mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 17:55:34 +01:00
These function return true in most cases, and when these return false, the situation is pretty bad and recovering the situation would not be possible. IsFramebuffer and IsRenderbuffer cause round trips and affect performance. Let's remove them.
832 lines
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832 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Eric Woroshow
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The Ebitengine Authors
//go:build nintendosdk
package gl
// #include <stdint.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>
// typedef unsigned int GLenum;
// typedef unsigned char GLboolean;
// typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;
// typedef int GLint;
// typedef unsigned int GLuint;
// typedef int GLsizei;
// typedef float GLfloat;
// typedef char GLchar;
// typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptr;
// typedef ptrdiff_t GLsizeiptr;
// static void glowActiveTexture(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum texture) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum texture);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(texture);
// }
// static void glowAttachShader(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint program, GLuint shader);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(program, shader);
// }
// static void glowBindAttribLocation(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar* name) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar* name);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(program, index, name);
// }
// static void glowBindBuffer(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLuint buffer) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, buffer);
// }
// static void glowBindFramebuffer(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, framebuffer);
// }
// static void glowBindRenderbuffer(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, renderbuffer);
// }
// static void glowBindTexture(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLuint texture) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLuint texture);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, texture);
// }
// static void glowBindVertexArray(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint array) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint array);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(array);
// }
// static void glowBlendEquationSeparate(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(modeRGB, modeAlpha);
// }
// static void glowBlendFuncSeparate(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
// }
// static void glowBufferData(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data, GLenum usage) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data, GLenum usage);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, size, data, usage);
// }
// static void glowBufferSubData(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, offset, size, data);
// }
// static GLenum glowCheckFramebufferStatus(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target) {
// typedef GLenum (*fn)(GLenum target);
// return ((fn)(fnptr))(target);
// }
// static void glowClear(uintptr_t fnptr, GLbitfield mask) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLbitfield mask);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(mask);
// }
// static void glowColorMask(uintptr_t fnptr, GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(red, green, blue, alpha);
// }
// static void glowCompileShader(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint shader) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint shader);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(shader);
// }
// static GLuint glowCreateProgram(uintptr_t fnptr) {
// typedef GLuint (*fn)();
// return ((fn)(fnptr))();
// }
// static GLuint glowCreateShader(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum type) {
// typedef GLuint (*fn)(GLenum type);
// return ((fn)(fnptr))(type);
// }
// static void glowDeleteBuffers(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, buffers);
// }
// static void glowDeleteFramebuffers(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, framebuffers);
// }
// static void glowDeleteProgram(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint program);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(program);
// }
// static void glowDeleteRenderbuffers(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, renderbuffers);
// }
// static void glowDeleteShader(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint shader) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint shader);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(shader);
// }
// static void glowDeleteTextures(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, textures);
// }
// static void glowDeleteVertexArrays(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, arrays);
// }
// static void glowDisable(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum cap) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum cap);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(cap);
// }
// static void glowDisableVertexAttribArray(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint index) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint index);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(index);
// }
// static void glowDrawElements(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const uintptr_t indices) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const uintptr_t indices);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(mode, count, type, indices);
// }
// static void glowEnable(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum cap) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum cap);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(cap);
// }
// static void glowEnableVertexAttribArray(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint index) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint index);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(index);
// }
// static void glowFlush(uintptr_t fnptr) {
// typedef void (*fn)();
// ((fn)(fnptr))();
// }
// static void glowFramebufferRenderbuffer(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer);
// }
// static void glowFramebufferTexture2D(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level);
// }
// static void glowGenBuffers(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, buffers);
// }
// static void glowGenFramebuffers(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, framebuffers);
// }
// static void glowGenRenderbuffers(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, renderbuffers);
// }
// static void glowGenTextures(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, textures);
// }
// static void glowGenVertexArrays(uintptr_t fnptr, GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(n, arrays);
// }
// static GLenum glowGetError(uintptr_t fnptr) {
// typedef GLenum (*fn)();
// return ((fn)(fnptr))();
// }
// static void glowGetIntegerv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum pname, GLint* data) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum pname, GLint* data);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(pname, data);
// }
// static void glowGetProgramInfoLog(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLchar* infoLog) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLchar* infoLog);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(program, bufSize, length, infoLog);
// }
// static void glowGetProgramiv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(program, pname, params);
// }
// static void glowGetShaderInfoLog(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLchar* infoLog) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLchar* infoLog);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(shader, bufSize, length, infoLog);
// }
// static void glowGetShaderiv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(shader, pname, params);
// }
// static GLint glowGetUniformLocation(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program, const GLchar* name) {
// typedef GLint (*fn)(GLuint program, const GLchar* name);
// return ((fn)(fnptr))(program, name);
// }
// static GLboolean glowIsProgram(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program) {
// typedef GLboolean (*fn)(GLuint program);
// return ((fn)(fnptr))(program);
// }
// static void glowLinkProgram(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint program);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(program);
// }
// static void glowPixelStorei(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum pname, GLint param) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum pname, GLint param);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(pname, param);
// }
// static void glowReadPixels(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, void* pixels) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, void* pixels);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
// }
// static void glowRenderbufferStorage(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, internalformat, width, height);
// }
// static void glowScissor(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(x, y, width, height);
// }
// static void glowShaderSource(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar*const* string, const GLint* length) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar*const* string, const GLint* length);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(shader, count, string, length);
// }
// static void glowStencilFunc(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(func, ref, mask);
// }
