// Copyright 2022 The Ebiten Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build nintendosdk package gamepad // #cgo !darwin LDFLAGS: -Wl,-unresolved-symbols=ignore-all // #cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup // // #include "gamepad_nintendosdk.h" import "C" import ( "time" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/gamepaddb" ) type nativeGamepadsImpl struct { gamepads []C.struct_Gamepad ids map[int]struct{} } func newNativeGamepadsImpl() nativeGamepads { return &nativeGamepadsImpl{} } func (*nativeGamepadsImpl) init(gamepads *gamepads) error { return nil } func (g *nativeGamepadsImpl) update(gamepads *gamepads) error { C.ebitengine_UpdateGamepads() g.gamepads = g.gamepads[:0] if n := int(C.ebitengine_GetGamepadCount()); n > 0 { if cap(g.gamepads) < n { g.gamepads = make([]C.struct_Gamepad, n) } else { g.gamepads = g.gamepads[:n] } C.ebitengine_GetGamepads(&g.gamepads[0]) } for id := range g.ids { delete(g.ids, id) } for _, gp := range g.gamepads { if g.ids == nil { g.ids = map[int]struct{}{} } g.ids[int(gp.id)] = struct{}{} gamepad := gamepads.find(func(gamepad *Gamepad) bool { return gamepad.native.(*nativeGamepadImpl).id == int(gp.id) }) if gamepad == nil { gamepad = gamepads.add("", "") gamepad.native = &nativeGamepadImpl{ id: int(gp.id), standard: bool(gp.standard != 0), axisValues: make([]float64, gp.axis_count), buttonPressed: make([]bool, gp.button_count), buttonValues: make([]float64, gp.button_count), } } gamepad.m.Lock() n := gamepad.native.(*nativeGamepadImpl) for i := range n.axisValues { n.axisValues[i] = float64(gp.axis_values[i]) } for i := range n.buttonValues { n.buttonValues[i] = float64(gp.button_values[i]) } for i := range n.buttonPressed { n.buttonPressed[i] = gp.button_pressed[i] != 0 } gamepad.m.Unlock() } // Remove an unused gamepads. gamepads.remove(func(gamepad *Gamepad) bool { _, ok := g.ids[gamepad.native.(*nativeGamepadImpl).id] return !ok }) return nil } type nativeGamepadImpl struct { id int standard bool axisValues []float64 buttonPressed []bool buttonValues []float64 } func (*nativeGamepadImpl) update(gamepad *gamepads) error { return nil } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) hasOwnStandardLayoutMapping() bool { return g.standard } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) standardAxisInOwnMapping(axis gamepaddb.StandardAxis) mappingInput { // TODO: Implement this on the C side. if axis < 0 || int(axis) >= len(g.axisValues) { return nil } return axisMappingInput{g: g, axis: int(axis)} } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) standardButtonInOwnMapping(button gamepaddb.StandardButton) mappingInput { // TODO: Implement this on the C side. if button < 0 || int(button) >= len(g.buttonValues) { return nil } return buttonMappingInput{g: g, button: int(button)} } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) axisCount() int { return len(g.axisValues) } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) buttonCount() int { return len(g.buttonValues) } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) hatCount() int { return 0 } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) isAxisReady(axis int) bool { return axis >= 0 && axis < g.axisCount() } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) axisValue(axis int) float64 { if axis < 0 || axis >= len(g.axisValues) { return 0 } return g.axisValues[axis] } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) isButtonPressed(button int) bool { if button < 0 || button >= len(g.buttonPressed) { return false } return g.buttonPressed[button] } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) buttonValue(button int) float64 { if button < 0 || button >= len(g.buttonValues) { return 0 } return g.buttonValues[button] } func (*nativeGamepadImpl) hatState(hat int) int { return hatCentered } func (g *nativeGamepadImpl) vibrate(duration time.Duration, strongMagnitude float64, weakMagnitude float64) { C.ebitengine_VibrateGamepad(C.int(g.id), C.double(float64(duration)/float64(time.Second)), C.double(strongMagnitude), C.double(weakMagnitude)) }