// Copyright 2022 The Ebitengine Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cocoa import ( "unsafe" "github.com/ebitengine/purego/objc" ) var ( class_NSInvocation = objc.GetClass("NSInvocation") class_NSMethodSignature = objc.GetClass("NSMethodSignature") class_NSAutoreleasePool = objc.GetClass("NSAutoreleasePool") class_NSString = objc.GetClass("NSString") class_NSProcessInfo = objc.GetClass("NSProcessInfo") class_NSColor = objc.GetClass("NSColor") class_NSWindow = objc.GetClass("NSWindow") class_NSView = objc.GetClass("NSView") class_NSScreen = objc.GetClass("NSScreen") ) var ( sel_alloc = objc.RegisterName("alloc") sel_new = objc.RegisterName("new") sel_release = objc.RegisterName("release") sel_invocationWithMethodSignature = objc.RegisterName("invocationWithMethodSignature:") sel_setSelector = objc.RegisterName("setSelector:") sel_setTarget = objc.RegisterName("setTarget:") sel_setArgumentAtIndex = objc.RegisterName("setArgument:atIndex:") sel_getReturnValue = objc.RegisterName("getReturnValue:") sel_invoke = objc.RegisterName("invoke") sel_invokeWithTarget = objc.RegisterName("invokeWithTarget:") sel_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector = objc.RegisterName("instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:") sel_signatureWithObjCTypes = objc.RegisterName("signatureWithObjCTypes:") sel_initWithUTF8String = objc.RegisterName("initWithUTF8String:") sel_UTF8String = objc.RegisterName("UTF8String") sel_length = objc.RegisterName("length") sel_processInfo = objc.RegisterName("processInfo") sel_frame = objc.RegisterName("frame") sel_contentView = objc.RegisterName("contentView") sel_setBackgroundColor = objc.RegisterName("setBackgroundColor:") sel_colorWithSRGBRedGreenBlueAlpha = objc.RegisterName("colorWithSRGBRed:green:blue:alpha:") sel_setFrameSize = objc.RegisterName("setFrameSize:") sel_object = objc.RegisterName("object") sel_styleMask = objc.RegisterName("styleMask") sel_setStyleMask = objc.RegisterName("setStyleMask:") sel_mainScreen = objc.RegisterName("mainScreen") sel_screen = objc.RegisterName("screen") sel_isVisible = objc.RegisterName("isVisible") sel_deviceDescription = objc.RegisterName("deviceDescription") sel_objectForKey = objc.RegisterName("objectForKey:") sel_unsignedIntValue = objc.RegisterName("unsignedIntValue") ) const ( NSWindowCollectionBehaviorManaged = 1 << 2 NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary = 1 << 7 NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenNone = 1 << 9 ) const ( NSWindowStyleMaskResizable = 1 << 3 NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen = 1 << 14 ) type CGFloat = float64 type CGSize struct { Width, Height CGFloat } type CGPoint struct { X, Y float64 } type CGRect struct { Origin CGPoint Size CGSize } type NSUInteger = uint type NSInteger = int type NSPoint = CGPoint type NSRect = CGRect type NSSize = CGSize type NSError struct { objc.ID } type NSColor struct { objc.ID } func NSColor_colorWithSRGBRedGreenBlueAlpha(red, green, blue, alpha CGFloat) (color NSColor) { return NSColor{objc.ID(class_NSColor).Send(sel_colorWithSRGBRedGreenBlueAlpha, red, green, blue, alpha)} } type NSOperatingSystemVersion struct { Major, Minor, Patch NSInteger } type NSProcessInfo struct { objc.ID } func NSProcessInfo_processInfo() NSProcessInfo { return NSProcessInfo{objc.ID(class_NSProcessInfo).Send(sel_processInfo)} } type NSWindow struct { objc.ID } func (w NSWindow) StyleMask() NSUInteger { return NSUInteger(w.Send(sel_styleMask)) } func (w NSWindow) SetStyleMask(styleMask NSUInteger) { w.Send(sel_setStyleMask, styleMask) } func (w NSWindow) SetBackgroundColor(color NSColor) { w.Send(sel_setBackgroundColor, color.ID) } func (w NSWindow) IsVisible() bool { return w.Send(sel_isVisible) != 0 } func (w NSWindow) Screen() NSScreen { return NSScreen{w.Send(sel_screen)} } func (w NSWindow) Frame() NSRect { sig := NSMethodSignature_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector(objc.ID(class_NSWindow), sel_frame) inv := NSInvocation_invocationWithMethodSignature(sig) inv.SetTarget(w.ID) inv.SetSelector(sel_frame) inv.Invoke() var rect NSRect inv.GetReturnValue(unsafe.Pointer(&rect)) return rect } func (w NSWindow) ContentView() NSView { return NSView{w.Send(sel_contentView)} } type NSView struct { objc.ID } func (v NSView) SetFrameSize(size CGSize) { sig := NSMethodSignature_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector(objc.ID(class_NSView), sel_setFrameSize) inv := NSInvocation_invocationWithMethodSignature(sig) inv.SetSelector(sel_setFrameSize) inv.SetArgumentAtIndex(unsafe.Pointer(&size), 2) inv.InvokeWithTarget(v.ID) } func (v NSView) Frame() NSRect { sig := NSMethodSignature_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector(objc.ID(class_NSView), sel_frame) inv := NSInvocation_invocationWithMethodSignature(sig) inv.SetSelector(sel_frame) inv.InvokeWithTarget(v.ID) var rect NSRect inv.GetReturnValue(unsafe.Pointer(&rect)) return rect } // NSInvocation is being used to call functions that can't be called directly with purego.SyscallN. // See the downsides of that function for what it cannot do. type NSInvocation struct { objc.ID } func NSInvocation_invocationWithMethodSignature(sig NSMethodSignature) NSInvocation { return NSInvocation{objc.ID(class_NSInvocation).Send(sel_invocationWithMethodSignature, sig.ID)} } func (i NSInvocation) SetSelector(cmd objc.SEL) { i.Send(sel_setSelector, cmd) } func (i NSInvocation) SetTarget(target objc.ID) { i.Send(sel_setTarget, target) } func (i NSInvocation) SetArgumentAtIndex(arg unsafe.Pointer, idx int) { i.Send(sel_setArgumentAtIndex, arg, idx) } func (i NSInvocation) GetReturnValue(ret unsafe.Pointer) { i.Send(sel_getReturnValue, ret) } func (i NSInvocation) Invoke() { i.Send(sel_invoke) } func (i NSInvocation) InvokeWithTarget(target objc.ID) { i.Send(sel_invokeWithTarget, target) } type NSMethodSignature struct { objc.ID } func NSMethodSignature_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector(self objc.ID, cmd objc.SEL) NSMethodSignature { return NSMethodSignature{self.Send(sel_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector, cmd)} } // NSMethodSignature_signatureWithObjCTypes takes a string that represents the type signature of a method. // It follows the encoding specified in the Apple Docs. // // [Apple Docs]: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCRuntimeGuide/Articles/ocrtTypeEncodings.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008048-CH100 func NSMethodSignature_signatureWithObjCTypes(types string) NSMethodSignature { return NSMethodSignature{objc.ID(class_NSMethodSignature).Send(sel_signatureWithObjCTypes, types)} } type NSAutoreleasePool struct { objc.ID } func NSAutoreleasePool_new() NSAutoreleasePool { return NSAutoreleasePool{objc.ID(class_NSAutoreleasePool).Send(sel_new)} } func (p NSAutoreleasePool) Release() { p.Send(sel_release) } type NSString struct { objc.ID } func NSString_alloc() NSString { return NSString{objc.ID(class_NSString).Send(sel_alloc)} } func (s NSString) InitWithUTF8String(utf8 string) NSString { return NSString{s.Send(sel_initWithUTF8String, utf8)} } func (s NSString) String() string { return string(unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(s.Send(sel_UTF8String))), s.Send(sel_length))) } type NSNotification struct { objc.ID } func (n NSNotification) Object() objc.ID { return n.Send(sel_object) } type NSScreen struct { objc.ID } func NSScreen_mainScreen() NSScreen { return NSScreen{objc.ID(class_NSScreen).Send(sel_mainScreen)} } func (s NSScreen) DeviceDescription() NSDictionary { return NSDictionary{s.Send(sel_deviceDescription)} } type NSDictionary struct { objc.ID } func (d NSDictionary) ObjectForKey(object objc.ID) objc.ID { return d.Send(sel_objectForKey, object) } type NSNumber struct { objc.ID } func (n NSNumber) UnsignedIntValue() uint { return uint(n.Send(sel_unsignedIntValue)) }