mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 12:30:08 +01:00
When a screen is locked, an Ebitengine application crashed as the swap chain's Present returned DXGI_STATUS_OCCLUDED. Let's ignore the error and continue to run the applications. In the ideal world, an application should stop running during the screen lock, so let's revisit this later. This fix also fixes the issue that a Win32API GetCursorPos returned an error ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when the screen was locked. Closes #2179
2260 lines
55 KiB
2260 lines
55 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The Ebitengine Authors
package glfwwin
import (
func (w *Window) getWindowStyle() uint32 {
if w.monitor != nil {
style |= _WS_POPUP
} else {
if w.decorated {
style |= _WS_CAPTION
if w.resizable {
} else {
style |= _WS_POPUP
return style
func (w *Window) getWindowExStyle() uint32 {
var style uint32 = _WS_EX_APPWINDOW
if w.floating {
style |= _WS_EX_TOPMOST
return style
func chooseImage(images []*Image, width, height int) *Image {
var leastDiff uint = math.MaxUint32
var closest *Image
for _, image := range images {
currDiff := abs(image.Width*image.Height - width*height)
if currDiff < leastDiff {
closest = image
leastDiff = currDiff
return closest
func createIcon(image *Image, xhot, yhot int, icon bool) (_HICON, error) {
bi.bV5Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(bi))
bi.bV5Width = int32(image.Width)
bi.bV5Height = int32(-image.Height)
bi.bV5Planes = 1
bi.bV5BitCount = 32
bi.bV5Compression = _BI_BITFIELDS
bi.bV5RedMask = 0x00ff0000
bi.bV5GreenMask = 0x0000ff00
bi.bV5BlueMask = 0x000000ff
bi.bV5AlphaMask = 0xff000000
dc, err := _GetDC(0)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer _ReleaseDC(0, dc)
color, targetPtr, err := _CreateDIBSection(dc, &bi, _DIB_RGB_COLORS, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer _DeleteObject(_HGDIOBJ(color))
mask, err := _CreateBitmap(int32(image.Width), int32(image.Height), 1, 1, nil)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer _DeleteObject(_HGDIOBJ(mask))
source := image.Pixels
var target []byte
h := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&target))
h.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(targetPtr))
h.Len = len(source)
h.Cap = len(source)
for i := 0; i < len(source)/4; i++ {
target[4*i] = source[4*i+2]
target[4*i+1] = source[4*i+1]
target[4*i+2] = source[4*i+0]
target[4*i+3] = source[4*i+3]
var iconInt32 int32
if icon {
iconInt32 = 1
ii := _ICONINFO{
fIcon: iconInt32,
xHotspot: uint32(xhot),
yHotspot: uint32(yhot),
hbmMask: mask,
hbmColor: color,
handle, err := _CreateIconIndirect(&ii)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return handle, nil
func getFullWindowSize(style uint32, exStyle uint32, contentWidth, contentHeight int, dpi uint32) (fullWidth, fullHeight int, err error) {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return contentWidth, contentHeight, nil
rect := _RECT{
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: int32(contentWidth),
bottom: int32(contentHeight),
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, style, false, exStyle, dpi); err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, style, false, exStyle); err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return int(rect.right - rect.left), int(rect.bottom - rect.top), nil
func (w *Window) applyAspectRatio(edge int, area *_RECT) error {
ratio := float32(w.numer) / float32(w.denom)
var dpi uint32 = _USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
dpi = _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)
xoff, yoff, err := getFullWindowSize(w.getWindowStyle(), w.getWindowExStyle(), 0, 0, dpi)
if err != nil {
return err
if edge == _WMSZ_LEFT || edge == _WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT || edge == _WMSZ_RIGHT || edge == _WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT {
area.bottom = area.top + int32(yoff) + int32(float32(area.right-area.left-int32(xoff))/ratio)
} else if edge == _WMSZ_TOPLEFT || edge == _WMSZ_TOPRIGHT {
area.top = area.bottom - int32(yoff) - int32(float32(area.right-area.left-int32(xoff))/ratio)
} else if edge == _WMSZ_TOP || edge == _WMSZ_BOTTOM {
area.right = area.left + int32(xoff) + int32(float32(area.bottom-area.top-int32(yoff))*ratio)
return nil
func (w *Window) updateCursorImage() error {
if w.cursorMode == CursorNormal {
if w.cursor != nil {
} else {
cursor, err := _LoadCursorW(0, _IDC_ARROW)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return nil
func (w *Window) clientToScreen(rect _RECT) (_RECT, error) {
point := _POINT{
x: rect.left,
y: rect.top,
if err := _ClientToScreen(w.win32.handle, &point); err != nil {
return _RECT{}, err
rect.left = point.x
rect.top = point.y
point = _POINT{
x: rect.right,
y: rect.bottom,
if err := _ClientToScreen(w.win32.handle, &point); err != nil {
return _RECT{}, err
rect.right = point.x
rect.bottom = point.y
return rect, nil
func updateClipRect(window *Window) error {
if window != nil {
clipRect, err := _GetClientRect(window.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return err
clipRect, err = window.clientToScreen(clipRect)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := _ClipCursor(&clipRect); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := _ClipCursor(nil); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) enableRawMouseMotion() error {
usUsagePage: 0x01,
usUsage: 0x02,
dwFlags: 0,
hwndTarget: w.win32.handle,
return _RegisterRawInputDevices(rid)
func (w *Window) disableRawMouseMotion() error {
usUsagePage: 0x01,
usUsage: 0x02,
hwndTarget: 0,
return _RegisterRawInputDevices(rid)
func (w *Window) disableCursor() error {
_glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow = w
x, y, err := w.platformGetCursorPos()
if err != nil {
return err
_glfw.win32.restoreCursorPosX, _glfw.win32.restoreCursorPosY = x, y
if err := w.updateCursorImage(); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.centerCursorInContentArea(); err != nil {
return err
if err := updateClipRect(w); err != nil {
return err
if w.rawMouseMotion {
if err := w.enableRawMouseMotion(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) enableCursor() error {
if w.rawMouseMotion {
if err := w.disableRawMouseMotion(); err != nil {
return err
_glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow = nil
if err := updateClipRect(nil); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.platformSetCursorPos(_glfw.win32.restoreCursorPosX, _glfw.win32.restoreCursorPosY); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.updateCursorImage(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) cursorInContentArea() (bool, error) {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return true, nil
pos, err := _GetCursorPos()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, windows.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
return false, nil
return false, err
if _WindowFromPoint(pos) != w.win32.handle {
return false, nil
area, err := _GetClientRect(w.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return false, err
area, err = w.clientToScreen(area)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return _PtInRect(&area, pos), nil
func (w *Window) updateWindowStyles() error {
s, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE)
if err != nil {
return err
style := uint32(s)
style |= w.getWindowStyle()
rect, err := _GetClientRect(w.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return err
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, style, false, w.getWindowExStyle(), _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, style, false, w.getWindowExStyle()); err != nil {
return err
rect, err = w.clientToScreen(rect)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := _SetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE, int32(style)); err != nil {
return err
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, _HWND_TOP, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, _SWP_FRAMECHANGED|_SWP_NOACTIVATE|_SWP_NOZORDER); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) updateFramebufferTransparency() error {
if !_IsWindowsVistaOrGreater() {
return nil
composition, err := _DwmIsCompositionEnabled()
if err != nil {
// Ignore an error from DWM functions as they might not be implemented e.g. on Proton (#2113).
