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synced 2025-01-30 20:44:28 +01:00
When the decoded audio size is exactly multiples of an internal buffer size, the buffer's size becomes exactly zero when being appended. In this case, createBuffer fails and the application crashes. This change fixes this issue by skipping to append a buffer in such cases. Closes #1635
369 lines
8.7 KiB
369 lines
8.7 KiB
// Copyright 2021 The Ebiten Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package readerdriver
import (
func IsAvailable() bool {
return true
type context struct {
audioContext js.Value
ready bool
callbacks map[string]js.Func
sampleRate int
channelNum int
bitDepthInBytes int
func NewContext(sampleRate int, channelNum int, bitDepthInBytes int) (Context, chan struct{}, error) {
ready := make(chan struct{})
if js.Global().Get("go2cpp").Truthy() {
return &go2cppDriverWrapper{go2cpp.NewContext(sampleRate, channelNum, bitDepthInBytes)}, ready, nil
class := js.Global().Get("AudioContext")
if !class.Truthy() {
class = js.Global().Get("webkitAudioContext")
if !class.Truthy() {
return nil, nil, errors.New("readerdriver: AudioContext or webkitAudioContext was not found")
options := js.Global().Get("Object").New()
options.Set("sampleRate", sampleRate)
d := &context{
audioContext: class.New(options),
sampleRate: sampleRate,
channelNum: channelNum,
bitDepthInBytes: bitDepthInBytes,
setCallback := func(event string) js.Func {
var f js.Func
f = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, arguments []js.Value) interface{} {
if !d.ready {
d.ready = true
js.Global().Get("document").Call("removeEventListener", event, f)
return nil
js.Global().Get("document").Call("addEventListener", event, f)
d.callbacks[event] = f
return f
// Browsers require user interaction to start the audio.
// https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes#webaudio
d.callbacks = map[string]js.Func{}
return d, ready, nil
type player struct {
context *context
src io.Reader
eof bool
state playerState
gain js.Value
err error
buf []byte
nextPos float64
bufferSourceNodes []js.Value
appendBufferFunc js.Func
func (c *context) NewPlayer(src io.Reader) Player {
p := &player{
context: c,
src: src,
gain: c.audioContext.Call("createGain"),
p.appendBufferFunc = js.FuncOf(p.appendBuffer)
p.gain.Call("connect", c.audioContext.Get("destination"))
runtime.SetFinalizer(p, (*player).Close)
return p
func (c *context) Close() error {
// TODO: Implement this
return nil
func (c *context) Suspend() error {
return nil
func (c *context) Resume() error {
return nil
func (p *player) Pause() {
if p.state != playerPlay {
// Change the state first. appendBuffer is called as an 'ended' callback.
var data [2][]float32
for _, n := range p.bufferSourceNodes {
for ch := 0; ch < 2; ch++ {
t := n.Get("buffer").Call("getChannelData", ch)
data[ch] = append(data[ch], float32ArrayToFloat32Slice(t)...)
n.Set("onended", nil)
p.buf = append(fromLR(data[0], data[1]), p.buf...)
p.state = playerPaused
p.bufferSourceNodes = p.bufferSourceNodes[:0]
p.nextPos = 0
func (p *player) appendBuffer(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
// appendBuffer is called as the 'ended' callback of a buffer.
// 'this' is an AudioBufferSourceNode that already finishes its playing.
for i, n := range p.bufferSourceNodes {
if jsutil.Equal(n, this) {
p.bufferSourceNodes = append(p.bufferSourceNodes[:i], p.bufferSourceNodes[i+1:]...)
if p.state != playerPlay {
return nil
if p.eof {
if len(p.bufferSourceNodes) == 0 {
return nil
c := p.context.audioContext.Get("currentTime").Float()
if p.nextPos < c {
// The exact current time might be too early. Add some delay on purpose to avoid buffer overlapping.
p.nextPos = c + 1.0/60.0
tmp := make([]byte, 4096)
bs := make([]byte, 0, p.context.oneBufferSize())
for cap(bs)-len(bs) > 0 {
if len(p.buf) > 0 {
n := len(p.buf)
if need := cap(bs) - len(bs); n > need {
n = need
bs = append(bs, p.buf[:n]...)
p.buf = p.buf[n:]
n, err := p.src.Read(tmp)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
p.err = err
return nil
if need := cap(bs) - len(bs); n > need {
p.buf = append(p.buf, tmp[need:]...)
