// Copyright 2014 Hajime Hoshi // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // +build js package opengl import ( "errors" "fmt" "github.com/hajimehoshi/gopherwasm/js" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/internal/web" ) type ( Texture js.Value Framebuffer js.Value Shader js.Value Program js.Value Buffer js.Value uniformLocation js.Value ) type attribLocation int type programID int var InvalidTexture = Texture(js.Null) func getProgramID(p Program) programID { return programID(js.Value(p).Get("__ebiten_programId").Int()) } func init() { // Accessing the prototype is rquired on Safari. c := js.Global.Get("WebGLRenderingContext").Get("prototype") VertexShader = ShaderType(c.Get("VERTEX_SHADER").Int()) FragmentShader = ShaderType(c.Get("FRAGMENT_SHADER").Int()) ArrayBuffer = BufferType(c.Get("ARRAY_BUFFER").Int()) ElementArrayBuffer = BufferType(c.Get("ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER").Int()) DynamicDraw = BufferUsage(c.Get("DYNAMIC_DRAW").Int()) Triangles = Mode(c.Get("TRIANGLES").Int()) Lines = Mode(c.Get("LINES").Int()) Short = DataType(c.Get("SHORT").Int()) Float = DataType(c.Get("FLOAT").Int()) zero = operation(c.Get("ZERO").Int()) one = operation(c.Get("ONE").Int()) srcAlpha = operation(c.Get("SRC_ALPHA").Int()) dstAlpha = operation(c.Get("DST_ALPHA").Int()) oneMinusSrcAlpha = operation(c.Get("ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA").Int()) oneMinusDstAlpha = operation(c.Get("ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA").Int()) } type context struct { gl js.Value loseContext js.Value lastProgramID programID } func Init() error { if web.IsNodeJS() { return fmt.Errorf("opengl: Node.js is not supported") } if js.Global.Get("WebGLRenderingContext") == js.Undefined { return fmt.Errorf("opengl: WebGL is not supported") } // TODO: Define id? canvas := js.Global.Get("document").Call("querySelector", "canvas") attr := js.Global.Get("Object").New() attr.Set("alpha", true) attr.Set("premultipliedAlpha", true) gl := canvas.Call("getContext", "webgl", attr) if gl == js.Null { gl = canvas.Call("getContext", "experimental-webgl", attr) if gl == js.Null { return fmt.Errorf("opengl: getContext failed") } } c := &Context{} c.gl = gl // Getting an extension might fail after the context is lost, so // it is required to get the extension here. c.loseContext = gl.Call("getExtension", "WEBGL_lose_context") if c.loseContext != js.Null { // This testing function name is temporary. js.Global.Set("_ebiten_loseContextForTesting", js.NewCallback(func([]js.Value) { c.loseContext.Call("loseContext") })) } theContext = c return nil } func (c *Context) Reset() error { c.locationCache = newLocationCache() c.lastTexture = Texture(js.Null) c.lastFramebuffer = Framebuffer(js.Null) c.lastViewportWidth = 0 c.lastViewportHeight = 0 c.lastCompositeMode = CompositeModeUnknown gl := c.gl gl.Call("enable", gl.Get("BLEND")) c.BlendFunc(CompositeModeSourceOver) f := gl.Call("getParameter", gl.Get("FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING")) c.screenFramebuffer = Framebuffer(f) return nil } func (c *Context) BlendFunc(mode CompositeMode) { if c.lastCompositeMode == mode { return } c.lastCompositeMode = mode s, d := operations(mode) gl := c.gl gl.Call("blendFunc", int(s), int(d)) } func (c *Context) NewTexture(width, height int) (Texture, error) { gl := c.gl t := gl.Call("createTexture") if t == js.Null { return Texture(js.Null), errors.New("opengl: glGenTexture failed") } gl.Call("pixelStorei", gl.Get("UNPACK_ALIGNMENT"), 4) c.BindTexture(Texture(t)) gl.Call("texParameteri", gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), gl.Get("TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER"), gl.Get("NEAREST")) gl.Call("texParameteri", gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), gl.Get("TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER"), gl.Get("NEAREST")) gl.Call("texParameteri", gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), gl.Get("TEXTURE_WRAP_S"), gl.Get("CLAMP_TO_EDGE")) gl.Call("texParameteri", gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), gl.Get("TEXTURE_WRAP_T"), gl.Get("CLAMP_TO_EDGE")) // void texImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, // GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, // GLenum type, ArrayBufferView? pixels); gl.Call("texImage2D", gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), 0, gl.Get("RGBA"), width, height, 0, gl.Get("RGBA"), gl.Get("UNSIGNED_BYTE"), nil) return Texture(t), nil } func (c *Context) bindFramebufferImpl(f Framebuffer) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("bindFramebuffer", gl.Get("FRAMEBUFFER"), js.Value(f)) } func (c *Context) FramebufferPixels(f Framebuffer, width, height int) ([]byte, error) { gl := c.gl c.bindFramebuffer(f) pixels := make([]byte, 4*width*height) gl.Call("readPixels", 0, 0, width, height, gl.Get("RGBA"), gl.Get("UNSIGNED_BYTE"), pixels) if e := gl.Call("getError"); e.Int() != gl.Get("NO_ERROR").Int() { return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("opengl: error: %d", e)) } return pixels, nil } func (c *Context) bindTextureImpl(t Texture) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("bindTexture", gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), js.Value(t)) } func (c *Context) DeleteTexture(t Texture) { gl := c.gl if !gl.Call("isTexture", js.Value(t)).Bool() { return } if c.lastTexture == t { c.lastTexture = Texture(js.Null) } gl.Call("deleteTexture", js.Value(t)) } func (c *Context) IsTexture(t Texture) bool { gl := c.gl return gl.Call("isTexture", js.Value(t)).Bool() } func (c *Context) TexSubImage2D(p []byte, x, y, width, height int) { gl := c.gl // void texSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, // GLsizei width, GLsizei height, // GLenum format, GLenum type, ArrayBufferView? pixels); gl.Call("texSubImage2D", gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), 0, x, y, width, height, gl.Get("RGBA"), gl.Get("UNSIGNED_BYTE"), p) } func (c *Context) NewFramebuffer(t Texture) (Framebuffer, error) { gl := c.gl f := gl.Call("createFramebuffer") c.bindFramebuffer(Framebuffer(f)) gl.Call("framebufferTexture2D", gl.Get("FRAMEBUFFER"), gl.Get("COLOR_ATTACHMENT0"), gl.Get("TEXTURE_2D"), js.Value(t), 0) if s := gl.Call("checkFramebufferStatus", gl.Get("FRAMEBUFFER")); s.Int() != gl.Get("FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE").Int() { return Framebuffer(js.Null), errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: %d", s.Int())) } return Framebuffer(f), nil } func (c *Context) setViewportImpl(width, height int) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("viewport", 0, 0, width, height) } func (c *Context) DeleteFramebuffer(f Framebuffer) { gl := c.gl if !gl.Call("isFramebuffer", js.Value(f)).Bool() { return } // If a framebuffer to be deleted is bound, a newly bound framebuffer // will be a default framebuffer. // https://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glDeleteFramebuffers.xml if c.lastFramebuffer == f { c.lastFramebuffer = Framebuffer(js.Null) c.lastViewportWidth = 0 c.lastViewportHeight = 0 } gl.Call("deleteFramebuffer", js.Value(f)) } func (c *Context) NewShader(shaderType ShaderType, source string) (Shader, error) { gl := c.gl s := gl.Call("createShader", int(shaderType)) if s == js.Null { return Shader(js.Null), fmt.Errorf("opengl: glCreateShader failed: shader type: %d", shaderType) } gl.Call("shaderSource", js.Value(s), source) gl.Call("compileShader", js.Value(s)) if !gl.Call("getShaderParameter", js.Value(s), gl.Get("COMPILE_STATUS")).Bool() { log := gl.Call("getShaderInfoLog", js.Value(s)) return Shader(js.Null), fmt.Errorf("opengl: shader compile failed: %s", log) } return Shader(s), nil } func (c *Context) DeleteShader(s Shader) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("deleteShader", js.Value(s)) } func (c *Context) NewProgram(shaders []Shader) (Program, error) { gl := c.gl p := gl.Call("createProgram") if p == js.Null { return Program(js.Null), errors.New("opengl: glCreateProgram failed") } p.Set("__ebiten_programId", int(c.lastProgramID)) c.lastProgramID++ for _, shader := range