# License ## arcade_n.ttf ``` ============================================================= P.Font Series No. : 1013 Type : TrueType Family Name : Arcade Style Name : Arcade Normal Arcade Interlaced Arcade Rounded Author : Yuji Adachi Description : Copyright (C)1997-2003 Yuji Adachi Support URL : http://www.9031.com/ ============================================================= Attention 印刷物、WEBページ等での御使用は自由ですが、このフォントを、 作者の許可なく販売したり、営利目的の製品に添付することは禁じます。 また、このフォントのデザインは予告なく変更することがあります。 足立 裕司 yuji@9031.com ``` ## mplus-1p-regular.ttf ``` M+ FONTS Copyright (C) 2002-2015 M+ FONTS PROJECT - LICENSE_E These fonts are free software. Unlimited permission is granted to use, copy, and distribute them, with or without modification, either commercially or noncommercially. THESE FONTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY. http://mplus-fonts.sourceforge.jp/mplus-outline-fonts/ ``` ## PressStart2P-vaV7.ttf ``` Copyright (c) 2011, Cody "CodeMan38" Boisclair (cody@zone38.net), with Reserved Font Name "Press Start". This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. ```