// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The Ebitengine Authors package glfwwin import ( "unsafe" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) const ( _GLFW_INSERT_FIRST = 0 _GLFW_INSERT_LAST = 1 ) var _glfw library type initconfig struct { hatButtons bool } type wndconfig struct { width int height int title string resizable bool visible bool decorated bool focused bool autoIconify bool floating bool maximized bool centerCursor bool focusOnShow bool scaleToMonitor bool } type ctxconfig struct { client int source int major int minor int forward bool debug bool noerror bool profile int robustness int release int share *Window } type fbconfig struct { redBits int greenBits int blueBits int alphaBits int depthBits int stencilBits int accumRedBits int accumGreenBits int accumBlueBits int accumAlphaBits int auxBuffers int stereo bool samples int sRGB bool doublebuffer bool transparent bool handle uintptr } type context struct { client int source int major int minor int revision int forward bool debug bool noerror bool profile int robustness int release int // TODO: Put these functions in an interface type. makeCurrent func(*Window) error swapBuffers func(*Window) error swapInterval func(int) error extensionSupported func(string) bool getProcAddress func(string) uintptr destroy func(*Window) error wgl struct { dc _HDC handle _HGLRC interval int } } type ( PosCallback func(w *Window, xpos int, ypos int) SizeCallback func(w *Window, width int, height int) CloseCallback func(w *Window) RefreshCallback func(w *Window) FocusCallback func(w *Window, focused bool) IconifyCallback func(w *Window, iconified bool) MaximizeCallback func(w *Window, iconified bool) FramebufferSizeCallback func(w *Window, width int, height int) ContentScaleCallback func(w *Window, x float32, y float32) MouseButtonCallback func(w *Window, button MouseButton, action Action, mods ModifierKey) CursorPosCallback func(w *Window, xpos float64, ypos float64) CursorEnterCallback func(w *Window, entered bool) ScrollCallback func(w *Window, xoff float64, yoff float64) KeyCallback func(w *Window, key Key, scancode int, action Action, mods ModifierKey) CharCallback func(w *Window, char rune) CharModsCallback func(w *Window, char rune, mods ModifierKey) DropCallback func(w *Window, names []string) MonitorCallback func(monitor *Monitor, event PeripheralEvent) ) type Window struct { resizable bool decorated bool autoIconify bool floating bool focusOnShow bool shouldClose bool userPointer unsafe.Pointer doublebuffer bool videoMode VidMode monitor *Monitor cursor *Cursor minwidth int minheight int maxwidth int maxheight int numer int denom int stickyKeys bool stickyMouseButtons bool lockKeyMods bool cursorMode int mouseButtons [MouseButtonLast + 1]Action keys [KeyLast + 1]Action // Virtual cursor position when cursor is disabled virtualCursorPosX float64 virtualCursorPosY float64 rawMouseMotion bool context context callbacks struct { pos PosCallback size SizeCallback close CloseCallback refresh RefreshCallback focus FocusCallback iconify IconifyCallback maximize MaximizeCallback fbsize FramebufferSizeCallback scale ContentScaleCallback mouseButton MouseButtonCallback cursorPos CursorPosCallback cursorEnter CursorEnterCallback scroll ScrollCallback key KeyCallback character CharCallback charmods CharModsCallback drop DropCallback } win32 struct { handle windows.HWND bigIcon _HICON smallIcon _HICON cursorTracked bool frameAction bool iconified bool maximized bool transparent bool // Whether to enable framebuffer transparency on DWM scaleToMonitor bool // Cached size used to filter out duplicate events width int height int // The last received cursor position, regardless of source lastCursorPosX int lastCursorPosY int // The last recevied high surrogate when decoding pairs of UTF-16 messages highSurrogate uint16 } } type Monitor struct { name string window *Window modes []*VidMode win32 struct { handle _HMONITOR // This size matches the static size of DISPLAY_DEVICE.DeviceName adapterName string displayName string modesPruned bool modeChanged bool } } type Cursor struct { win32 struct { handle _HCURSOR } } type tls struct { win32 struct { allocated bool index uint32 } } type library struct { initialized bool hints struct { init initconfig framebuffer fbconfig window wndconfig context ctxconfig refreshRate int } errors []error // TODO: Check the error at polling? cursors []*Cursor windows []*Window monitors []*Monitor contextSlot tls callbacks struct { monitor MonitorCallback } win32 struct { instance _HINSTANCE helperWindowHandle windows.HWND deviceNotificationHandle _HDEVNOTIFY acquiredMonitorCount int clipboardString string keycodes [512]Key scancodes [KeyLast + 1]int // Where to place the cursor when re-enabled restoreCursorPosX float64 restoreCursorPosY float64 // The window whose disabled cursor mode is active disabledCursorWindow *Window rawInput []byte mouseTrailSize uint32 } wgl struct { inited bool EXT_swap_control bool EXT_colorspace bool ARB_multisample bool ARB_framebuffer_sRGB bool EXT_framebuffer_sRGB bool ARB_pixel_format bool ARB_create_context bool ARB_create_context_profile bool EXT_create_context_es2_profile bool ARB_create_context_robustness bool ARB_create_context_no_error bool ARB_context_flush_control bool } } func boolToInt(x bool) int { if x { return 1 } return 0 } func intToBool(x int) bool { return x != 0 }