shaders { gl.Call("attachShader", js.Value(p), js.Value(shader)) } gl.Call("linkProgram", js.Value(p)) if !gl.Call("getProgramParameter", js.Value(p), gl.Get("LINK_STATUS")).Bool() { return Program(js.Null), errors.New("opengl: program error") } return Program(p), nil } func (c *Context) UseProgram(p Program) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("useProgram", js.Value(p)) } func (c *Context) DeleteProgram(p Program) { gl := c.gl if !gl.Call("isProgram", p).Bool() { return } gl.Call("deleteProgram", p) } func (c *Context) getUniformLocationImpl(p Program, location string) uniformLocation { gl := c.gl return uniformLocation(gl.Call("getUniformLocation", js.Value(p), location)) } func (c *Context) UniformInt(p Program, location string, v int) { gl := c.gl l := c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location) gl.Call("uniform1i", js.Value(l), v) } func (c *Context) UniformFloat(p Program, location string, v float32) { gl := c.gl l := c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location) gl.Call("uniform1f", js.Value(l), v) } func (c *Context) UniformFloats(p Program, location string, v []float32) { gl := c.gl l := c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location) switch len(v) { case 2: gl.Call("uniform2f", js.Value(l), v[0], v[1]) case 4: gl.Call("uniform4f", js.Value(l), v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]) case 16: m := js.Global.Get("Float32Array").New(16) for i := range v { m.SetIndex(i, v[i]) } gl.Call("uniformMatrix4fv", js.Value(l), false, m) default: panic("not reached") } } func (c *Context) getAttribLocationImpl(p Program, location string) attribLocation { gl := c.gl return attribLocation(gl.Call("getAttribLocation", js.Value(p), location).Int()) } func (c *Context) VertexAttribPointer(p Program, location string, size int, dataType DataType, stride int, offset int) { gl := c.gl l := c.locationCache.GetAttribLocation(c, p, location) gl.Call("vertexAttribPointer", int(l), size, int(dataType), false, stride, offset) } func (c *Context) EnableVertexAttribArray(p Program, location string) { gl := c.gl l := c.locationCache.GetAttribLocation(c, p, location) gl.Call("enableVertexAttribArray", int(l)) } func (c *Context) DisableVertexAttribArray(p Program, location string) { gl := c.gl l := c.locationCache.GetAttribLocation(c, p, location) gl.Call("disableVertexAttribArray", int(l)) } func (c *Context) NewArrayBuffer(size int) Buffer { gl := c.gl b := gl.Call("createBuffer") gl.Call("bindBuffer", int(ArrayBuffer), js.Value(b)) gl.Call("bufferData", int(ArrayBuffer), size, int(DynamicDraw)) return Buffer(b) } func (c *Context) NewElementArrayBuffer(size int) Buffer { gl := c.gl b := gl.Call("createBuffer") gl.Call("bindBuffer", int(ElementArrayBuffer), js.Value(b)) gl.Call("bufferData", int(ElementArrayBuffer), size, int(DynamicDraw)) return Buffer(b) } func (c *Context) BindBuffer(bufferType BufferType, b Buffer) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("bindBuffer", int(bufferType), js.Value(b)) } func (c *Context) ArrayBufferSubData(data []float32) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("bufferSubData", int(ArrayBuffer), 0, js.ValueOf(data)) } func (c *Context) ElementArrayBufferSubData(data []uint16) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("bufferSubData", int(ElementArrayBuffer), 0, js.ValueOf(data)) } func (c *Context) DeleteBuffer(b Buffer) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("deleteBuffer", js.Value(b)) } func (c *Context) DrawElements(mode Mode, len int, offsetInBytes int) { gl := c.gl gl.Call("drawElements", int(mode), len, gl.Get("UNSIGNED_SHORT"), offsetInBytes) } func (c *Context) maxTextureSizeImpl() int { gl := c.gl return gl.Call("getParameter", gl.Get("MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE")).Int() } func (c *Context) Flush() { gl := c.gl gl.Call("flush") } func (c *Context) IsContextLost() bool { gl := c.gl return gl.Call("isContextLost").Bool() } func (c *Context) RestoreContext() { if c.loseContext != js.Null { c.loseContext.Call("restoreContext") } }