// Copyright 2018 The Ebiten Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // +build !windows // +build !js package glfw import ( "image" "sync" "github.com/go-gl/glfw/v3.3/glfw" ) type windows map[*glfw.Window]*Window var ( theWindows = windows{} windowsM sync.Mutex ) func (w windows) add(win *glfw.Window) *Window { if win == nil { return nil } ww := &Window{w: win} windowsM.Lock() w[win] = ww windowsM.Unlock() return ww } func (w windows) remove(win *glfw.Window) { windowsM.Lock() delete(w, win) windowsM.Unlock() } func (w windows) get(win *glfw.Window) *Window { if win == nil { return nil } windowsM.Lock() ww := w[win] windowsM.Unlock() return ww } type Cursor struct { c *glfw.Cursor } func CreateStandardCursor(shape StandardCursor) *Cursor { c := glfw.CreateStandardCursor(glfw.StandardCursor(shape)) return &Cursor{c: c} } type Monitor struct { m *glfw.Monitor } func (m *Monitor) GetContentScale() (float32, float32) { return m.m.GetContentScale() } func (m *Monitor) GetPos() (x, y int) { return m.m.GetPos() } func (m *Monitor) GetVideoMode() *VidMode { v := m.m.GetVideoMode() if v == nil { return nil } return &VidMode{ Width: v.Width, Height: v.Height, RedBits: v.RedBits, GreenBits: v.GreenBits, BlueBits: v.BlueBits, RefreshRate: v.RefreshRate, } } type Window struct { w *glfw.Window prevSizeCallback SizeCallback } func (w *Window) Destroy() { w.w.Destroy() theWindows.remove(w.w) } func (w *Window) GetAttrib(attrib Hint) int { return w.w.GetAttrib(glfw.Hint(attrib)) } func (w *Window) GetCursorPos() (x, y float64) { return w.w.GetCursorPos() } func (w *Window) GetInputMode(mode InputMode) int { return w.w.GetInputMode(glfw.InputMode(mode)) } func (w *Window) GetKey(key Key) Action { return Action(w.w.GetKey(glfw.Key(key))) } func (w *Window) GetMonitor() *Monitor { m := w.w.GetMonitor() if m == nil { return nil } return &Monitor{m} } func (w *Window) GetMouseButton(button MouseButton) Action { return Action(w.w.GetMouseButton(glfw.MouseButton(button))) } func (w *Window) GetPos() (x, y int) { return w.w.GetPos() } func (w *Window) GetSize() (width, height int) { return w.w.GetSize() } func (w *Window) Iconify() { w.w.Iconify() } func (w *Window) MakeContextCurrent() { w.w.MakeContextCurrent() } func (w *Window) Maximize() { w.w.Maximize() } func (w *Window) Restore() { w.w.Restore() } func (w *Window) SetAttrib(attrib Hint, value int) { w.w.SetAttrib(glfw.Hint(attrib), value) } func (w *Window) SetCharModsCallback(cbfun CharModsCallback) (previous CharModsCallback) { w.w.SetCharModsCallback(charModsCallbacks[cbfun]) return ToCharModsCallback(nil) // TODO } func (w *Window) SetCursor(cursor *Cursor) { var c *glfw.Cursor if cursor != nil { c = cursor.c } w.w.SetCursor(c) } func (w *Window) SetFramebufferSizeCallback(cbfun FramebufferSizeCallback) (previous FramebufferSizeCallback) { w.w.SetFramebufferSizeCallback(framebufferSizeCallbacks[cbfun]) return ToFramebufferSizeCallback(nil) // TODO } func (w *Window) SetScrollCallback(cbfun ScrollCallback) (previous ScrollCallback) { w.w.SetScrollCallback(scrollCallbacks[cbfun]) return ToScrollCallback(nil) // TODO } func (w *Window) SetSizeCallback(cbfun SizeCallback) (previous SizeCallback) { w.w.SetSizeCallback(sizeCallbacks[cbfun]) prev := w.prevSizeCallback w.prevSizeCallback = cbfun return prev } func (w *Window) SetSizeLimits(minw, minh, maxw, maxh int) { w.w.SetSizeLimits(minw, minh, maxw, maxh) } func (w *Window) SetIcon(images []image.Image) { w.w.SetIcon(images) } func (w *Window) SetInputMode(mode InputMode, value int) { w.w.SetInputMode(glfw.InputMode(mode), value) } func (w *Window) SetMonitor(monitor *Monitor, xpos, ypos, width, height, refreshRate int) { var m *glfw.Monitor if monitor != nil { m = monitor.m } w.w.SetMonitor(m, xpos, ypos, width, height, refreshRate) } func (w *Window) SetPos(xpos, ypos int) { w.w.SetPos(xpos, ypos) } func (w *Window) SetSize(width, height int) { w.w.SetSize(width, height) } func (w *Window) SetTitle(title string) { w.w.SetTitle(title) } func (w *Window) ShouldClose() bool { return w.w.ShouldClose() } func (w *Window) Show() { w.w.Show() } func (w *Window) SwapBuffers() { w.w.SwapBuffers() } func CreateWindow(width, height int, title string, monitor *Monitor, share *Window) (*Window, error) { var gm *glfw.Monitor if monitor != nil { gm = monitor.m } var gw *glfw.Window if share != nil { gw = share.w } w, err := glfw.CreateWindow(width, height, title, gm, gw) if err != nil { return nil, err } return theWindows.add(w), nil } func (j Joystick) GetGUID() string { return glfw.Joystick(j).GetGUID() } func (j Joystick) GetName() string { return glfw.Joystick(j).GetName() } func (j Joystick) GetAxes() []float32 { return glfw.Joystick(j).GetAxes() } func (j Joystick) GetButtons() []Action { var bs []Action for _, b := range glfw.Joystick(j).GetButtons() { bs = append(bs, Action(b)) } return bs } func GetMonitors() []*Monitor { ms := []*Monitor{} for _, m := range glfw.GetMonitors() { if m != nil { ms = append(ms, &Monitor{m}) } else { ms = append(ms, nil) } } return ms } func GetPrimaryMonitor() *Monitor { m := glfw.GetPrimaryMonitor() if m == nil { return nil } return &Monitor{m} } func Init() error { return glfw.Init() } func (j Joystick) Present() bool { return glfw.Joystick(j).Present() } func PollEvents() { glfw.PollEvents() } func SetMonitorCallback(cbfun func(monitor *Monitor, event PeripheralEvent)) { var gcb func(monitor *glfw.Monitor, event glfw.PeripheralEvent) if cbfun != nil { gcb = func(monitor *glfw.Monitor, event glfw.PeripheralEvent) { var m *Monitor if monitor != nil { m = &Monitor{monitor} } cbfun(m, PeripheralEvent(event)) } } glfw.SetMonitorCallback(gcb) } func SwapInterval(interval int) { glfw.SwapInterval(interval) } func Terminate() { glfw.Terminate() } func WindowHint(target Hint, hint int) { glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Hint(target), hint) }