Ebiten example - masking

// +build example jsgo

package main

import (
        _ "image/jpeg"


const (
        screenWidth  = 320
        screenHeight = 240

var (
        bgImage        *ebiten.Image
        fgImage        *ebiten.Image
        maskedFgImage  *ebiten.Image
        spotLightImage *ebiten.Image
        spotLightX     = 0
        spotLightY     = 0
        spotLightVX    = 1
        spotLightVY    = 1

func init() {
        // Decode image from a byte slice instead of a file so that
        // this example works in any working directory.
        // If you want to use a file, there are some options:
        // 1) Use os.Open and pass the file to the image decoder.
        //    This is a very regular way, but doesn't work on browsers.
        // 2) Use ebitenutil.OpenFile and pass the file to the image decoder.
        //    This works even on browsers.
        // 3) Use ebitenutil.NewImageFromFile to create an ebiten.Image directly from a file.
        //    This also works on browsers.
        img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(images.Gophers_jpg))
        if err != nil {
        bgImage, _ = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(img, ebiten.FilterDefault)

        img, _, err = image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(images.FiveYears_jpg))
        if err != nil {
        fgImage, _ = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(img, ebiten.FilterDefault)

        maskedFgImage, _ = ebiten.NewImage(screenWidth, screenHeight, ebiten.FilterDefault)

        // Initialize the spot light image.
        const r = 64
        alphas := image.Point{r * 2, r * 2}
        a := image.NewAlpha(image.Rectangle{image.ZP, alphas})
        for j := 0; j < alphas.Y; j++ {
                for i := 0; i < alphas.X; i++ {
                        // d is the distance between (i, j) and the (circle) center.
                        d := math.Sqrt(float64((i-r)*(i-r) + (j-r)*(j-r)))
                        // Alphas around the center are 0 and values outside of the circle are 0xff.
                        b := uint8(max(0, min(0xff, int(3*d*0xff/r)-2*0xff)))
                        a.SetAlpha(i, j, color.Alpha{b})
        spotLightImage, _ = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(a, ebiten.FilterDefault)

func update(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
        spotLightX += spotLightVX
        spotLightY += spotLightVY
        if spotLightX < 0 {
                spotLightX = -spotLightX
                spotLightVX = -spotLightVX
        if spotLightY < 0 {
                spotLightY = -spotLightY
                spotLightVY = -spotLightVY
        w, h := spotLightImage.Size()
        maxX, maxY := screenWidth-w, screenHeight-h
        if maxX < spotLightX {
                spotLightX = -spotLightX + 2*maxX
                spotLightVX = -spotLightVX
        if maxY < spotLightY {
                spotLightY = -spotLightY + 2*maxY
                spotLightVY = -spotLightVY

        if ebiten.IsRunningSlowly() {
                return nil

        // Reset the maskedFgImage.
        op := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
        op.CompositeMode = ebiten.CompositeModeCopy
        op.GeoM.Translate(float64(spotLightX), float64(spotLightY))
        maskedFgImage.DrawImage(spotLightImage, op)

        // Use 'source-in' composite mode so that the source image (fgImage) is used but the alpha
        // is determined by the destination image (maskedFgImage).
        // The result image is the source image with the destination alpha. In maskedFgImage, alpha
        // values in the hole is 0 and alpha values in other places are 0xff. As a result, the
        // maskedFgImage draws the source image with a hole that shape is spotLightImage. Note that
        // RGB values in the destination image are ignored.
        // See also https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_srcin.
        op = &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
        op.CompositeMode = ebiten.CompositeModeSourceIn
        maskedFgImage.DrawImage(fgImage, op)

        screen.Fill(color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff})
        screen.DrawImage(bgImage, &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{})
        screen.DrawImage(maskedFgImage, &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{})

        return nil

func max(a, b int) int {
        if a < b {
                return b
        return a

func min(a, b int) int {
        if a < b {
                return a
        return b

func main() {
        if err := ebiten.Run(update, screenWidth, screenHeight, 2, "Masking (Ebiten Demo)"); err != nil {