// Copyright 2024 The Ebitengine Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package main import ( "fmt" "image" "image/color" "log" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/ebitenutil" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/inpututil" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/vector" ) type Game struct { contentArea image.Rectangle // dragging indicates whether a pointing device is dragging the content. dragging bool // prevY is the previous Y value of a pointing device in the last frame. prevY int // startY is the initial Y value of a pointing device where dragging started. startY int // offsetY is the content offset in the Y axis. offsetY int // offsetStartY is the content offset in the Y axis when dragging started. offsetStartY int // velocityY is the scrolling velocity when a pointing device is released. velocityY int itemCount int itemHeight int touchIDs []ebiten.TouchID justReleasedTouchIDs []ebiten.TouchID } func (g *Game) updateInput() { g.touchIDs = ebiten.AppendTouchIDs(g.touchIDs[:0]) g.justReleasedTouchIDs = inpututil.AppendJustReleasedTouchIDs(g.justReleasedTouchIDs[:0]) } // pointingDevicePosition returns the position of a pointing device (a touch or a mouse). func (g *Game) pointingDevicePosition() (x, y int) { if len(g.touchIDs) > 0 { return ebiten.TouchPosition(g.touchIDs[0]) } return ebiten.CursorPosition() } // isPointingDevicePressed reports whether a pointing device is pressed. func (g *Game) isPointingDevicePressed() bool { if len(g.touchIDs) > 0 { return true } return ebiten.IsMouseButtonPressed(ebiten.MouseButtonLeft) } // isPointingDeviceJustReleased reports whether a pointing device is just released. func (g *Game) isPointingDeviceJustReleased() bool { if len(g.justReleasedTouchIDs) > 0 { return false } return inpututil.IsMouseButtonJustReleased(ebiten.MouseButtonLeft) } func (g *Game) Update() error { g.updateInput() x, y := g.pointingDevicePosition() defer func() { g.prevY = y }() hovering := image.Pt(x, y).In(g.contentArea) // If a pointing device is just released, start scrolling. if g.isPointingDeviceJustReleased() && g.dragging { g.dragging = false g.velocityY = y - g.prevY return nil } // Process a mouse wheel. if _, wheelY := ebiten.Wheel(); wheelY != 0 && !g.dragging && hovering { g.velocityY = int(wheelY) } // If a pointing device is NOT pressed, scroll by the inertia. if !g.isPointingDevicePressed() { g.dragging = false g.setOffsetY(g.offsetY + g.velocityY) if g.velocityY != 0 { g.velocityY = int(float64(g.velocityY) * 15.0 / 16.0) } return nil } // As a pointing device is pressed, stop the inertia. g.velocityY = 0 if !g.dragging && hovering { g.dragging = true g.offsetStartY = g.offsetY g.startY = y } // If a pinting device is pressed, adjust the offset by the movement. if g.dragging { g.setOffsetY(g.offsetStartY + y - g.startY) } return nil } func (g *Game) setOffsetY(offsetY int) { g.offsetY = offsetY if g.offsetY > 0 { g.offsetY = 0 } h := g.contentHeight() if g.offsetY < -h+g.contentArea.Dy() { g.offsetY = -h + g.contentArea.Dy() } } func (g *Game) contentHeight() int { return g.itemCount * g.itemHeight } func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) { // Render the content. Use SubImage as a mask. screenContentArea := screen.SubImage(g.contentArea).(*ebiten.Image) for i := 0; i < g.itemCount; i++ { itemRegion := image.Rect(0, i*g.itemHeight, g.contentArea.Dx(), (i+1)*g.itemHeight) itemRegion = itemRegion.Add(image.Pt(g.contentArea.Min.X, g.contentArea.Min.Y)) itemRegion = itemRegion.Add(image.Pt(0, g.offsetY)) // Skip rendering if the item is out of the content area. if itemRegion.Intersect(g.contentArea).Empty() { continue } vector.DrawFilledRect(screenContentArea, float32(itemRegion.Min.X), float32(itemRegion.Min.Y), float32(itemRegion.Dx()), float32(itemRegion.Dy()), color.RGBA{byte(i), byte(i), byte(i), 0xff}, false) text := fmt.Sprintf("Item %d", i) if i == 0 { text += " (drag or touch to scroll)" } ebitenutil.DebugPrintAt(screenContentArea, text, itemRegion.Min.X, itemRegion.Min.Y) } // Render the content border line. vector.StrokeRect(screen, float32(g.contentArea.Min.X), float32(g.contentArea.Min.Y), float32(g.contentArea.Dx()), float32(g.contentArea.Dy()), 1, color.White, false) } func (g *Game) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (int, int) { const offset = 16 g.contentArea = image.Rect(offset, offset, outsideWidth-offset, outsideHeight-offset) return outsideWidth, outsideHeight } func main() { ebiten.SetWindowTitle("Scroll (Ebitengine Demo)") ebiten.SetWindowResizingMode(ebiten.WindowResizingModeEnabled) ebiten.SetWindowSizeLimits(320, 240, -1, -1) if err := ebiten.RunGame(&Game{ itemCount: 256, itemHeight: 24, }); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }