Hajime Hoshi deb3d4a0c3 uidriver/mobile: Bug fix: Freeze on Pixel 4
An Ebiten application often freezes on Pixel 4. Apparently adding
loggings or runtime.Gosched hides the issue, though this doesn't fix
the root cause. The root cause might be in gomobile itself, but it
seeems really hard to make a minimum case.

As a tentative fix, add runtime.Gosched to avoid freezing.

Fixes #1322
2020-08-29 22:02:54 +09:00

487 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Hajime Hoshi
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build android ios
package mobile
import (
var (
glContextCh = make(chan gl.Context, 1)
// renderCh receives when updating starts.
renderCh = make(chan struct{})
// renderEndCh receives when updating finishes.
renderEndCh = make(chan struct{})
theUI = &UserInterface{
foreground: 1,
errCh: make(chan error),
// Give a default outside size so that the game can start without initializing them.
outsideWidth: 640,
outsideHeight: 480,
sizeChanged: true,
func init() {
theUI.input.ui = theUI
func Get() *UserInterface {
return theUI
// Update is called from mobile/ebitenmobileview.
// Update must be called on the rendering thread.
func (u *UserInterface) Update() error {
select {
case err := <-u.errCh:
return err
if !u.IsFocused() {
return nil
renderCh <- struct{}{}
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
if u.t != nil {
// If there is a (main) thread, ensure that cancel is called after every other task is done.
u.t.Call(func() error {
return nil
} else {
if u.Graphics().IsGL() {
if u.glWorker == nil {
panic("mobile: glWorker must be initialized but not")
workAvailable := u.glWorker.WorkAvailable()
for {
select {
case <-workAvailable:
// This is a dirty hack to avoid freezing on Pixel 4 (#1322).
// Apprently there is an issue in the usage of Worker in gomobile or gomobile itself.
// At least, freezing doesn't happen with this Gosched.
case <-ctx.Done():
break loop
return nil
} else {
return nil
type UserInterface struct {
outsideWidth float64
outsideHeight float64
sizeChanged bool
foreground int32
errCh chan error
// Used for gomobile-build
gbuildWidthPx int
gbuildHeightPx int
setGBuildSizeCh chan struct{}
once sync.Once
context driver.UIContext
input Input
t *thread.Thread
glWorker gl.Worker
m sync.RWMutex
func deviceScale() float64 {
return devicescale.GetAt(0, 0)
// appMain is the main routine for gomobile-build mode.
func (u *UserInterface) appMain(a app.App) {
var glctx gl.Context
var sizeInited bool
touches := map[touch.Sequence]*Touch{}
keys := map[driver.Key]struct{}{}
for e := range a.Events() {
var updateInput bool
var runes []rune
switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) {
case lifecycle.Event:
switch e.Crosses(lifecycle.StageVisible) {
case lifecycle.CrossOn:
glctx, _ = e.DrawContext.(gl.Context)
// Assume that glctx is always a same instance.
// Then, only once initializing should be enough.
if glContextCh != nil {
glContextCh <- glctx
glContextCh = nil
case lifecycle.CrossOff:
glctx = nil
case size.Event:
u.setGBuildSize(e.WidthPx, e.HeightPx)
sizeInited = true
case paint.Event:
if !sizeInited {
if glctx == nil || e.External {
renderCh <- struct{}{}
case touch.Event:
if !sizeInited {
switch e.Type {
case touch.TypeBegin, touch.TypeMove:
s := deviceScale()
x, y := float64(e.X)/s, float64(e.Y)/s
// TODO: Is it ok to cast from int64 to int here?
touches[e.Sequence] = &Touch{
ID: int(e.Sequence),
X: int(x),
Y: int(y),
case touch.TypeEnd:
delete(touches, e.Sequence)
updateInput = true
case key.Event:
k, ok := gbuildKeyToDriverKey[e.Code]
if ok {
switch e.Direction {
case key.DirPress, key.DirNone:
keys[k] = struct{}{}
case key.DirRelease:
delete(keys, k)
switch e.Direction {
case key.DirPress, key.DirNone:
if e.Rune != -1 && unicode.IsPrint(e.Rune) {
runes = []rune{e.Rune}
updateInput = true
if updateInput {
ts := []*Touch{}
for _, t := range touches {
ts = append(ts, t)
u.input.update(keys, runes, ts, nil)
func (u *UserInterface) SetForeground(foreground bool) {
var v int32
if foreground {
v = 1
atomic.StoreInt32(&u.foreground, v)
if foreground {
} else {
func (u *UserInterface) Run(context driver.UIContext) error {
u.setGBuildSizeCh = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
