// Copyright 2016 Hajime Hoshi // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package loop import ( "errors" "sync" "time" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/internal/graphics/opengl" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/internal/ui" ) func CurrentFPS() float64 { return currentRunContext.getCurrentFPS() } func IsRunning() bool { if currentRunContext == nil { return false } return currentRunContext.isRunning() } type runContext struct { running bool fps int currentFPS float64 runningSlowly bool frames int lastUpdated int64 lastFPSUpdated int64 m sync.RWMutex } var currentRunContext *runContext func (c *runContext) startRunning() { c.m.Lock() defer c.m.Unlock() c.running = true } func (c *runContext) isRunning() bool { c.m.RLock() defer c.m.RUnlock() return c.running } func (c *runContext) endRunning() { c.m.Lock() defer c.m.Unlock() c.running = false } func (c *runContext) getCurrentFPS() float64 { c.m.RLock() defer c.m.RUnlock() if !c.running { // TODO: Should panic here? return 0 } return c.currentFPS } func (c *runContext) updateFPS(fps float64) { c.m.Lock() defer c.m.Unlock() c.currentFPS = fps } type GraphicsContext interface { SetSize(width, height int, scale float64) error UpdateAndDraw(context *opengl.Context, updateCount int) error } type loopGraphicsContext struct { runContext *runContext graphicsContext GraphicsContext } func (g *loopGraphicsContext) SetSize(width, height int, scale float64) error { return g.graphicsContext.SetSize(width, height, scale) } func (g *loopGraphicsContext) Update() error { return g.runContext.render(g.graphicsContext) } func Run(g GraphicsContext, width, height int, scale float64, title string, fps int) (err error) { if currentRunContext != nil { return errors.New("loop: The game is already running") } currentRunContext = &runContext{ fps: fps, } currentRunContext.startRunning() defer currentRunContext.endRunning() if err := ui.CurrentUI().Start(width, height, scale, title); err != nil { return err } // TODO: Use the error value defer func() { _ = ui.CurrentUI().Terminate() }() n := now() currentRunContext.lastUpdated = n currentRunContext.lastFPSUpdated = n if err := ui.CurrentUI().AnimationFrameLoop(&loopGraphicsContext{currentRunContext, g}); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(*ui.RegularTermination); ok { return nil } return err } return nil } func (c *runContext) render(g GraphicsContext) error { fps := c.fps n := now() defer func() { // Calc the current FPS. if time.Second > time.Duration(n-c.lastFPSUpdated) { return } currentFPS := float64(c.frames) * float64(time.Second) / float64(n-c.lastFPSUpdated) c.updateFPS(currentFPS) c.lastFPSUpdated = n c.frames = 0 }() // If lastUpdated is too old, we assume that screen is not shown. if 10*int64(time.Second)/int64(fps) < n-c.lastUpdated { c.lastUpdated = n return nil } // Note that generally t is a little different from 1/60[sec]. t := n - c.lastUpdated tt := int(t * int64(fps) / int64(time.Second)) // As t is not accurate 1/60[sec], errors are accumulated. // To make the FPS stable, set tt 1 if t is a little less than 1/60[sec]. if tt == 0 && (int64(time.Second)/int64(fps)-int64(5*time.Millisecond)) < t { tt = 1 } if err := g.UpdateAndDraw(ui.GLContext(), tt); err != nil { return err } c.lastUpdated += int64(tt) * int64(time.Second) / int64(fps) c.frames++ return nil }