); if (err != nil) { [self onErrorOnGameUpdate:err]; } } - (void)setExplicitRenderingMode:(BOOL)explicitRendering { @synchronized(self) { explicitRendering_ = explicitRendering; if (explicitRendering_) { [displayLink_ setPaused:YES]; } } } - (void)requestRenderIfNeeded { @synchronized(self) { if (explicitRendering_) { // Resume the callback temporarily. // This is paused again soon in drawFrame. [displayLink_ setPaused:NO]; } } } - (void)notifySetGame { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ gameSet_ = true; if (viewDidLoad_ && gameSet_) { [self initView]; } }); } @end