if err := u.run(context, true); err != nil {
// As mobile apps never ends, Loop can't return. Just panic here.
return nil
func (u *UserInterface) RunWithoutMainLoop(context driver.UIContext) {
go func() {
// title is ignored?
if err := u.run(context, false); err != nil {
u.errCh <- err
func (u *UserInterface) run(context driver.UIContext, mainloop bool) (err error) {
// Convert the panic to a regular error so that Java/Objective-C layer can treat this easily e.g., for
// Crashlytics. A panic is treated as SIGABRT, and there is no way to handle this on Java/Objective-C layer
// unfortunately.
// TODO: Panic on other goroutines cannot be handled here.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v\n%q", r, string(debug.Stack()))
u.sizeChanged = true
u.context = context
if u.Graphics().IsGL() {
var ctx gl.Context
if mainloop {
ctx = <-glContextCh
} else {
ctx, u.glWorker = gl.NewContext()
} else {
u.t = thread.New()
// If gomobile-build is used, wait for the outside size fixed.
if u.setGBuildSizeCh != nil {
// Force to set the screen size
for {
if err := u.update(); err != nil {
return err
// layoutIfNeeded must be called on the same goroutine as update().
func (u *UserInterface) layoutIfNeeded() {
var outsideWidth, outsideHeight float64
sizeChanged := u.sizeChanged
if sizeChanged {
if u.gbuildWidthPx == 0 || u.gbuildHeightPx == 0 {
outsideWidth = u.outsideWidth
outsideHeight = u.outsideHeight
} else {
// gomobile build
d := deviceScale()
outsideWidth = float64(u.gbuildWidthPx) / d
outsideHeight = float64(u.gbuildHeightPx) / d
u.sizeChanged = false
if sizeChanged {
u.context.Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight)
func (u *UserInterface) update() error {
defer func() {
renderEndCh <- struct{}{}
if err := u.context.Update(); err != nil {
return err
if err := u.context.Draw(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (u *UserInterface) ScreenSizeInFullscreen() (int, int) {
// TODO: This function should return gbuildWidthPx, gbuildHeightPx,
// but these values are not initialized until the main loop starts.
return 0, 0
// SetOutsideSize is called from mobile/ebitenmobileview.
// SetOutsideSize is concurrent safe.
func (u *UserInterface) SetOutsideSize(outsideWidth, outsideHeight float64) {
if u.outsideWidth != outsideWidth || u.outsideHeight != outsideHeight {
u.outsideWidth = outsideWidth
u.outsideHeight = outsideHeight
u.sizeChanged = true
func (u *UserInterface) setGBuildSize(widthPx, heightPx int) {
u.gbuildWidthPx = widthPx
u.gbuildHeightPx = heightPx
u.sizeChanged = true
u.once.Do(func() {
func (u *UserInterface) adjustPosition(x, y int) (int, int) {
xf, yf := u.context.AdjustPosition(float64(x), float64(y))
return int(xf), int(yf)
func (u *UserInterface) CursorMode() driver.CursorMode {
return driver.CursorModeHidden
func (u *UserInterface) SetCursorMode(mode driver.CursorMode) {
// Do nothing
func (u *UserInterface) IsFullscreen() bool {
return false
func (u *UserInterface) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool) {
// Do nothing
func (u *UserInterface) IsFocused() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&u.foreground) != 0
func (u *UserInterface) IsRunnableOnUnfocused() bool {
return false
func (u *UserInterface) SetRunnableOnUnfocused(runnableOnUnfocused bool) {
// Do nothing
func (u *UserInterface) IsVsyncEnabled() bool {
return true
func (u *UserInterface) SetVsyncEnabled(enabled bool) {
// Do nothing
func (u *UserInterface) DeviceScaleFactor() float64 {
return deviceScale()
func (u *UserInterface) SetScreenTransparent(transparent bool) {
// Do nothing
func (u *UserInterface) IsScreenTransparent() bool {
return false
func (u *UserInterface) ResetForFrame() {
func (u *UserInterface) SetInitFocused(focused bool) {
// Do nothing
func (u *UserInterface) Input() driver.Input {
return &u.input
func (u *UserInterface) Window() driver.Window {
return nil
type Touch struct {
ID int
X int
Y int
type Gamepad struct {
ID int
SDLID string
Name string
Buttons [driver.GamepadButtonNum]bool
ButtonNum int
Axes [32]float32
AxisNum int
func (u *UserInterface) UpdateInput(keys map[driver.Key]struct{}, runes []rune, touches []*Touch, gamepads []Gamepad) {
u.input.update(keys, runes, touches, gamepads)