n = need
bs = append(bs, tmp[:n]...)
if err == io.EOF {
p.eof = true
if len(bs) == 0 {
return nil
l, r := toLR(bs)
tl, tr := float32SliceToTypedArray(l), float32SliceToTypedArray(r)
buf := p.context.audioContext.Call("createBuffer", p.context.channelNum, len(bs)/p.context.channelNum/p.context.bitDepthInBytes, p.context.sampleRate)
if buf.Get("copyToChannel").Truthy() {
buf.Call("copyToChannel", tl, 0, 0)
buf.Call("copyToChannel", tr, 1, 0)
} else {
// copyToChannel is not defined on Safari 11.
buf.Call("getChannelData", 0).Call("set", tl)
buf.Call("getChannelData", 1).Call("set", tr)
s := p.context.audioContext.Call("createBufferSource")
s.Set("buffer", buf)
s.Set("onended", p.appendBufferFunc)
s.Call("connect", p.gain)
s.Call("start", p.nextPos)
p.nextPos += buf.Get("duration").Float()
p.bufferSourceNodes = append(p.bufferSourceNodes, s)
return nil
func (p *player) Play() {
if p.state != playerPaused {
p.state = playerPlay
p.appendBuffer(js.Undefined(), nil)
p.appendBuffer(js.Undefined(), nil)
func (p *player) IsPlaying() bool {
return p.state == playerPlay
func (p *player) Reset() {
if p.state == playerClosed {
p.eof = false
p.buf = p.buf[:0]
func (p *player) Volume() float64 {
return p.gain.Get("gain").Get("value").Float()
func (p *player) SetVolume(volume float64) {
p.gain.Get("gain").Set("value", volume)
func (p *player) UnplayedBufferSize() int64 {
// This is not an accurate buffer size as part of the buffers might already be consumed.
var sec float64
for _, n := range p.bufferSourceNodes {
sec += n.Get("buffer").Get("duration").Float()
return int64(len(p.buf)) + int64(sec*float64(p.context.sampleRate*p.context.channelNum*p.context.bitDepthInBytes))
func (p *player) Err() error {
return p.err
func (p *player) Close() error {
runtime.SetFinalizer(p, nil)
p.state = playerClosed
return nil
type go2cppDriverWrapper struct {
c *go2cpp.Context
func (w *go2cppDriverWrapper) NewPlayer(r io.Reader) Player {
return w.c.NewPlayer(r)
func (w *go2cppDriverWrapper) Suspend() error {
// Do nothing so far.
return nil
func (w *go2cppDriverWrapper) Resume() error {
// Do nothing so far.
return nil
func (w *go2cppDriverWrapper) Close() error {
return w.c.Close()
func toLR(data []byte) ([]float32, []float32) {
const max = 1 << 15
l := make([]float32, len(data)/4)
r := make([]float32, len(data)/4)
for i := 0; i < len(data)/4; i++ {
l[i] = float32(int16(data[4*i])|int16(data[4*i+1])<<8) / max
r[i] = float32(int16(data[4*i+2])|int16(data[4*i+3])<<8) / max
return l, r
func fromLR(l, r []float32) []byte {
const max = 1 << 15
if len(l) != len(r) {
panic("readerdriver: len(l) must equal to len(r) at fromLR")
bs := make([]byte, len(l)*4)
for i := range l {
lv := int16(l[i] * max)
bs[4*i] = byte(lv)
bs[4*i+1] = byte(lv >> 8)
rv := int16(r[i] * max)
bs[4*i+2] = byte(rv)
bs[4*i+3] = byte(rv >> 8)
return bs
func float32SliceToTypedArray(s []float32) js.Value {
h := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
h.Len *= 4
h.Cap *= 4
bs := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(h))
a := js.Global().Get("Uint8Array").New(len(bs))
js.CopyBytesToJS(a, bs)
buf := a.Get("buffer")
return js.Global().Get("Float32Array").New(buf, a.Get("byteOffset"), a.Get("byteLength").Int()/4)
func float32ArrayToFloat32Slice(v js.Value) []float32 {
bs := make([]byte, v.Get("byteLength").Int())
js.CopyBytesToGo(bs, js.Global().Get("Uint8Array").New(v.Get("buffer"), v.Get("byteOffset"), v.Get("byteLength")))
h := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&bs))
h.Len /= 4
h.Cap /= 4
f32s := *(*[]float32)(unsafe.Pointer(h))
return f32s