return nil
if !composition {
return nil
var opaque bool
if !_IsWindows8OrGreater() {
_, opaque, err = _DwmGetColorizationColor()
if err != nil {
// Ignore an error from DWM functions as they might not be implemented e.g. on Proton (#2113).
return nil
if _IsWindows8OrGreater() || !opaque {
region, err := _CreateRectRgn(0, 0, -1, -1)
if err != nil {
return err
defer _DeleteObject(_HGDIOBJ(region))
hRgnBlur: region,
fEnable: 1, // true
// Ignore an error from DWM functions as they might not be implemented e.g. on Proton (#2113).
_ = _DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(w.win32.handle, &bb)
} else {
// HACK: Disable framebuffer transparency on Windows 7 when the
// colorization color is opaque, because otherwise the window
// contents is blended additively with the previous frame instead
// of replacing it
dwFlags: _DWM_BB_ENABLE,
// Ignore an error from DWM functions as they might not be implemented e.g. on Proton (#2113).
_ = _DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(w.win32.handle, &bb)
return nil
func getKeyMods() ModifierKey {
var mods ModifierKey
if uint16(_GetKeyState(_VK_SHIFT))&0x8000 != 0 {
mods |= ModShift
if uint16(_GetKeyState(_VK_CONTROL))&0x8000 != 0 {
mods |= ModControl
if uint16(_GetKeyState(_VK_MENU))&0x8000 != 0 {
mods |= ModAlt
if uint16(_GetKeyState(_VK_LWIN)|_GetKeyState(_VK_RWIN))&0x8000 != 0 {
mods |= ModSuper
if _GetKeyState(_VK_CAPITAL)&1 != 0 {
mods |= ModCapsLock
if _GetKeyState(_VK_NUMLOCK)&1 != 0 {
mods |= ModNumLock
return mods
func (w *Window) fitToMonitor() error {
mi, ok := _GetMonitorInfoW(w.monitor.win32.handle)
if !ok {
return nil
var hWndInsertAfter windows.HWND
if w.floating {
hWndInsertAfter = _HWND_TOPMOST
} else {
hWndInsertAfter = _HWND_NOTOPMOST
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, hWndInsertAfter,
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) acquireMonitor() error {
if _glfw.win32.acquiredMonitorCount == 0 {
// HACK: When mouse trails are enabled the cursor becomes invisible when
// the OpenGL ICD switches to page flipping
if _IsWindowsXPOrGreater() {
if err := _SystemParametersInfoW(_SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_glfw.win32.mouseTrailSize)), 0); err != nil {
return err
if err := _SystemParametersInfoW(_SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
return err
if w.monitor.window == nil {
if err := w.monitor.setVideoModeWin32(&w.videoMode); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) releaseMonitor() error {
if w.monitor.window != w {
return nil
if _glfw.win32.acquiredMonitorCount == 0 {
// HACK: Restore mouse trail length saved in acquireMonitor
if _IsWindowsXPOrGreater() {
if err := _SystemParametersInfoW(_SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, _glfw.win32.mouseTrailSize, 0, 0); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) maximizeWindowManually() error {
mi, _ := _GetMonitorInfoW(_MonitorFromWindow(w.win32.handle, _MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST))
rect := mi.rcWork
if w.maxwidth != DontCare && w.maxheight != DontCare {
if rect.right-rect.left > int32(w.maxwidth) {
rect.right = rect.left + int32(w.maxwidth)
if rect.bottom-rect.top > int32(w.maxheight) {
rect.bottom = rect.top + int32(w.maxheight)
s, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE)
if err != nil {
return err
style := uint32(s)
style |= _WS_MAXIMIZE
if _, err := _SetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE, int32(style)); err != nil {
return err
if w.decorated {
s, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_EXSTYLE)
if err != nil {
return err
exStyle := uint32(s)
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
dpi := _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, style, false, exStyle, dpi); err != nil {
return err
m, err := _GetSystemMetricsForDpi(_SM_CYCAPTION, dpi)
if err != nil {
return err
_OffsetRect(&rect, 0, m)
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, style, false, exStyle); err != nil {
return err
m, err := _GetSystemMetrics(_SM_CYCAPTION)
if err != nil {
return err
_OffsetRect(&rect, 0, m)
if rect.bottom > mi.rcWork.bottom {
rect.bottom = mi.rcWork.bottom
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, _HWND_TOP,
rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top,
return err
return nil
func windowProc(hWnd windows.HWND, uMsg uint32, wParam _WPARAM, lParam _LPARAM) uintptr /*_LRESULT*/ {
window := handleToWindow[hWnd]
if window == nil {
// This is the message handling for the hidden helper window
// and for a regular window during its initial creation
switch uMsg {
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
cs := (*_CREATESTRUCTW)(unsafe.Pointer(lParam))
wndconfig := (*wndconfig)(cs.lpCreateParams)
// On per-monitor DPI aware V1 systems, only enable
// non-client scaling for windows that scale the client area
// We need WM_GETDPISCALEDSIZE from V2 to keep the client
// area static when the non-client area is scaled
if wndconfig != nil && wndconfig.scaleToMonitor {
if err := _EnableNonClientDpiScaling(hWnd); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if err := pollMonitorsWin32(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
return uintptr(_DefWindowProcW(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam))
switch uMsg {
// HACK: Postpone cursor disabling when the window was activated by
// clicking a caption button
if _HIWORD(uint32(lParam)) == _WM_LBUTTONDOWN {
if _LOWORD(uint32(lParam)) != _HTCLIENT {
window.win32.frameAction = true
// HACK: Disable the cursor once the caption button action has been
// completed or cancelled
if lParam == 0 && window.win32.frameAction {
if window.cursorMode == CursorDisabled {
if err := window.disableCursor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
window.win32.frameAction = false