// static void glowStencilOpSeparate(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum face, GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum face, GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(face, fail, zfail, zpass);
// }
// static void glowTexImage2D(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);
// }
// static void glowTexParameteri(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, pname, param);
// }
// static void glowTexSubImage2D(uintptr_t fnptr, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels);
// }
// static void glowUniform1fv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniform1i(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLint v0) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLint v0);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, v0);
// }
// static void glowUniform1iv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniform2fv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniform2iv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniform3fv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniform3iv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniform4fv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniform4iv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, value);
// }
// static void glowUniformMatrix2fv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, transpose, value);
// }
// static void glowUniformMatrix3fv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, transpose, value);
// }
// static void glowUniformMatrix4fv(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(location, count, transpose, value);
// }
// static void glowUseProgram(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint program) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint program);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(program);
// }
// static void glowVertexAttribPointer(uintptr_t fnptr, GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const uintptr_t pointer) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const uintptr_t pointer);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer);
// }
// static void glowViewport(uintptr_t fnptr, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
// typedef void (*fn)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
// ((fn)(fnptr))(x, y, width, height);
// }
import "C"
import (
type defaultContext struct {
gpActiveTexture C.uintptr_t
gpAttachShader C.uintptr_t
gpBindAttribLocation C.uintptr_t
gpBindBuffer C.uintptr_t
gpBindFramebuffer C.uintptr_t
gpBindRenderbuffer C.uintptr_t
gpBindTexture C.uintptr_t
gpBindVertexArray C.uintptr_t
gpBlendEquationSeparate C.uintptr_t
gpBlendFuncSeparate C.uintptr_t
gpBufferData C.uintptr_t
gpBufferSubData C.uintptr_t
gpCheckFramebufferStatus C.uintptr_t
gpClear C.uintptr_t
gpColorMask C.uintptr_t
gpCompileShader C.uintptr_t
gpCreateProgram C.uintptr_t
gpCreateShader C.uintptr_t
gpDeleteBuffers C.uintptr_t
gpDeleteFramebuffers C.uintptr_t
gpDeleteProgram C.uintptr_t
gpDeleteRenderbuffers C.uintptr_t
gpDeleteShader C.uintptr_t
gpDeleteTextures C.uintptr_t
gpDeleteVertexArrays C.uintptr_t
gpDisable C.uintptr_t
gpDisableVertexAttribArray C.uintptr_t
gpDrawElements C.uintptr_t
gpEnable C.uintptr_t
gpEnableVertexAttribArray C.uintptr_t
gpFlush C.uintptr_t
gpFramebufferRenderbuffer C.uintptr_t
gpFramebufferTexture2D C.uintptr_t
gpGenBuffers C.uintptr_t
gpGenFramebuffers C.uintptr_t
gpGenRenderbuffers C.uintptr_t
gpGenTextures C.uintptr_t
gpGenVertexArrays C.uintptr_t
gpGetError C.uintptr_t
gpGetIntegerv C.uintptr_t
gpGetProgramInfoLog C.uintptr_t
gpGetProgramiv C.uintptr_t
gpGetShaderInfoLog C.uintptr_t
gpGetShaderiv C.uintptr_t
gpGetUniformLocation C.uintptr_t
gpIsProgram C.uintptr_t
gpLinkProgram C.uintptr_t
gpPixelStorei C.uintptr_t
gpReadPixels C.uintptr_t
gpRenderbufferStorage C.uintptr_t
gpScissor C.uintptr_t
gpShaderSource C.uintptr_t
gpStencilFunc C.uintptr_t
gpStencilOpSeparate C.uintptr_t
gpTexImage2D C.uintptr_t
gpTexParameteri C.uintptr_t
gpTexSubImage2D C.uintptr_t
gpUniform1fv C.uintptr_t
gpUniform1i C.uintptr_t
gpUniform1iv C.uintptr_t
gpUniform2fv C.uintptr_t
gpUniform2iv C.uintptr_t
gpUniform3fv C.uintptr_t
gpUniform3iv C.uintptr_t
gpUniform4fv C.uintptr_t
gpUniform4iv C.uintptr_t
gpUniformMatrix2fv C.uintptr_t
gpUniformMatrix3fv C.uintptr_t
gpUniformMatrix4fv C.uintptr_t
gpUseProgram C.uintptr_t
gpVertexAttribPointer C.uintptr_t
gpViewport C.uintptr_t
isES bool
func NewDefaultContext() (Context, error) {
ctx := &defaultContext{}
if err := ctx.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ctx, nil
func boolToInt(b bool) int {
if b {
return 1
return 0
func (c *defaultContext) IsES() bool {
return c.isES
func (c *defaultContext) ActiveTexture(texture uint32) {
C.glowActiveTexture(c.gpActiveTexture, C.GLenum(texture))
func (c *defaultContext) AttachShader(program uint32, shader uint32) {
C.glowAttachShader(c.gpAttachShader, C.GLuint(program), C.GLuint(shader))
func (c *defaultContext) BindAttribLocation(program uint32, index uint32, name string) {
