A dead simple 2D game library in Go

Stable Version
Development Version

Featured Projects

Bear's Restaurant
Bluebird of Happiness
Clock of Atonement
Inovation 2007

Find more nice works with Ebiten!

Game Examples

Ebiten example: 2048
Ebiten example: blocks
Ebiten example: flappy


Windows (No Cgo!), macOS, Linux, FreeBSD
Android, iOS
Web browsers
Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge (GopherJS and WebAssembly (Experimental))

Note: Gamepads and keyboard are not available on Android/iOS.


2D Graphics
Geometry/Color matrix transformation, Various composition modes, Offscreen rendering, Fullscreen, Text rendering, Automatic batches, Automatic texture atlas
Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepads, Touches
Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, WAV, PCM



Ebiten example: airship
Ebiten example: animation
Ebiten example: blur
Ebiten example: drag
Ebiten example: filter
Ebiten example: flood
Ebiten example: font
Ebiten example: highdpi
Ebiten example: hsv
Ebiten example: infinitescroll
Ebiten example: life
Ebiten example: mandelbrot
Ebiten example: masking
Ebiten example: mosaic
Ebiten example: noise
Ebiten example: paint
Ebiten example: particles
Ebiten example: perspective
Ebiten example: polygons
Ebiten example: raycasting
Ebiten example: sprites
Ebiten example: tiles


Ebiten example: gamepad
Ebiten example: keyboard
Ebiten example: typewriter
Ebiten example: wheel


Ebiten example: audio
Ebiten example: piano
Ebiten example: sinewave

The Gopher photographs by Chris Nokleberg are licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions License.

Execute the examples

go get github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/...
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/examples
go run -tags=example rotate/main.go

Note that you need to add -tags=example to run examples.

Getting Started

Let's build a simple "Hello world!" game to get started with Ebiten. First create a new directory (mkdir hello_world), and change into it (cd hello_world). Type the following code into the main.go file:

package main

import (

func update(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
        ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen, "Hello world!")
        return nil

func main() {
        ebiten.Run(update, 320, 240, 2, "Hello world!")

Run the go run command to start the game. There you have it, your first Ebiten game!