// HACK: Do not disable cursor while the user is interacting with
// a caption button
if window.win32.frameAction {
if window.cursorMode == CursorDisabled {
if err := window.disableCursor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
return 0
if window.cursorMode == CursorDisabled {
if err := window.enableCursor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if window.monitor != nil && window.autoIconify {
return 0
switch wParam & 0xfff0 {
if window.monitor != nil {
// We are running in full screen mode, so disallow
// screen saver and screen blanking
return 0
} else {
// User trying to access application menu using ALT?
return 0
case _WM_CLOSE:
return 0
// Do nothing
if wParam >= 0xd800 && wParam <= 0xdbff {
window.win32.highSurrogate = uint16(wParam)
} else {
var codepoint rune
if wParam >= 0xdc00 && wParam <= 0xdfff {
if window.win32.highSurrogate != 0 {
codepoint += (rune(window.win32.highSurrogate) - 0xd800) << 10
codepoint += (rune(wParam) & 0xffff) - 0xdc00
codepoint += 0x10000
} else {
codepoint = rune(wParam) & 0xffff
window.win32.highSurrogate = 0
window.inputChar(codepoint, getKeyMods(), uMsg != _WM_SYSCHAR)
return 0
if wParam == _UNICODE_NOCHAR {
// WM_UNICHAR is not sent by Windows, but is sent by some
// third-party input method engine
// Returning TRUE here announces support for this message
return 1
window.inputChar(rune(wParam), getKeyMods(), true)
return 0
action := Press
if _HIWORD(uint32(lParam))&_KF_UP != 0 {
action = Release
mods := getKeyMods()
scancode := uint32((_HIWORD(uint32(lParam)) & (_KF_EXTENDED | 0xff)))
if scancode == 0 {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
// NOTE: Some synthetic key messages have a scancode of zero
// HACK: Map the virtual key back to a usable scancode
scancode = _MapVirtualKeyW(uint32(wParam), _MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC)
key := _glfw.win32.keycodes[scancode]
// The Ctrl keys require special handling
if wParam == _VK_CONTROL {
if _HIWORD(uint32(lParam))&_KF_EXTENDED != 0 {
// Right side keys have the extended key bit set
key = KeyRightControl
} else {
// NOTE: Alt Gr sends Left Ctrl followed by Right Alt
// HACK: We only want one event for Alt Gr, so if we detect
// this sequence we discard this Left Ctrl message now
// and later report Right Alt normally
var next _MSG
time := _GetMessageTime()
if _PeekMessageW(&next, 0, 0, 0, _PM_NOREMOVE) {
if next.message == _WM_KEYDOWN ||
next.message == _WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
next.message == _WM_KEYUP ||
next.message == _WM_SYSKEYUP {
if next.wParam == _VK_MENU && (_HIWORD(uint32(next.lParam))&_KF_EXTENDED) != 0 && next.time == uint32(time) {
// Next message is Right Alt down so discard this
// This is a regular Left Ctrl message
key = KeyLeftControl
} else if wParam == _VK_PROCESSKEY {
// IME notifies that keys have been filtered by setting the
// virtual key-code to VK_PROCESSKEY
if action == Release && wParam == _VK_SHIFT {
// HACK: Release both Shift keys on Shift up event, as when both
// are pressed the first release does not emit any event
// NOTE: The other half of this is in _glfwPlatformPollEvents
window.inputKey(KeyLeftShift, int(scancode), action, mods)
window.inputKey(KeyRightShift, int(scancode), action, mods)
} else if wParam == _VK_SNAPSHOT {
// HACK: Key down is not reported for the Print Screen key
window.inputKey(key, int(scancode), Press, mods)
window.inputKey(key, int(scancode), Release, mods)
} else {
window.inputKey(key, int(scancode), action, mods)
var button MouseButton
if uMsg == _WM_LBUTTONDOWN || uMsg == _WM_LBUTTONUP {
button = MouseButtonLeft
} else if uMsg == _WM_RBUTTONDOWN || uMsg == _WM_RBUTTONUP {
button = MouseButtonRight
} else if uMsg == _WM_MBUTTONDOWN || uMsg == _WM_MBUTTONUP {
button = MouseButtonMiddle
} else if _GET_XBUTTON_WPARAM(wParam) == _XBUTTON1 {
button = MouseButton4
} else {
button = MouseButton5
var action Action
action = Press
} else {
action = Release
var i MouseButton
for i = 0; i <= MouseButtonLast; i++ {
if window.mouseButtons[i] == Press {
if i > MouseButtonLast {
window.inputMouseClick(button, action, getKeyMods())
for i = 0; i <= MouseButtonLast; i++ {
if window.mouseButtons[i] == Press {
if i > MouseButtonLast {
if err := _ReleaseCapture(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if uMsg == _WM_XBUTTONDOWN || uMsg == _WM_XBUTTONUP {
return 1
return 0
x := _GET_X_LPARAM(lParam)
y := _GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)
if !window.win32.cursorTracked {
tme.cbSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(tme))
tme.dwFlags = _TME_LEAVE
tme.hwndTrack = window.win32.handle
if err := _TrackMouseEvent(&tme); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
window.win32.cursorTracked = true
if window.cursorMode == CursorDisabled {
dx := x - window.win32.lastCursorPosX
dy := y - window.win32.lastCursorPosY
if _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow != window {
if window.rawMouseMotion {
window.inputCursorPos(window.virtualCursorPosX+float64(dx), window.virtualCursorPosY+float64(dy))
} else {
window.inputCursorPos(float64(x), float64(y))
window.win32.lastCursorPosX = x
window.win32.lastCursorPosY = y
return 0
case _WM_INPUT:
if _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow != window {
if !window.rawMouseMotion {
ri := _HRAWINPUT(lParam)
var size uint32
if _, err := _GetRawInputData(ri, _RID_INPUT, nil, &size); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if size > uint32(len(_glfw.win32.rawInput)) {
_glfw.win32.rawInput = make([]byte, size)
size = uint32(len(_glfw.win32.rawInput))
if _, err := _GetRawInputData(ri, _RID_INPUT, unsafe.Pointer(&_glfw.win32.rawInput[0]), &size); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
// TODO: break?
var dx, dy int