cname := C.CString(name)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cname))
C.glowBindAttribLocation(c.gpBindAttribLocation, C.GLuint(program), C.GLuint(index), (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(cname)))
func (c *defaultContext) BindBuffer(target uint32, buffer uint32) {
C.glowBindBuffer(c.gpBindBuffer, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(buffer))
func (c *defaultContext) BindFramebuffer(target uint32, framebuffer uint32) {
C.glowBindFramebuffer(c.gpBindFramebuffer, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(framebuffer))
func (c *defaultContext) BindRenderbuffer(target uint32, renderbuffer uint32) {
C.glowBindRenderbuffer(c.gpBindRenderbuffer, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(renderbuffer))
func (c *defaultContext) BindTexture(target uint32, texture uint32) {
C.glowBindTexture(c.gpBindTexture, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(texture))
func (c *defaultContext) BindVertexArray(array uint32) {
C.glowBindVertexArray(c.gpBindVertexArray, C.GLuint(array))
func (c *defaultContext) BlendEquationSeparate(modeRGB uint32, modeAlpha uint32) {
C.glowBlendEquationSeparate(c.gpBlendEquationSeparate, C.GLenum(modeRGB), C.GLenum(modeAlpha))
func (c *defaultContext) BlendFuncSeparate(srcRGB uint32, dstRGB uint32, srcAlpha uint32, dstAlpha uint32) {
C.glowBlendFuncSeparate(c.gpBlendFuncSeparate, C.GLenum(srcRGB), C.GLenum(dstRGB), C.GLenum(srcAlpha), C.GLenum(dstAlpha))
func (c *defaultContext) BufferInit(target uint32, size int, usage uint32) {
C.glowBufferData(c.gpBufferData, C.GLenum(target), C.GLsizeiptr(size), nil, C.GLenum(usage))
func (c *defaultContext) BufferSubData(target uint32, offset int, data []byte) {
C.glowBufferSubData(c.gpBufferSubData, C.GLenum(target), C.GLintptr(offset), C.GLsizeiptr(len(data)), unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]))
func (c *defaultContext) CheckFramebufferStatus(target uint32) uint32 {
ret := C.glowCheckFramebufferStatus(c.gpCheckFramebufferStatus, C.GLenum(target))
return uint32(ret)
func (c *defaultContext) Clear(mask uint32) {
C.glowClear(c.gpClear, C.GLbitfield(mask))
func (c *defaultContext) ColorMask(red bool, green bool, blue bool, alpha bool) {
C.glowColorMask(c.gpColorMask, C.GLboolean(boolToInt(red)), C.GLboolean(boolToInt(green)), C.GLboolean(boolToInt(blue)), C.GLboolean(boolToInt(alpha)))
func (c *defaultContext) CompileShader(shader uint32) {
C.glowCompileShader(c.gpCompileShader, C.GLuint(shader))
func (c *defaultContext) CreateBuffer() uint32 {
var buffer uint32
C.glowGenBuffers(c.gpGenBuffers, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer)))
return buffer
func (c *defaultContext) CreateFramebuffer() uint32 {
var framebuffer uint32
C.glowGenFramebuffers(c.gpGenFramebuffers, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&framebuffer)))
return framebuffer
func (c *defaultContext) CreateProgram() uint32 {
ret := C.glowCreateProgram(c.gpCreateProgram)
return uint32(ret)
func (c *defaultContext) CreateRenderbuffer() uint32 {
var renderbuffer uint32
C.glowGenRenderbuffers(c.gpGenRenderbuffers, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&renderbuffer)))
return renderbuffer
func (c *defaultContext) CreateShader(xtype uint32) uint32 {
ret := C.glowCreateShader(c.gpCreateShader, C.GLenum(xtype))
return uint32(ret)
func (c *defaultContext) CreateTexture() uint32 {
var texture uint32
C.glowGenTextures(c.gpGenTextures, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&texture)))
return texture
func (c *defaultContext) CreateVertexArray() uint32 {
var array uint32
C.glowGenVertexArrays(c.gpGenVertexArrays, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&array)))
return array
func (c *defaultContext) DeleteBuffer(buffer uint32) {
C.glowDeleteBuffers(c.gpDeleteBuffers, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer)))
func (c *defaultContext) DeleteFramebuffer(framebuffer uint32) {
C.glowDeleteFramebuffers(c.gpDeleteFramebuffers, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&framebuffer)))
func (c *defaultContext) DeleteProgram(program uint32) {
C.glowDeleteProgram(c.gpDeleteProgram, C.GLuint(program))
func (c *defaultContext) DeleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer uint32) {
C.glowDeleteRenderbuffers(c.gpDeleteRenderbuffers, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&renderbuffer)))
func (c *defaultContext) DeleteShader(shader uint32) {
C.glowDeleteShader(c.gpDeleteShader, C.GLuint(shader))
func (c *defaultContext) DeleteTexture(texture uint32) {
C.glowDeleteTextures(c.gpDeleteTextures, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&texture)))
func (c *defaultContext) DeleteVertexArray(array uint32) {
C.glowDeleteVertexArrays(c.gpDeleteVertexArrays, 1, (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&array)))
func (c *defaultContext) Disable(cap uint32) {
C.glowDisable(c.gpDisable, C.GLenum(cap))
func (c *defaultContext) DisableVertexAttribArray(index uint32) {
