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  <h2>Ebiten example - life</h2>
  <iframe src="life.content.html" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
  <div class="card"><pre class="card-body"><code class="language-go">// &#43;build example

package main

import (


// World represents the game state.
type World struct {
        area [][]bool

func newArea(width, height int) [][]bool {
        a := make([][]bool, height)
        for i := 0; i &lt; height; i&#43;&#43; {
                a[i] = make([]bool, width)
        return a

// NewWorld creates a new world.
func NewWorld(width, height int, maxInitLiveCells int) *World {
        w := &amp;World{
                area: newArea(width, height),
        return w

func init() {

// init inits world with a random state.
func (w *World) init(maxLiveCells int) {
        height := len(w.area)
        width := len(w.area[0])
        for i := 0; i &lt; maxLiveCells; i&#43;&#43; {
                x := rand.Intn(width)
                y := rand.Intn(height)
                w.area[y][x] = true

// Update game state by one tick.
func (w *World) Update() {
        height := len(w.area)
        width := len(w.area[0])
        next := newArea(width, height)
        for y := 0; y &lt; height; y&#43;&#43; {
                for x := 0; x &lt; width; x&#43;&#43; {
                        pop := neighbourCount(w.area, x, y)
                        switch {
                        case pop &lt; 2:
                                // rule 1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours
                                // dies, as if caused by under-population.
                                next[y][x] = false

                        case (pop == 2 || pop == 3) &amp;&amp; w.area[y][x]:
                                // rule 2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours
                                // lives on to the next generation.
                                next[y][x] = true

                        case pop &gt; 3:
                                // rule 3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours
                                // dies, as if by over-population.
                                next[y][x] = false

                        case pop == 3:
                                // rule 4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours
                                // becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
                                next[y][x] = true
        w.area = next

// Draw paints current game state.
func (w *World) Draw(pix []byte) {
        height := len(w.area)
        width := len(w.area[0])
        for y := 0; y &lt; height; y&#43;&#43; {
                for x := 0; x &lt; width; x&#43;&#43; {
                        idx := 4*y*width &#43; 4*x
                        if w.area[y][x] {
                                pix[idx] = 0xff
                                pix[idx&#43;1] = 0xff
                                pix[idx&#43;2] = 0xff
                                pix[idx&#43;3] = 0xff
                        } else {
                                pix[idx] = 0
                                pix[idx&#43;1] = 0
                                pix[idx&#43;2] = 0
                                pix[idx&#43;3] = 0

func max(a, b int) int {
        if a &lt; b {
                return b
        return a

func min(a, b int) int {
        if a &lt; b {
                return a
        return b

// neighbourCount calculates the Moore neighborhood of (x, y).
func neighbourCount(a [][]bool, x, y int) int {
        w := len(a[0])
        h := len(a)
        minI := max(x-1, 0)
        minJ := max(y-1, 0)
        maxI := min(x&#43;1, w-1)
        maxJ := min(y&#43;1, h-1)

        c := 0
        for j := minJ; j &lt;= maxJ; j&#43;&#43; {
                for i := minI; i &lt;= maxI; i&#43;&#43; {
                        if i == x &amp;&amp; j == y {
                        if a[j][i] {
        return c

const (
        screenWidth  = 320
        screenHeight = 240

var (
        world  = NewWorld(screenWidth, screenHeight, int((screenWidth*screenHeight)/10))
        pixels = make([]byte, screenWidth*screenHeight*4)

func update(screen *ebiten.Image) error {

        if ebiten.IsRunningSlowly() {
                return nil

        return nil

func main() {
        if err := ebiten.Run(update, screenWidth, screenHeight, 2, &#34;Game of Life (Ebiten Demo)&#34;); err != nil {


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