data := (*_RAWINPUT)(unsafe.Pointer(&_glfw.win32.rawInput[0]))
if data.mouse.usFlags&_MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE != 0 {
dx = int(data.mouse.lLastX) - window.win32.lastCursorPosX
dy = int(data.mouse.lLastY) - window.win32.lastCursorPosY
} else {
dx = int(data.mouse.lLastX)
dy = int(data.mouse.lLastY)
window.inputCursorPos(window.virtualCursorPosX+float64(dx), window.virtualCursorPosY+float64(dy))
window.win32.lastCursorPosX += dx
window.win32.lastCursorPosY += dy
window.win32.cursorTracked = false
return 0
window.inputScroll(0, float64(int16(_HIWORD(uint32(wParam))))/_WHEEL_DELTA)
return 0
// This message is only sent on Windows Vista and later
// NOTE: The X-axis is inverted for consistency with macOS and X11
window.inputScroll(float64(-(int16(_HIWORD(uint32(wParam))))/_WHEEL_DELTA), 0)
return 0
if window.win32.frameAction {
// HACK: Enable the cursor while the user is moving or
// resizing the window or using the window menu
if window.cursorMode == CursorDisabled {
if err := window.enableCursor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if window.win32.frameAction {
// HACK: Disable the cursor once the user is done moving or
// resizing the window or using the menu
if window.cursorMode == CursorDisabled {
if err := window.disableCursor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
case _WM_SIZE:
width := int(_LOWORD(uint32(lParam)))
height := int(_HIWORD(uint32(lParam)))
iconified := wParam == _SIZE_MINIMIZED
maximized := wParam == _SIZE_MAXIMIZED || (window.win32.maximized && wParam != _SIZE_RESTORED)
if _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow == window {
if err := updateClipRect(window); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if window.win32.iconified != iconified {
if window.win32.maximized != maximized {
if width != window.win32.width || height != window.win32.height {
window.win32.width = width
window.win32.height = height
window.inputFramebufferSize(width, height)
window.inputWindowSize(width, height)
if window.monitor != nil && window.win32.iconified != iconified {
if iconified {
if err := window.releaseMonitor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
} else {
if err := window.acquireMonitor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if err := window.fitToMonitor(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
window.win32.iconified = iconified
window.win32.maximized = maximized
return 0
case _WM_MOVE:
if _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow == window {
if err := updateClipRect(window); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
// NOTE: This cannot use LOWORD/HIWORD recommended by MSDN, as
// those macros do not handle negative window positions correctly
window.inputWindowPos(_GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), _GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))
return 0
case _WM_SIZING:
if window.numer == DontCare || window.denom == DontCare {
if err := window.applyAspectRatio(int(wParam), (*_RECT)(unsafe.Pointer(lParam))); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
return 1
var dpi uint32 = _USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI
mmi := (*_MINMAXINFO)(unsafe.Pointer(lParam))
if window.monitor != nil {
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
dpi = _GetDpiForWindow(window.win32.handle)
xoff, yoff, err := getFullWindowSize(window.getWindowStyle(), window.getWindowExStyle(), 0, 0, dpi)
if err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if window.minwidth != DontCare && window.minheight != DontCare {
mmi.ptMinTrackSize.x = int32(window.minwidth + xoff)
mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y = int32(window.minheight + yoff)
if window.maxwidth != DontCare && window.maxheight != DontCare {
mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.x = int32(window.maxwidth + xoff)
mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y = int32(window.maxheight + yoff)
if !window.decorated {
mh := _MonitorFromWindow(window.win32.handle, _MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST)
mi, _ := _GetMonitorInfoW(mh)
mmi.ptMaxPosition.x = mi.rcWork.left - mi.rcMonitor.left
mmi.ptMaxPosition.y = mi.rcWork.top - mi.rcMonitor.top
mmi.ptMaxSize.x = mi.rcWork.right - mi.rcWork.left
mmi.ptMaxSize.y = mi.rcWork.bottom - mi.rcWork.top
return 0
case _WM_PAINT:
return 1
// Prevent title bar from being drawn after restoring a minimized
// undecorated window
if !window.decorated {
return 1
if window.win32.transparent {
if err := window.updateFramebufferTransparency(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
return 0
if window.win32.scaleToMonitor {
// Adjust the window size to keep the content area size constant
if isWindows10CreatorsUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
var source, target _RECT
size := (*_SIZE)(unsafe.Pointer(lParam))
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&source, window.getWindowStyle(), false, window.getWindowExStyle(), _GetDpiForWindow(window.win32.handle)); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&target, window.getWindowStyle(), false, window.getWindowExStyle(), uint32(_LOWORD(uint32(wParam)))); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
size.cx += (target.right - target.left) - (source.right - source.left)
size.cy += (target.bottom - target.top) - (source.bottom - source.top)
return 1
xscale := float32(_HIWORD(uint32(wParam))) / float32(_USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI)
yscale := float32(_LOWORD(uint32(wParam))) / float32(_USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI)
// Resize windowed mode windows that either permit rescaling or that
// need it to compensate for non-client area scaling
if window.monitor == nil && (window.win32.scaleToMonitor || isWindows10CreatorsUpdateOrGreaterWin32()) {