C.glowDisableVertexAttribArray(c.gpDisableVertexAttribArray, C.GLuint(index))
func (c *defaultContext) DrawElements(mode uint32, count int32, xtype uint32, offset int) {
C.glowDrawElements(c.gpDrawElements, C.GLenum(mode), C.GLsizei(count), C.GLenum(xtype), C.uintptr_t(offset))
func (c *defaultContext) Enable(cap uint32) {
C.glowEnable(c.gpEnable, C.GLenum(cap))
func (c *defaultContext) EnableVertexAttribArray(index uint32) {
C.glowEnableVertexAttribArray(c.gpEnableVertexAttribArray, C.GLuint(index))
func (c *defaultContext) Flush() {
func (c *defaultContext) FramebufferRenderbuffer(target uint32, attachment uint32, renderbuffertarget uint32, renderbuffer uint32) {
C.glowFramebufferRenderbuffer(c.gpFramebufferRenderbuffer, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(renderbuffertarget), C.GLuint(renderbuffer))
func (c *defaultContext) FramebufferTexture2D(target uint32, attachment uint32, textarget uint32, texture uint32, level int32) {
C.glowFramebufferTexture2D(c.gpFramebufferTexture2D, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(textarget), C.GLuint(texture), C.GLint(level))
func (c *defaultContext) GetError() uint32 {
ret := C.glowGetError(c.gpGetError)
return uint32(ret)
func (c *defaultContext) GetInteger(pname uint32) int {
var dst int32
C.glowGetIntegerv(c.gpGetIntegerv, C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&dst)))
return int(dst)
func (c *defaultContext) GetProgramInfoLog(program uint32) string {
bufSize := c.GetProgrami(program, INFO_LOG_LENGTH)
infoLog := make([]byte, bufSize)
C.glowGetProgramInfoLog(c.gpGetProgramInfoLog, C.GLuint(program), C.GLsizei(bufSize), nil, (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&infoLog[0])))
return string(infoLog)
func (c *defaultContext) GetProgrami(program uint32, pname uint32) int {
var dst int32
C.glowGetProgramiv(c.gpGetProgramiv, C.GLuint(program), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&dst)))
return int(dst)
func (c *defaultContext) GetShaderInfoLog(shader uint32) string {
bufSize := c.GetShaderi(shader, INFO_LOG_LENGTH)
infoLog := make([]byte, bufSize)
C.glowGetShaderInfoLog(c.gpGetShaderInfoLog, C.GLuint(shader), C.GLsizei(bufSize), nil, (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&infoLog[0])))
return string(infoLog)
func (c *defaultContext) GetShaderi(shader uint32, pname uint32) int {
var dst int32
C.glowGetShaderiv(c.gpGetShaderiv, C.GLuint(shader), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&dst)))
return int(dst)
func (c *defaultContext) GetUniformLocation(program uint32, name string) int32 {
cname := C.CString(name)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cname))
ret := C.glowGetUniformLocation(c.gpGetUniformLocation, C.GLuint(program), (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(cname)))
return int32(ret)
func (c *defaultContext) IsProgram(program uint32) bool {
ret := C.glowIsProgram(c.gpIsProgram, C.GLuint(program))
return ret == TRUE
func (c *defaultContext) LinkProgram(program uint32) {
C.glowLinkProgram(c.gpLinkProgram, C.GLuint(program))
func (c *defaultContext) PixelStorei(pname uint32, param int32) {
C.glowPixelStorei(c.gpPixelStorei, C.GLenum(pname), C.GLint(param))
func (c *defaultContext) ReadPixels(dst []byte, x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32, format uint32, xtype uint32) {
C.glowReadPixels(c.gpReadPixels, C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(xtype), unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]))
func (c *defaultContext) RenderbufferStorage(target uint32, internalformat uint32, width int32, height int32) {
C.glowRenderbufferStorage(c.gpRenderbufferStorage, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(internalformat), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height))
func (c *defaultContext) Scissor(x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32) {
C.glowScissor(c.gpScissor, C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height))
func (c *defaultContext) ShaderSource(shader uint32, xstring string) {
cstring := C.CString(xstring)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstring))
C.glowShaderSource(c.gpShaderSource, C.GLuint(shader), 1, (**C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&cstring)), nil)
func (c *defaultContext) StencilFunc(xfunc uint32, ref int32, mask uint32) {
C.glowStencilFunc(c.gpStencilFunc, C.GLenum(xfunc), C.GLint(ref), C.GLuint(mask))
func (c *defaultContext) StencilOpSeparate(face uint32, fail uint32, zfail uint32, zpass uint32) {
C.glowStencilOpSeparate(c.gpStencilOpSeparate, C.GLenum(face), C.GLenum(fail), C.GLenum(zfail), C.GLenum(zpass))
func (c *defaultContext) TexImage2D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat int32, width int32, height int32, format uint32, xtype uint32, pixels []byte) {
var ptr *byte
if len(pixels) > 0 {
ptr = &pixels[0]
C.glowTexImage2D(c.gpTexImage2D, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(internalformat), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), 0, C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(xtype), unsafe.Pointer(ptr))
func (c *defaultContext) TexParameteri(target uint32, pname uint32, param int32) {
C.glowTexParameteri(c.gpTexParameteri, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), C.GLint(param))
func (c *defaultContext) TexSubImage2D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, yoffset int32, width int32, height int32, format uint32, xtype uint32, pixels []byte) {
C.glowTexSubImage2D(c.gpTexSubImage2D, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(xoffset), C.GLint(yoffset), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(xtype), unsafe.Pointer(&pixels[0]))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform1fv(location int32, value []float32) {
C.glowUniform1fv(c.gpUniform1fv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform1i(location int32, v0 int32) {
C.glowUniform1i(c.gpUniform1i, C.GLint(location), C.GLint(v0))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform1iv(location int32, value []int32) {
C.glowUniform1iv(c.gpUniform1iv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform2fv(location int32, value []float32) {
C.glowUniform2fv(c.gpUniform2fv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/2), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform2iv(location int32, value []int32) {
C.glowUniform2iv(c.gpUniform2iv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/2), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform3fv(location int32, value []float32) {
C.glowUniform3fv(c.gpUniform3fv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/3), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform3iv(location int32, value []int32) {
C.glowUniform3iv(c.gpUniform3iv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/3), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform4fv(location int32, value []float32) {
C.glowUniform4fv(c.gpUniform4fv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/4), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) Uniform4iv(location int32, value []int32) {
C.glowUniform4iv(c.gpUniform4iv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/4), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) UniformMatrix2fv(location int32, value []float32) {
C.glowUniformMatrix2fv(c.gpUniformMatrix2fv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/4), 0, (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) UniformMatrix3fv(location int32, value []float32) {
C.glowUniformMatrix3fv(c.gpUniformMatrix3fv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/9), 0, (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) UniformMatrix4fv(location int32, value []float32) {
C.glowUniformMatrix4fv(c.gpUniformMatrix4fv, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(len(value)/16), 0, (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
func (c *defaultContext) UseProgram(program uint32) {
C.glowUseProgram(c.gpUseProgram, C.GLuint(program))
func (c *defaultContext) VertexAttribPointer(index uint32, size int32, xtype uint32, normalized bool, stride int32, offset int) {
C.glowVertexAttribPointer(c.gpVertexAttribPointer, C.GLuint(index), C.GLint(size), C.GLenum(xtype), C.GLboolean(boolToInt(normalized)), C.GLsizei(stride), C.uintptr_t(offset))
func (c *defaultContext) Viewport(x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32) {
C.glowViewport(c.gpViewport, C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height))
func (c *defaultContext) LoadFunctions() error {
g := procAddressGetter{ctx: c}
c.gpActiveTexture = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glActiveTexture"))
c.gpAttachShader = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glAttachShader"))
c.gpBindAttribLocation = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBindAttribLocation"))
c.gpBindBuffer = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBindBuffer"))
c.gpBindFramebuffer = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBindFramebuffer"))
c.gpBindRenderbuffer = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBindRenderbuffer"))
c.gpBindTexture = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBindTexture"))
c.gpBindVertexArray = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBindVertexArray"))
c.gpBlendEquationSeparate = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBlendEquationSeparate"))
c.gpBlendFuncSeparate = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBlendFuncSeparate"))
c.gpBufferData = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBufferData"))
c.gpBufferSubData = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glBufferSubData"))
c.gpCheckFramebufferStatus = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glCheckFramebufferStatus"))
c.gpClear = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glClear"))
c.gpColorMask = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glColorMask"))
c.gpCompileShader = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glCompileShader"))
