// Copyright 2023 The Ebitengine Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build playstation5 package playstation5 // #include "graphics_playstation5.h" // #include import "C" import ( "fmt" "runtime" "unsafe" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/graphics" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/graphicsdriver" "github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/shaderir" ) //export ebitengine_ProjectionMatrixUniformDwordIndex func ebitengine_ProjectionMatrixUniformDwordIndex() C.int { return C.int(graphics.ProjectionMatrixUniformDwordIndex) } type playstation5Error struct { name string code int message string } func newPlaystation5Error(name string, err C.ebitengine_Error) *playstation5Error { return &playstation5Error{ name: name, code: int(err.code), message: C.GoString(err.message), } } func (e *playstation5Error) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("playstation5: error at %s, code: %d, message: %s", e.name, e.code, e.message) } type Graphics struct { } func NewGraphics() (*Graphics, error) { return &Graphics{}, nil } func (g *Graphics) Initialize() error { if err := C.ebitengine_InitializeGraphics(); !C.ebitengine_IsErrorNil(&err) { return newPlaystation5Error("(*playstation5.Graphics).Initialize", err) } return nil } func (g *Graphics) Begin() error { C.ebitengine_Begin() return nil } func (g *Graphics) End(present bool) error { var cPresent C.int if present { cPresent = 1 } C.ebitengine_End(cPresent) return nil } func (g *Graphics) SetTransparent(transparent bool) { } func (g *Graphics) SetVertices(vertices []float32, indices []uint32) error { defer runtime.KeepAlive(vertices) defer runtime.KeepAlive(indices) C.ebitengine_SetVertices((*C.float)(unsafe.SliceData(vertices)), C.int(len(vertices)), (*C.uint32_t)(unsafe.SliceData(indices)), C.int(len(indices))) return nil } func (g *Graphics) NewImage(width, height int) (graphicsdriver.Image, error) { var id C.int width = graphics.InternalImageSize(width) height = graphics.InternalImageSize(height) if err := C.ebitengine_NewImage(&id, C.int(width), C.int(height)); !C.ebitengine_IsErrorNil(&err) { return nil, newPlaystation5Error("(*playstation5.Graphics).NewImage", err) } return &Image{ id: graphicsdriver.ImageID(id), }, nil } func (g *Graphics) NewScreenFramebufferImage(width, height int) (graphicsdriver.Image, error) { var id C.int if err := C.ebitengine_NewScreenFramebufferImage(&id, C.int(width), C.int(height)); !C.ebitengine_IsErrorNil(&err) { return nil, newPlaystation5Error("(*playstation5.Graphics).NewScreenFramebufferImage", err) } return &Image{ id: graphicsdriver.ImageID(id), }, nil } func (g *Graphics) SetVsyncEnabled(enabled bool) { } func (g *Graphics) NeedsClearingScreen() bool { return true } func (g *Graphics) MaxImageSize() int { return 4096 // TODO: Get the value from the SDK. } func (g *Graphics) NewShader(program *shaderir.Program) (graphicsdriver.Shader, error) { s := precompiledShaders[program.SourceHash] defer runtime.KeepAlive(s) var id C.int if err := C.ebitengine_NewShader(&id, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(s.vertexHeader))), C.int(len(s.vertexHeader)), (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(s.vertexText))), C.int(len(s.vertexText)), (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(s.pixelHeader))), C.int(len(s.pixelHeader)), (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(s.pixelText))), C.int(len(s.pixelText))); !C.ebitengine_IsErrorNil(&err) { return nil, newPlaystation5Error("(*playstation5.Graphics).NewShader", err) } return &Shader{ id: graphicsdriver.ShaderID(id), }, nil } func (g *Graphics) DrawTriangles(dst graphicsdriver.ImageID, srcs [graphics.ShaderSrcImageCount]graphicsdriver.ImageID, shader graphicsdriver.ShaderID, dstRegions []graphicsdriver.DstRegion, indexOffset int, blend graphicsdriver.Blend, uniforms []uint32, fillRule graphicsdriver.FillRule) error { cSrcs := make([]C.int, len(srcs)) for i, src := range srcs { cSrcs[i] = C.int(src) } defer runtime.KeepAlive(cSrcs) cDstRegions := make([]C.ebitengine_DstRegion, len(dstRegions)) defer runtime.KeepAlive(cDstRegions) for i, r := range dstRegions { cDstRegions[i] = C.ebitengine_DstRegion{ min_x: C.int(r.Region.Min.X), min_y: C.int(r.Region.Min.Y), max_x: C.int(r.Region.Max.X), max_y: C.int(r.Region.Max.Y), index_count: C.int(r.IndexCount), } } cBlend := C.ebitengine_Blend{ factor_src_rgb: C.uint8_t(blend.BlendFactorSourceRGB), factor_src_alpha: C.uint8_t(blend.BlendFactorSourceAlpha), factor_dst_rgb: C.uint8_t(blend.BlendFactorDestinationRGB), factor_dst_alpha: C.uint8_t(blend.BlendFactorDestinationAlpha), operation_rgb: C.uint8_t(blend.BlendOperationRGB), operation_alpha: C.uint8_t(blend.BlendOperationAlpha), } cUniforms := make([]C.uint32_t, len(uniforms)) defer runtime.KeepAlive(cUniforms) for i, u := range uniforms { cUniforms[i] = C.uint32_t(u) } if err := C.ebitengine_DrawTriangles(C.int(dst), unsafe.SliceData(cSrcs), C.int(len(cSrcs)), C.int(shader), unsafe.SliceData(cDstRegions), C.int(len(cDstRegions)), C.int(indexOffset), cBlend, unsafe.SliceData(cUniforms), C.int(len(cUniforms)), C.int(fillRule)); !C.ebitengine_IsErrorNil(&err) { return newPlaystation5Error("(*playstation5.Graphics).DrawTriangles", err) } return nil } type Image struct { id graphicsdriver.ImageID } func (i *Image) ID() graphicsdriver.ImageID { return i.id } func (i *Image) Dispose() { C.ebitengine_DisposeImage(C.int(i.id)) } func (i *Image) ReadPixels(args []graphicsdriver.PixelsArgs) error { for _, a := range args { region := C.ebitengine_Region{ min_x: C.int(a.Region.Min.X), min_y: C.int(a.Region.Min.Y), max_x: C.int(a.Region.Max.X), max_y: C.int(a.Region.Max.Y), } C.ebitengine_ReadPixels(C.int(i.id), (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(a.Pixels))), region) } if err := C.ebitengine_FlushReadPixels(C.int(i.id)); !C.ebitengine_IsErrorNil(&err) { return newPlaystation5Error("(*playstation5.Image).ReadPixels", err) } return nil } func (i *Image) WritePixels(args []graphicsdriver.PixelsArgs) error { for _, a := range args { region := C.ebitengine_Region{ min_x: C.int(a.Region.Min.X), min_y: C.int(a.Region.Min.Y), max_x: C.int(a.Region.Max.X), max_y: C.int(a.Region.Max.Y), } C.ebitengine_WritePixels(C.int(i.id), (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(a.Pixels))), region) } if err := C.ebitengine_FlushWritePixels(C.int(i.id)); !C.ebitengine_IsErrorNil(&err) { return newPlaystation5Error("(*playstation5.Image).WritePixels", err) } return nil } type Shader struct { id graphicsdriver.ShaderID } func (s *Shader) ID() graphicsdriver.ShaderID { return s.id } func (s *Shader) Dispose() { C.ebitengine_DisposeShader(C.int(s.id)) }