suggested := (*_RECT)(unsafe.Pointer(lParam))
if err := _SetWindowPos(window.win32.handle, _HWND_TOP,
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
window.inputWindowContentScale(xscale, yscale)
if _LOWORD(uint32(lParam)) == _HTCLIENT {
if err := window.updateCursorImage(); err != nil {
_glfw.errors = append(_glfw.errors, err)
return 0
return 1
drop := _HDROP(wParam)
count := _DragQueryFileW(drop, 0xffffffff, nil)
paths := make([]string, count)
// Move the mouse to the position of the drop
pt, _ := _DragQueryPoint(drop)
window.inputCursorPos(float64(pt.x), float64(pt.y))
for i := range paths {
length := _DragQueryFileW(drop, uint32(i), nil)
buffer := make([]uint16, length+1)
_DragQueryFileW(drop, uint32(i), buffer)
paths[i] = windows.UTF16ToString(buffer)
return 0
return uintptr(_DefWindowProcW(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam))
var windowProcPtr = windows.NewCallbackCDecl(windowProc)
var handleToWindow = map[windows.HWND]*Window{}
func (w *Window) createNativeWindow(wndconfig *wndconfig, fbconfig *fbconfig) error {
style := w.getWindowStyle()
exStyle := w.getWindowExStyle()
var xpos, ypos, fullWidth, fullHeight int32
if w.monitor != nil {
// NOTE: This window placement is temporary and approximate, as the
// correct position and size cannot be known until the monitor
// video mode has been picked in _glfwSetVideoModeWin32
x, y, _ := w.monitor.platformGetMonitorPos()
xpos, ypos = int32(x), int32(y)
mode := w.monitor.platformGetVideoMode()
fullWidth = int32(mode.Width)
fullHeight = int32(mode.Height)
} else {
w.win32.maximized = wndconfig.maximized
if wndconfig.maximized {
style |= _WS_MAXIMIZE
w, h, err := getFullWindowSize(style, exStyle, wndconfig.width, wndconfig.height, _USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI)
if err != nil {
return err
fullWidth, fullHeight = int32(w), int32(h)
m, err := _GetModuleHandleW("")
if err != nil {
return err
h, err := _CreateWindowExW(exStyle, _GLFW_WNDCLASSNAME, wndconfig.title, style, xpos, ypos, fullWidth, fullHeight,
0, // No parent window
0, // No window menu
_HINSTANCE(m), unsafe.Pointer(wndconfig))
if err != nil {
return err
w.win32.handle = h
handleToWindow[w.win32.handle] = w
if !microsoftgdk.IsXbox() && _IsWindows7OrGreater() {
if err := _ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(w.win32.handle, _WM_DROPFILES, _MSGFLT_ALLOW, nil); err != nil {
return err
if err := _ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(w.win32.handle, _WM_COPYDATA, _MSGFLT_ALLOW, nil); err != nil {
return err
if err := _ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(w.win32.handle, _WM_COPYGLOBALDATA, _MSGFLT_ALLOW, nil); err != nil {
return err
w.win32.scaleToMonitor = wndconfig.scaleToMonitor
// Adjust window rect to account for DPI scaling of the window frame and
// (if enabled) DPI scaling of the content area
// This cannot be done until we know what monitor the window was placed on
if !microsoftgdk.IsXbox() && w.monitor == nil {
rect := _RECT{
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: int32(wndconfig.width),
bottom: int32(wndconfig.height),
mh := _MonitorFromWindow(w.win32.handle, _MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST)
// Adjust window rect to account for DPI scaling of the window frame and
// (if enabled) DPI scaling of the content area
// This cannot be done until we know what monitor the window was placed on
// Only update the restored window rect as the window may be maximized
if wndconfig.scaleToMonitor {
xscale, yscale, err := getMonitorContentScaleWin32(mh)
if err != nil {
return err
if xscale > 0 && yscale > 0 {
rect.right = int32(float32(rect.right) * xscale)
rect.bottom = int32(float32(rect.bottom) * yscale)
rect, err = w.clientToScreen(rect)
if err != nil {
return err
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, style, false, exStyle, _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, style, false, exStyle); err != nil {
return err
// Only update the restored window rect as the window may be maximized
wp, err := _GetWindowPlacement(w.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return err
_OffsetRect(&rect, wp.rcNormalPosition.left-rect.left, wp.rcNormalPosition.top-rect.top)
wp.rcNormalPosition = rect
wp.showCmd = _SW_HIDE
if err := _SetWindowPlacement(w.win32.handle, &wp); err != nil {
return err
// Adjust rect of maximized undecorated window, because by default Windows will
// make such a window cover the whole monitor instead of its workarea
if wndconfig.maximized && !wndconfig.decorated {
mi, _ := _GetMonitorInfoW(mh)
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, _HWND_TOP,
mi.rcWork.left, mi.rcWork.top, mi.rcWork.right-mi.rcWork.left, mi.rcWork.bottom-mi.rcWork.top,
return err
if !microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
_DragAcceptFiles(w.win32.handle, true)
if fbconfig.transparent {
if err := w.updateFramebufferTransparency(); err != nil {
return err
w.win32.transparent = true
width, height, err := w.platformGetWindowSize()
if err != nil {
return err
w.win32.width, w.win32.height = width, height
return nil
func registerWindowClassWin32() error {
wc.cbSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(wc))
wc.lpfnWndProc = _WNDPROC(windowProcPtr)
module, err := _GetModuleHandleW("")
if err != nil {
return err
wc.hInstance = _HINSTANCE(module)
cursor, err := _LoadCursorW(0, _IDC_ARROW)
if err != nil {
return err
wc.hCursor = cursor
className, err := windows.UTF16FromString(_GLFW_WNDCLASSNAME)
if err != nil {
panic("glfwwin: _GLFW_WNDCLASSNAME must not inclucde a NUL character")
wc.lpszClassName = &className[0]
defer runtime.KeepAlive(className)
// In the original GLFW implementation, an embedded resource GLFW_ICON is used if possible.