c.gpCreateProgram = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glCreateProgram"))
c.gpCreateShader = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glCreateShader"))
c.gpDeleteBuffers = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDeleteBuffers"))
c.gpDeleteFramebuffers = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDeleteFramebuffers"))
c.gpDeleteProgram = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDeleteProgram"))
c.gpDeleteRenderbuffers = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDeleteRenderbuffers"))
c.gpDeleteShader = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDeleteShader"))
c.gpDeleteTextures = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDeleteTextures"))
c.gpDeleteVertexArrays = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDeleteVertexArrays"))
c.gpDisable = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDisable"))
c.gpDisableVertexAttribArray = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDisableVertexAttribArray"))
c.gpDrawElements = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glDrawElements"))
c.gpEnable = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glEnable"))
c.gpEnableVertexAttribArray = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glEnableVertexAttribArray"))
c.gpFlush = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glFlush"))
c.gpFramebufferRenderbuffer = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glFramebufferRenderbuffer"))
c.gpFramebufferTexture2D = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glFramebufferTexture2D"))
c.gpGenBuffers = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGenBuffers"))
c.gpGenFramebuffers = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGenFramebuffers"))
c.gpGenRenderbuffers = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGenRenderbuffers"))
c.gpGenTextures = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGenTextures"))
c.gpGenVertexArrays = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGenVertexArrays"))
c.gpGetError = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGetError"))
c.gpGetIntegerv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGetIntegerv"))
c.gpGetProgramInfoLog = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGetProgramInfoLog"))
c.gpGetProgramiv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGetProgramiv"))
c.gpGetShaderInfoLog = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGetShaderInfoLog"))
c.gpGetShaderiv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGetShaderiv"))
c.gpGetUniformLocation = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glGetUniformLocation"))
c.gpIsProgram = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glIsProgram"))
c.gpLinkProgram = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glLinkProgram"))
c.gpPixelStorei = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glPixelStorei"))
c.gpReadPixels = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glReadPixels"))
c.gpRenderbufferStorage = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glRenderbufferStorage"))
c.gpScissor = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glScissor"))
c.gpShaderSource = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glShaderSource"))
c.gpStencilFunc = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glStencilFunc"))
c.gpStencilOpSeparate = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glStencilOpSeparate"))
c.gpTexImage2D = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glTexImage2D"))
c.gpTexParameteri = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glTexParameteri"))
c.gpTexSubImage2D = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glTexSubImage2D"))
c.gpUniform1fv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform1fv"))
c.gpUniform1i = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform1i"))
c.gpUniform1iv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform1iv"))
c.gpUniform2fv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform2fv"))
c.gpUniform2iv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform2iv"))
c.gpUniform3fv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform3fv"))
c.gpUniform3iv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform3iv"))
c.gpUniform4fv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform4fv"))
c.gpUniform4iv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniform4iv"))
c.gpUniformMatrix2fv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniformMatrix2fv"))
c.gpUniformMatrix3fv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniformMatrix3fv"))
c.gpUniformMatrix4fv = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUniformMatrix4fv"))
c.gpUseProgram = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glUseProgram"))
c.gpVertexAttribPointer = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glVertexAttribPointer"))
c.gpViewport = C.uintptr_t(g.get("glViewport"))
return g.error()