// Copyright 2014 Hajime Hoshi
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// +build android ios

package opengl

import (

	mgl "golang.org/x/mobile/gl"

type Texture mgl.Texture
type Framebuffer mgl.Framebuffer
type Shader mgl.Shader
type Program mgl.Program
type Buffer mgl.Buffer

func (t Texture) equals(other Texture) bool {
	return t == other

func (f Framebuffer) equals(other Framebuffer) bool {
	return f == other

type uniformLocation mgl.Uniform
type attribLocation mgl.Attrib

type programID uint32

var (
	invalidTexture     = Texture(mgl.Texture{})
	invalidFramebuffer = Framebuffer(mgl.Framebuffer{(1 << 32) - 1})

func (p Program) id() programID {
	return programID(p.Value)

func init() {
	Nearest = mgl.NEAREST
	Linear = mgl.LINEAR
	VertexShader = mgl.VERTEX_SHADER
	FragmentShader = mgl.FRAGMENT_SHADER
	ArrayBuffer = mgl.ARRAY_BUFFER
	ElementArrayBuffer = mgl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER
	DynamicDraw = mgl.DYNAMIC_DRAW
	StaticDraw = mgl.STATIC_DRAW
	Triangles = mgl.TRIANGLES
	Lines = mgl.LINES
	Short = mgl.SHORT
	Float = mgl.FLOAT

	zero = mgl.ZERO
	one = mgl.ONE
	srcAlpha = mgl.SRC_ALPHA
	dstAlpha = mgl.DST_ALPHA
	oneMinusSrcAlpha = mgl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
	oneMinusDstAlpha = mgl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA

type context struct {
	gl     mgl.Context
	worker mgl.Worker

func Init() {
	c := &Context{}
	c.gl, c.worker = mgl.NewContext()
	theContext = c

func (c *Context) DoWork(chError <-chan error, chDone <-chan struct{}) error {
	// TODO: Check this is called on the rendering thread
	for {
		select {
		case err := <-chError:
			return err
		case <-c.worker.WorkAvailable():
		case <-chDone:
			break loop
	return nil

func (c *Context) Reset() error {
	c.locationCache = newLocationCache()
	c.lastTexture = invalidTexture
	c.lastFramebuffer = invalidFramebuffer
	c.lastViewportWidth = 0
	c.lastViewportHeight = 0
	c.lastCompositeMode = CompositeModeUnknown
	f := c.gl.GetInteger(mgl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING)
	c.screenFramebuffer = Framebuffer(mgl.Framebuffer{uint32(f)})
	// TODO: Need to update screenFramebufferWidth/Height?
	return nil

func (c *Context) BlendFunc(mode CompositeMode) {
	gl := c.gl
	if c.lastCompositeMode == mode {
	c.lastCompositeMode = mode
	s, d := operations(mode)
	gl.BlendFunc(mgl.Enum(s), mgl.Enum(d))

func (c *Context) NewTexture(width, height int, pixels []uint8, filter Filter) (Texture, error) {
	gl := c.gl
	t := gl.CreateTexture()
	if t.Value <= 0 {
		return Texture{}, errors.New("opengl: creating texture failed")
	gl.PixelStorei(mgl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4)
	if err := c.BindTexture(Texture(t)); err != nil {
		return Texture{}, err

	gl.TexParameteri(mgl.TEXTURE_2D, mgl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, int(filter))
	gl.TexParameteri(mgl.TEXTURE_2D, mgl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, int(filter))

	var p []uint8
	if pixels != nil {
		p = pixels
	gl.TexImage2D(mgl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, width, height, mgl.RGBA, mgl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, p)

	return Texture(t), nil

func (c *Context) bindFramebufferImpl(f Framebuffer) error {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.BindFramebuffer(mgl.FRAMEBUFFER, mgl.Framebuffer(f))
	return nil

func (c *Context) FramebufferPixels(f Framebuffer, width, height int) ([]uint8, error) {
	gl := c.gl