// See https://www.glfw.org/docs/3.3/group__window.html
if !microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
if err != nil {
return err
wc.hIcon = _HICON(icon)
if _, err := _RegisterClassExW(&wc); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func unregisterWindowClassWin32() error {
m, err := _GetModuleHandleW("")
if err != nil {
return err
if err := _UnregisterClassW(_GLFW_WNDCLASSNAME, _HINSTANCE(m)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformCreateWindow(wndconfig *wndconfig, ctxconfig *ctxconfig, fbconfig *fbconfig) error {
if err := w.createNativeWindow(wndconfig, fbconfig); err != nil {
return err
if ctxconfig.client != NoAPI {
if ctxconfig.source == NativeContextAPI {
if err := initWGL(); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.createContextWGL(ctxconfig, fbconfig); err != nil {
return err
if w.monitor != nil {
if err := w.platformFocusWindow(); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.acquireMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.fitToMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformDestroyWindow() error {
if w.monitor != nil {
if err := w.releaseMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
if w.context.destroy != nil {
if _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow == w {
_glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow = nil
if w.win32.handle != 0 {
_RemovePropW(w.win32.handle, "GLFW")
if err := _DestroyWindow(w.win32.handle); err != nil {
return err
delete(handleToWindow, w.win32.handle)
w.win32.handle = 0
if w.win32.bigIcon != 0 {
if err := _DestroyIcon(w.win32.bigIcon); err != nil {
return err
if w.win32.smallIcon != 0 {
if err := _DestroyIcon(w.win32.smallIcon); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowTitle(title string) error {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return nil
return _SetWindowTextW(w.win32.handle, title)
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowIcon(images []*Image) error {
var bigIcon, smallIcon _HICON
if len(images) > 0 {
cxIcon, err := _GetSystemMetrics(_SM_CXICON)
if err != nil {
return err
cyIcon, err := _GetSystemMetrics(_SM_CYICON)
if err != nil {
return err
cxsmIcon, err := _GetSystemMetrics(_SM_CXSMICON)
if err != nil {
return err
cysmIcon, err := _GetSystemMetrics(_SM_CYSMICON)
if err != nil {
return err
bigImage := chooseImage(images, int(cxIcon), int(cyIcon))
smallImage := chooseImage(images, int(cxsmIcon), int(cysmIcon))
bigIcon, err = createIcon(bigImage, 0, 0, true)
if err != nil {
return err
smallIcon, err = createIcon(smallImage, 0, 0, false)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
i, err := _GetClassLongPtrW(w.win32.handle, _GCLP_HICON)
if err != nil {
return err
bigIcon = _HICON(i)
i, err = _GetClassLongPtrW(w.win32.handle, _GCLP_HICONSM)
if err != nil {
return err
smallIcon = _HICON(i)
_SendMessageW(w.win32.handle, _WM_SETICON, _ICON_BIG, _LPARAM(bigIcon))
_SendMessageW(w.win32.handle, _WM_SETICON, _ICON_SMALL, _LPARAM(smallIcon))
if w.win32.bigIcon != 0 {
if err := _DestroyIcon(w.win32.bigIcon); err != nil {
return err
if w.win32.smallIcon != 0 {
if err := _DestroyIcon(w.win32.smallIcon); err != nil {
return err
if len(images) > 0 {
w.win32.bigIcon = bigIcon
w.win32.smallIcon = smallIcon
return nil
func (w *Window) platformGetWindowPos() (xpos, ypos int, err error) {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return 0, 0, nil
var pos _POINT
if err := _ClientToScreen(w.win32.handle, &pos); err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return int(pos.x), int(pos.y), nil
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowPos(xpos, ypos int) error {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return nil
rect := _RECT{
left: int32(xpos),
top: int32(ypos),
right: int32(xpos),
bottom: int32(ypos),
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle(), _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle()); err != nil {
return err
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, 0, rect.left, rect.top, 0, 0, _SWP_NOACTIVATE|_SWP_NOZORDER|_SWP_NOSIZE); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformGetWindowSize() (width, height int, err error) {
area, err := _GetClientRect(w.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return int(area.right), int(area.bottom), nil
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowSize(width, height int) error {
if w.monitor != nil {
if w.monitor.window == w {
if err := w.acquireMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.fitToMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
rect := _RECT{
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: int32(width),
bottom: int32(height),
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle(), _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle()); err != nil {
return err
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, _HWND_TOP,
0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top,
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowSizeLimits(minwidth, minheight, maxwidth, maxheight int) error {
if (minwidth == DontCare || minheight == DontCare) && (maxwidth == DontCare || maxheight == DontCare) {
return nil
area, err := _GetWindowRect(w.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := _MoveWindow(w.win32.handle, area.left, area.top, area.right-area.left, area.bottom-area.top, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowAspectRatio(numer, denom int) error {
if numer == DontCare || denom == DontCare {
return nil
area, err := _GetWindowRect(w.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := w.applyAspectRatio(_WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT, &area); err != nil {
return err
if err := _MoveWindow(w.win32.handle, area.left, area.top, area.right-area.left, area.bottom-area.top, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformGetFramebufferSize() (width, height int, err error) {
return w.platformGetWindowSize()
func (w *Window) platformGetWindowFrameSize() (left, top, right, bottom int, err error) {
width, height, err := w.platformGetWindowSize()
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, err
rect := _RECT{
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: int32(width),
bottom: int32(height),
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle(), _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle()); err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, err
return -int(rect.left), -int(rect.top), int(rect.right) - width, int(rect.bottom) - height, nil
func (w *Window) platformGetWindowContentScale() (xscale, yscale float32, err error) {
handle := _MonitorFromWindow(w.win32.handle, _MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST)
return getMonitorContentScaleWin32(handle)
func (w *Window) platformIconifyWindow() {
_ShowWindow(w.win32.handle, _SW_MINIMIZE)
func (w *Window) platformRestoreWindow() {
_ShowWindow(w.win32.handle, _SW_RESTORE)
func (w *Window) platformMaximizeWindow() error {
