// Copyright 2016 Hajime Hoshi // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build !ios && !nintendosdk package ui import ( "fmt" "reflect" "unsafe" "github.com/ebitengine/purego/objc" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/cocoa" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/glfw" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/graphicsdriver" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/graphicsdriver/metal" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/graphicsdriver/opengl" ) var class_EbitengineWindowDelegate objc.Class func init() { var err error pushResizableState := func(id, win objc.ID) { window := cocoa.NSWindow{ID: win} id.Send(sel_setOrigResizable, window.StyleMask()&cocoa.NSWindowStyleMaskResizable != 0) if !objc.Send[bool](id, sel_origResizable) { window.SetStyleMask(window.StyleMask() | cocoa.NSWindowStyleMaskResizable) } } popResizableState := func(id, win objc.ID) { if !objc.Send[bool](id, sel_origResizable) { window := cocoa.NSWindow{ID: win} window.SetStyleMask(window.StyleMask() & ^uint(cocoa.NSWindowStyleMaskResizable)) } id.Send(sel_setOrigResizable, false) } class_EbitengineWindowDelegate, err = objc.RegisterClass( "EbitengineWindowDelegate", objc.GetClass("NSObject"), []*objc.Protocol{objc.GetProtocol("NSWindowDelegate")}, []objc.FieldDef{ { Name: "origDelegate", Type: reflect.TypeOf(objc.ID(0)), Attribute: objc.ReadWrite, }, { Name: "origResizable", Type: reflect.TypeOf(true), Attribute: objc.ReadWrite, }, }, []objc.MethodDef{ { Cmd: sel_initWithOrigDelegate, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, origDelegate objc.ID) objc.ID { self := id.SendSuper(sel_init) if self != 0 { id.Send(sel_setOrigDelegate, origDelegate) } return self }, }, // The method set of origDelegate must sync with GLFWWindowDelegate's implementation. // See cocoa_window.m in GLFW. { Cmd: sel_windowShouldClose, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) bool { return id.Send(sel_origDelegate).Send(cmd, notification) != 0 }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidResize, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { id.Send(sel_origDelegate).Send(cmd, notification) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidMove, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { id.Send(sel_origDelegate).Send(cmd, notification) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidMiniaturize, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { id.Send(sel_origDelegate).Send(cmd, notification) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidBecomeKey, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { id.Send(sel_origDelegate).Send(cmd, notification) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidResignKey, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { id.Send(sel_origDelegate).Send(cmd, notification) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidChangeOcclusionState, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { id.Send(sel_origDelegate).Send(cmd, notification) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowWillEnterFullScreen, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { theUI.setOrigWindowPosWithCurrentPos() pushResizableState(id, cocoa.NSNotification{ID: notification}.Object()) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidEnterFullScreen, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { popResizableState(id, cocoa.NSNotification{ID: notification}.Object()) }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowWillExitFullScreen, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { pushResizableState(id, cocoa.NSNotification{ID: notification}.Object()) // Even a window has a size limitation, a window can be fullscreen by calling SetFullscreen(true). // In this case, the window size limitation is disabled temporarily. // When exiting from fullscreen, reset the window size limitation. theUI.updateWindowSizeLimits() }, }, { Cmd: sel_windowDidExitFullScreen, Fn: func(id objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL, notification objc.ID) { popResizableState(id, cocoa.NSNotification{ID: notification}.Object()) // Do not call setFrame here (#2295). setFrame here causes unexpected results. }, }, }, ) if err != nil { panic(err) } } type graphicsDriverCreatorImpl struct { transparent bool } func (g *graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newAuto() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, GraphicsLibrary, error) { m, err1 := g.newMetal() if err1 == nil { return m, GraphicsLibraryMetal, nil } o, err2 := g.newOpenGL() if err2 == nil { return o, GraphicsLibraryOpenGL, nil } return nil, GraphicsLibraryUnknown, fmt.Errorf("ui: failed to choose graphics drivers: Metal: %v, OpenGL: %v", err1, err2) } func (*graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newOpenGL() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, error) { return opengl.NewGraphics() } func (*graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newDirectX() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, error) { return nil, nil } func (*graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newMetal() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, error) { return metal.NewGraphics() } // glfwMonitorSizeInDIP must be called from the main thread. func glfwMonitorSizeInDIP(monitor *glfw.Monitor, contentScale float64) (float64, float64) { vm := monitor.GetVideoMode() return float64(vm.Width), float64(vm.Height) } func dipFromGLFWPixel(x float64, monitor *Monitor) float64 { // NOTE: On macOS, GLFW exposes the device independent coordinate system. // Thus, the conversion functions are unnecessary, // however we still need the deviceScaleFactor internally // so we can create and maintain a HiDPI frame buffer. return x } func dipToGLFWPixel(x float64, monitor *Monitor) float64 { return x } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) adjustWindowPosition(x, y int, monitor *Monitor) (int, int) { return x, y } var ( class_NSCursor = objc.GetClass("NSCursor") class_NSEvent = objc.GetClass("NSEvent") ) var ( sel_alloc = objc.RegisterName("alloc") sel_collectionBehavior = objc.RegisterName("collectionBehavior") sel_delegate = objc.RegisterName("delegate") sel_init = objc.RegisterName("init") sel_initWithOrigDelegate = objc.RegisterName("initWithOrigDelegate:") sel_mouseLocation = objc.RegisterName("mouseLocation") sel_origDelegate = objc.RegisterName("origDelegate") sel_origResizable = objc.RegisterName("isOrigResizable") sel_setCollectionBehavior = objc.RegisterName("setCollectionBehavior:") sel_setDelegate = objc.RegisterName("setDelegate:") sel_setOrigDelegate = objc.RegisterName("setOrigDelegate:") sel_setOrigResizable = objc.RegisterName("setOrigResizable:") sel_toggleFullScreen = objc.RegisterName("toggleFullScreen:") sel_windowDidBecomeKey = objc.RegisterName("windowDidBecomeKey:") sel_windowDidDeminiaturize = objc.RegisterName("windowDidDeminiaturize:") sel_windowDidEnterFullScreen = objc.RegisterName("windowDidEnterFullScreen:") sel_windowDidExitFullScreen = objc.RegisterName("windowDidExitFullScreen:") sel_windowDidMiniaturize = objc.RegisterName("windowDidMiniaturize:") sel_windowDidMove = objc.RegisterName("windowDidMove:") sel_windowDidResignKey = objc.RegisterName("windowDidResignKey:") sel_windowDidResize = objc.RegisterName("windowDidResize:") sel_windowDidChangeOcclusionState = objc.RegisterName("windowDidChangeOcclusionState:") sel_windowShouldClose = objc.RegisterName("windowShouldClose:") sel_windowWillEnterFullScreen = objc.RegisterName("windowWillEnterFullScreen:") sel_windowWillExitFullScreen = objc.RegisterName("windowWillExitFullScreen:") ) func currentMouseLocation() (x, y int) { sig := cocoa.NSMethodSignature_signatureWithObjCTypes("{NSPoint=dd}@:") inv := cocoa.NSInvocation_invocationWithMethodSignature(sig) inv.SetTarget(objc.ID(class_NSEvent)) inv.SetSelector(sel_mouseLocation) inv.Invoke() var point cocoa.NSPoint inv.GetReturnValue(unsafe.Pointer(&point)) return int(point.X), int(point.Y) } func initialMonitorByOS() (*Monitor, error) { x, y := currentMouseLocation() // Find the monitor including the cursor. for _, m := range theMonitors.append(nil) { w, h := m.videoMode.Width, m.videoMode.Height if x >= m.x && x < m.x+w && y >= m.y && y < m.y+h { return m, nil } } return nil, nil } func monitorFromWindowByOS(w *glfw.Window) *Monitor { window := cocoa.NSWindow{ID: objc.ID(w.GetCocoaWindow())} pool := cocoa.NSAutoreleasePool_new() screen := cocoa.NSScreen_mainScreen() if window.ID != 0 && window.IsVisible() { // When the window is visible, the window is already initialized. // [NSScreen mainScreen] sometimes tells a lie when the window is put across monitors (#703). screen = window.Screen() } screenDictionary := screen.DeviceDescription() screenID := cocoa.NSNumber{ID: screenDictionary.ObjectForKey(cocoa.NSString_alloc().InitWithUTF8String("NSScreenNumber").ID)} aID := uintptr(screenID.UnsignedIntValue()) // CGDirectDisplayID pool.Release() for _, m := range theMonitors.append(nil) { if m.m.GetCocoaMonitor() == aID { return m } } return nil } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) nativeWindow() uintptr { return u.window.GetCocoaWindow() } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) isNativeFullscreen() bool { return cocoa.NSWindow{ID: objc.ID(u.window.GetCocoaWindow())}.StyleMask()&cocoa.NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen != 0 } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) isNativeFullscreenAvailable() bool { // TODO: If the window is transparent, we should use GLFW's windowed fullscreen (#1822, #1857). // However, if the user clicks the green button, should this window be in native fullscreen mode? return true } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) setNativeFullscreen(fullscreen bool) { // Toggling fullscreen might ignore events like keyUp. Ensure that events are fired. glfw.WaitEventsTimeout(0.1) window := cocoa.NSWindow{ID: objc.ID(u.window.GetCocoaWindow())} if window.StyleMask()&cocoa.NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen != 0 == fullscreen { return } // Even though EbitengineWindowDelegate is used, this hack is still required. // toggleFullscreen doesn't work when the window is not resizable. origCollectionBehavior := window.Send(sel_collectionBehavior) origFullScreen := origCollectionBehavior&cocoa.NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary != 0 if !origFullScreen { collectionBehavior := origCollectionBehavior collectionBehavior |= cocoa.NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary collectionBehavior &^= cocoa.NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenNone window.Send(sel_setCollectionBehavior, cocoa.NSUInteger(collectionBehavior)) } window.Send(sel_toggleFullScreen, 0) if !origFullScreen { window.Send(sel_setCollectionBehavior, cocoa.NSUInteger(cocoa.NSUInteger(origCollectionBehavior))) } } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) adjustViewSizeAfterFullscreen() { if u.graphicsDriver.IsGL() { return } window := cocoa.NSWindow{ID: objc.ID(u.window.GetCocoaWindow())} if window.StyleMask()&cocoa.NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen == 0 { return } // Reduce the view height (#1745). // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27758027/sprite-kit-serious-fps-issue-in-full-screen-mode-on-os-x windowSize := window.Frame().Size view := window.ContentView() viewSize := view.Frame().Size if windowSize.Width != viewSize.Width || windowSize.Height != viewSize.Height { return } viewSize.Width-- view.SetFrameSize(viewSize) // NSColor.blackColor (0, 0, 0, 1) didn't work. // Use the transparent color instead. window.SetBackgroundColor(cocoa.NSColor_colorWithSRGBRedGreenBlueAlpha(0, 0, 0, 0)) } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) isFullscreenAllowedFromUI(mode WindowResizingMode) bool { if u.maxWindowWidthInDIP != glfw.DontCare || u.maxWindowHeightInDIP != glfw.DontCare { return false } if mode == WindowResizingModeOnlyFullscreenEnabled { return true } if mode == WindowResizingModeEnabled { return true } return false } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) setWindowResizingModeForOS(mode WindowResizingMode) { var collectionBehavior uint if u.isFullscreenAllowedFromUI(mode) { collectionBehavior |= cocoa.NSWindowCollectionBehaviorManaged collectionBehavior |= cocoa.NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary } else { collectionBehavior |= cocoa.NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenNone } objc.ID(u.window.GetCocoaWindow()).Send(sel_setCollectionBehavior, collectionBehavior) } func initializeWindowAfterCreation(w *glfw.Window) { // TODO: Register NSWindowWillEnterFullScreenNotification and so on. // Enable resizing temporary before making the window fullscreen. nswindow := objc.ID(w.GetCocoaWindow()) delegate := objc.ID(class_EbitengineWindowDelegate).Send(sel_alloc).Send(sel_initWithOrigDelegate, nswindow.Send(sel_delegate)) nswindow.Send(sel_setDelegate, delegate) } func (u *userInterfaceImpl) skipTaskbar() error { return nil }