	pixels := make([]uint8, 4*width*height)
	gl.ReadPixels(pixels, 0, 0, width, height, mgl.RGBA, mgl.UNSIGNED_BYTE)
	if e := gl.GetError(); e != mgl.NO_ERROR {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("opengl: glReadPixels: %d", e)
	return pixels, nil

func (c *Context) bindTextureImpl(t Texture) error {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.BindTexture(mgl.TEXTURE_2D, mgl.Texture(t))
	return nil

func (c *Context) DeleteTexture(t Texture) {
	gl := c.gl
	if !gl.IsTexture(mgl.Texture(t)) {
	if c.lastTexture == t {
		c.lastTexture = invalidTexture

func (c *Context) IsTexture(t Texture) bool {
	gl := c.gl
	return gl.IsTexture(mgl.Texture(t))

func (c *Context) TexSubImage2D(p []uint8, width, height int) {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.TexSubImage2D(mgl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, width, height, mgl.RGBA, mgl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, p)

func (c *Context) NewFramebuffer(texture Texture) (Framebuffer, error) {
	gl := c.gl
	f := gl.CreateFramebuffer()
	if f.Value <= 0 {
		return Framebuffer{}, errors.New("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: gl.IsFramebuffer returns false")

	gl.FramebufferTexture2D(mgl.FRAMEBUFFER, mgl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, mgl.TEXTURE_2D, mgl.Texture(texture), 0)
	s := gl.CheckFramebufferStatus(mgl.FRAMEBUFFER)
		if s != 0 {
			return Framebuffer{}, fmt.Errorf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: %v", s)
		if e := gl.GetError(); e != mgl.NO_ERROR {
			return Framebuffer{}, fmt.Errorf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: (glGetError) %d", e)
		return Framebuffer{}, fmt.Errorf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: unknown error")
	return Framebuffer(f), nil

func (c *Context) setViewportImpl(width, height int) error {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.Viewport(0, 0, width, height)
	return nil

func (c *Context) FillFramebuffer(r, g, b, a float64) error {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.ClearColor(float32(r), float32(g), float32(b), float32(a))
	return nil

func (c *Context) DeleteFramebuffer(f Framebuffer) {
	gl := c.gl
	if !gl.IsFramebuffer(mgl.Framebuffer(f)) {
	// If a framebuffer to be deleted is bound, a newly bound framebuffer
	// will be a default framebuffer.
	// https://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glDeleteFramebuffers.xml
	if c.lastFramebuffer == f {
		c.lastFramebuffer = invalidFramebuffer
		c.lastViewportWidth = 0
		c.lastViewportHeight = 0

func (c *Context) NewShader(shaderType ShaderType, source string) (Shader, error) {
	gl := c.gl
	s := gl.CreateShader(mgl.Enum(shaderType))
	if s.Value == 0 {
		return Shader{}, fmt.Errorf("opengl: glCreateShader failed: shader type: %d", shaderType)
	gl.ShaderSource(s, source)

	v := gl.GetShaderi(s, mgl.COMPILE_STATUS)
	if v == mgl.FALSE {
		log := gl.GetShaderInfoLog(s)
		return Shader{}, fmt.Errorf("opengl: shader compile failed: %s", log)
	return Shader(s), nil

func (c *Context) DeleteShader(s Shader) {
	gl := c.gl

func (c *Context) NewProgram(shaders []Shader) (Program, error) {
	gl := c.gl
	p := gl.CreateProgram()
	if p.Value == 0 {
		return Program{}, errors.New("opengl: glCreateProgram failed")

	for _, shader := range shaders {
		gl.AttachShader(p, mgl.Shader(shader))
	v := gl.GetProgrami(p, mgl.LINK_STATUS)
	if v == mgl.FALSE {
		return Program{}, errors.New("opengl: program error")
	return Program(p), nil