if _IsWindowVisible(w.win32.handle) {
_ShowWindow(w.win32.handle, _SW_MAXIMIZE)
} else {
if err := w.maximizeWindowManually(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformShowWindow() {
_ShowWindow(w.win32.handle, _SW_SHOWNA)
func (w *Window) platformHideWindow() {
_ShowWindow(w.win32.handle, _SW_HIDE)
func (w *Window) platformRequestWindowAttention() {
_FlashWindow(w.win32.handle, true)
func (w *Window) platformFocusWindow() error {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return nil
if err := _BringWindowToTop(w.win32.handle); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := _SetFocus(w.win32.handle); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowMonitor(monitor *Monitor, xpos, ypos, width, height, refreshRate int) error {
if w.monitor == monitor {
if monitor != nil {
if monitor.window == w {
if err := w.acquireMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.fitToMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
rect := _RECT{
left: int32(xpos),
top: int32(ypos),
right: int32(xpos + width),
bottom: int32(ypos + height),
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle(), _GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(), false, w.getWindowExStyle()); err != nil {
return err
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, _HWND_TOP,
rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top,
return err
return nil
if w.monitor != nil {
if err := w.releaseMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
if w.monitor != nil {
if w.decorated {
s, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE)
if err != nil {
return err
style := uint32(s)
style |= w.getWindowStyle()
if _, err := _SetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE, int32(style)); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.acquireMonitor(); err != nil {
return err
mi, _ := _GetMonitorInfoW(w.monitor.win32.handle)
var hWnd windows.HWND = _HWND_NOTOPMOST
if w.floating {
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, hWnd,
flags); err != nil {
return err
} else {
var flags uint32 = _SWP_NOACTIVATE | _SWP_NOCOPYBITS
if w.decorated {
s, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE)
if err != nil {
return err
style := uint32(s)
style &^= _WS_POPUP
style |= w.getWindowStyle()
if _, err := _SetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_STYLE, int32(style)); err != nil {
return err
rect := _RECT{
left: int32(xpos),
top: int32(ypos),
right: int32(xpos + width),
bottom: int32(ypos + height),
if isWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32() {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(),
false, w.getWindowExStyle(),
_GetDpiForWindow(w.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := _AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, w.getWindowStyle(),
false, w.getWindowExStyle()); err != nil {
return err
var after windows.HWND
if w.floating {
} else {
if err := _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, after,
rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top,
flags); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformWindowFocused() bool {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return true
return w.win32.handle == _GetActiveWindow()
func (w *Window) platformWindowIconified() bool {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return false
return _IsIconic(w.win32.handle)
func (w *Window) platformWindowVisible() bool {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return true
return _IsWindowVisible(w.win32.handle)
func (w *Window) platformWindowMaximized() bool {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return false
return _IsZoomed(w.win32.handle)
func (w *Window) platformWindowHovered() (bool, error) {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return true, nil
return w.cursorInContentArea()
func (w *Window) platformFramebufferTransparent() bool {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return false
if !w.win32.transparent {
return false
if !_IsWindowsVistaOrGreater() {
return false
composition, err := _DwmIsCompositionEnabled()
if err != nil || !composition {
return false
if !_IsWindows8OrGreater() {
// HACK: Disable framebuffer transparency on Windows 7 when the
// colorization color is opaque, because otherwise the window
// contents is blended additively with the previous frame instead
// of replacing it
_, opaque, err := _DwmGetColorizationColor()
if err != nil || opaque {
return false
return true
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowResizable(enabled bool) error {
return w.updateWindowStyles()
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowDecorated(enabled bool) error {
return w.updateWindowStyles()
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowFloating(enabled bool) error {
var after windows.HWND = _HWND_NOTOPMOST
if enabled {
return _SetWindowPos(w.win32.handle, after, 0, 0, 0, 0, _SWP_NOACTIVATE|_SWP_NOMOVE|_SWP_NOSIZE)
func (w *Window) platformGetWindowOpacity() (float32, error) {
style, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_EXSTYLE)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if style&_WS_EX_LAYERED != 0 {
_, alpha, flags, err := _GetLayeredWindowAttributes(w.win32.handle)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if flags&_LWA_ALPHA != 0 {
return float32(alpha) / 255, nil
return 1, nil
func (w *Window) platformSetWindowOpacity(opacity float32) error {
if opacity < 1 {
alpha := byte(255 * opacity)
style, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_EXSTYLE)
if err != nil {
return err
style |= _WS_EX_LAYERED
if _, err := _SetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_EXSTYLE, style); err != nil {
return err
if err := _SetLayeredWindowAttributes(w.win32.handle, 0, alpha, _LWA_ALPHA); err != nil {
return err
} else {
style, err := _GetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_EXSTYLE)
if err != nil {
return err
style &^= _WS_EX_LAYERED
if _, err := _SetWindowLongW(w.win32.handle, _GWL_EXSTYLE, style); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformSetRawMouseMotion(enabled bool) error {
if _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow != w {
return nil
if enabled {
if err := w.enableRawMouseMotion(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := w.disableRawMouseMotion(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func platformRawMouseMotionSupported() bool {
return true
func platformPollEvents() error {
if len(_glfw.errors) > 0 {
return _glfw.errors[0]
var msg _MSG
for _PeekMessageW(&msg, 0, 0, 0, _PM_REMOVE) {
if msg.message == _WM_QUIT {
// NOTE: While GLFW does not itself post WM_QUIT, other processes
// may post it to this one, for example Task Manager
// HACK: Treat WM_QUIT as a close on all windows
for _, window := range _glfw.windows {
} else {
var handle windows.HWND
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
// Assume that there is always exactly one active window.
