package opengl // #cgo LDFLAGS: -framework OpenGL // // #include import "C" import ( "image" "unsafe" ) func Clp2(x uint64) uint64 { x -= 1 x |= (x >> 1) x |= (x >> 2) x |= (x >> 4) x |= (x >> 8) x |= (x >> 16) x |= (x >> 32) return x + 1 } type Texture struct { id C.GLuint width int height int textureWidth int textureHeight int } func createTexture(width, height int, pixels []uint8) *Texture { textureWidth := int(Clp2(uint64(width))) textureHeight := int(Clp2(uint64(height))) if pixels != nil { if width != textureWidth { panic("sorry, but width should be power of 2") } if height != textureHeight { panic("sorry, but height should be power of 2") } } texture := &Texture{ id: 0, width: width, height: height, textureWidth: textureWidth, textureHeight: textureHeight, } textureID := C.GLuint(0) C.glGenTextures(1, (*C.GLuint)(&textureID)) if textureID == 0 { panic("glGenTexture failed") } C.glPixelStorei(C.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4) C.glBindTexture(C.GL_TEXTURE_2D, C.GLuint(textureID)) ptr := unsafe.Pointer(nil) if pixels != nil { ptr = unsafe.Pointer(&pixels[0]) } C.glTexImage2D(C.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, C.GL_RGBA, C.GLsizei(textureWidth), C.GLsizei(textureHeight), 0, C.GL_RGBA, C.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ptr) C.glTexParameteri(C.GL_TEXTURE_2D, C.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, C.GL_LINEAR) C.glTexParameteri(C.GL_TEXTURE_2D, C.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, C.GL_LINEAR) C.glBindTexture(C.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0) // TODO: lock? = textureID return texture } func newTexture(width, height int) *Texture { return createTexture(width, height, nil) } func newTextureFromImage(img image.Image) *Texture { var pix []uint8 switch img.(type) { case *image.RGBA: pix = img.(*image.RGBA).Pix case *image.NRGBA: pix = img.(*image.NRGBA).Pix default: panic("image should be RGBA or NRGBA") } size := img.Bounds().Size() return createTexture(size.X, size.Y, pix) }