func (c *Context) UseProgram(p Program) {
	gl := c.gl

func (c *Context) DeleteProgram(p Program) {
	gl := c.gl
	if !gl.IsProgram(mgl.Program(p)) {

func (c *Context) getUniformLocationImpl(p Program, location string) uniformLocation {
	gl := c.gl
	u := uniformLocation(gl.GetUniformLocation(mgl.Program(p), location))
	if u.Value == -1 {
		panic("invalid uniform location: " + location)
	return u

func (c *Context) UniformInt(p Program, location string, v int) {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.Uniform1i(mgl.Uniform(c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location)), v)

func (c *Context) UniformFloats(p Program, location string, v []float32) {
	gl := c.gl
	l := mgl.Uniform(c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location))
	switch len(v) {
	case 4:
		gl.Uniform4fv(l, v)
	case 16:
		gl.UniformMatrix4fv(l, v)
		panic("not reach")

func (c *Context) getAttribLocationImpl(p Program, location string) attribLocation {
	gl := c.gl
	a := attribLocation(gl.GetAttribLocation(mgl.Program(p), location))
	if a.Value == ^uint(0) {
		panic("invalid attrib location: " + location)
	return a

func (c *Context) VertexAttribPointer(p Program, location string, size int, dataType DataType, normalize bool, stride int, offset int) {
	gl := c.gl
	l := c.locationCache.GetAttribLocation(c, p, location)
	gl.VertexAttribPointer(mgl.Attrib(l), size, mgl.Enum(dataType), normalize, stride, offset)

func (c *Context) EnableVertexAttribArray(p Program, location string) {
	gl := c.gl
	l := c.locationCache.GetAttribLocation(c, p, location)

func (c *Context) DisableVertexAttribArray(p Program, location string) {
	gl := c.gl
	l := c.locationCache.GetAttribLocation(c, p, location)

func uint16ToBytes(v []uint16) []uint8 {
	// TODO: Consider endian?
	b := make([]uint8, len(v)*2)
	for i, x := range v {
		b[2*i] = uint8(x)
		b[2*i+1] = uint8(x >> 8)
	return b

func (c *Context) NewBuffer(bufferType BufferType, v interface{}, bufferUsage BufferUsage) Buffer {
	gl := c.gl
	b := gl.CreateBuffer()
	gl.BindBuffer(mgl.Enum(bufferType), b)
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case int:
		gl.BufferInit(mgl.Enum(bufferType), v, mgl.Enum(bufferUsage))
	case []uint16:
		gl.BufferData(mgl.Enum(bufferType), uint16ToBytes(v), mgl.Enum(bufferUsage))
		panic("not reach")
	return Buffer(b)

func (c *Context) BindElementArrayBuffer(b Buffer) {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.BindBuffer(mgl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mgl.Buffer(b))

func float32ToBytes(v []float32) []byte {
	b := make([]byte, len(v)*4)
	if endian.IsLittle() {
		for i, x := range v {
			bits := math.Float32bits(x)
			b[4*i] = uint8(bits)
			b[4*i+1] = uint8(bits >> 8)
			b[4*i+2] = uint8(bits >> 16)
			b[4*i+3] = uint8(bits >> 24)
	} else {
		// TODO: Test this
		for i, x := range v {
			bits := math.Float32bits(x)
			b[4*i] = uint8(bits >> 24)
			b[4*i+1] = uint8(bits >> 16)
			b[4*i+2] = uint8(bits >> 8)
			b[4*i+3] = uint8(bits)
	return b

func (c *Context) BufferSubData(bufferType BufferType, data []float32) {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.BufferSubData(mgl.Enum(bufferType), 0, float32ToBytes(data))

func (c *Context) DeleteBuffer(b Buffer) {
	gl := c.gl

func (c *Context) DrawElements(mode Mode, len int, offsetInBytes int) {
	gl := c.gl
	gl.DrawElements(mgl.Enum(mode), len, mgl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, offsetInBytes)

func (c *Context) Flush() {
	gl := c.gl