handle = _glfw.windows[0].win32.handle
} else {
handle = _GetActiveWindow()
// HACK: Release modifier keys that the system did not emit KEYUP for
// NOTE: Shift keys on Windows tend to "stick" when both are pressed as
// no key up message is generated by the first key release
// NOTE: Windows key is not reported as released by the Win+V hotkey
// Other Win hotkeys are handled implicitly by _glfwInputWindowFocus
// because they change the input focus
// NOTE: The other half of this is in the WM_*KEY* handler in windowProc
if handle != 0 {
if window := handleToWindow[handle]; window != nil {
keys := [...]struct {
VK int
Key Key
{_VK_LSHIFT, KeyLeftShift},
{_VK_RSHIFT, KeyRightShift},
{_VK_LWIN, KeyLeftSuper},
{_VK_RWIN, KeyRightSuper},
for i := range keys {
vk := keys[i].VK
key := keys[i].Key
scancode := _glfw.win32.scancodes[key]
if uint32(_GetKeyState(int32(vk)))&0x8000 != 0 {
if window.keys[key] != Press {
window.inputKey(key, int(scancode), Release, getKeyMods())
if window := _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow; window != nil {
width, height, err := window.platformGetWindowSize()
if err != nil {
return err
// NOTE: Re-center the cursor only if it has moved since the last call,
// to avoid breaking glfwWaitEvents with WM_MOUSEMOVE
if window.win32.lastCursorPosX != width/2 || window.win32.lastCursorPosY != height/2 {
if err := window.platformSetCursorPos(float64(width/2), float64(height/2)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func platformWaitEvents() error {
if err := _WaitMessage(); err != nil {
return err
if err := platformPollEvents(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func platformWaitEventsTimeout(timeout float64) error {
if _, err := _MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, nil, false, uint32(timeout*1e3), _QS_ALLEVENTS); err != nil {
return err
if err := platformPollEvents(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func platformPostEmptyEvent() error {
return _PostMessageW(_glfw.win32.helperWindowHandle, _WM_NULL, 0, 0)
func (w *Window) platformGetCursorPos() (xpos, ypos float64, err error) {
pos, err := _GetCursorPos()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, windows.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
return 0, 0, nil
return 0, 0, err
if !microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
if err := _ScreenToClient(w.win32.handle, &pos); err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return float64(pos.x), float64(pos.y), nil
func (w *Window) platformSetCursorPos(xpos, ypos float64) error {
pos := _POINT{
x: int32(xpos),
y: int32(ypos),
// Store the new position so it can be recognized later
w.win32.lastCursorPosX = int(pos.x)
w.win32.lastCursorPosY = int(pos.y)
if !microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
if err := _ClientToScreen(w.win32.handle, &pos); err != nil {
return err
if err := _SetCursorPos(pos.x, pos.y); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformSetCursorMode(mode int) error {
if mode == CursorDisabled {
if w.platformWindowFocused() {
if err := w.disableCursor(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if _glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow == w {
if err := w.enableCursor(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
in, err := w.cursorInContentArea()
if err != nil {
return err
if in {
if err := w.updateCursorImage(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func platformGetKeyScancode(key Key) int {
return _glfw.win32.scancodes[key]
func (c *Cursor) platformCreateCursor(image *Image, xhot, yhot int) error {
h, err := createIcon(image, xhot, yhot, false)
if err != nil {
return err
c.win32.handle = _HCURSOR(h)
return nil
func (c *Cursor) platformCreateStandardCursor(shape StandardCursor) error {
if microsoftgdk.IsXbox() {
return nil
var id int
switch shape {
case ArrowCursor:
case IBeamCursor:
case CrosshairCursor:
case HandCursor:
id = _OCR_HAND
case HResizeCursor:
case VResizeCursor:
return fmt.Errorf("glfwwin: invalid shape: %d", shape)
h, err := _LoadImageW(0, uintptr(id), _IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, _LR_DEFAULTSIZE|_LR_SHARED)
if err != nil {
return err
c.win32.handle = _HCURSOR(h)
return nil
func (c *Cursor) platformDestroyCursor() error {
if c.win32.handle != 0 {
if err := _DestroyIcon(_HICON(c.win32.handle)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Window) platformSetCursor(cursor *Cursor) error {
in, err := w.cursorInContentArea()
if err != nil {
return err
if in {
if err := w.updateCursorImage(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func platformSetClipboardString(str string) error {
panic("glfwwin: platformSetClipboardString is not implemented")
func platformGetClipboardString() (string, error) {
panic("glfwwin: platformGetClipboardString is not implemented")
func (w *Window) GetWin32Window() (windows.HWND, error) {
if !_glfw.initialized {
return 0, NotInitialized
return w.win32.handle, nil