Hajime Hoshi 59295cc85f internal/ui: bug fix: input state should be reset for each tick, not frame
Before this change, input states were reset for each frame. When FPS
is bigger than TPS, the input state was reset more often than expected
and then some inputs were missing.

This change fixes the issue by resetting input states not for each frame
but for each tick.

This change also updates some comments of the input API.

Updates #2496
Closes #2501
2022-12-20 10:07:19 +09:00

704 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Hajime Hoshi
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ui
import (
type graphicsDriverCreatorImpl struct {
canvas js.Value
func (g *graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newAuto() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, GraphicsLibrary, error) {
graphics, err := g.newOpenGL()
return graphics, GraphicsLibraryOpenGL, err
func (g *graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newOpenGL() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, error) {
return opengl.NewGraphics(g.canvas)
func (*graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newDirectX() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, error) {
return nil, nil
func (*graphicsDriverCreatorImpl) newMetal() (graphicsdriver.Graphics, error) {
return nil, nil
var (
stringNone = js.ValueOf("none")
stringTransparent = js.ValueOf("transparent")
func driverCursorShapeToCSSCursor(cursor CursorShape) string {
switch cursor {
case CursorShapeDefault:
return "default"
case CursorShapeText:
return "text"
case CursorShapeCrosshair:
return "crosshair"
case CursorShapePointer:
return "pointer"
case CursorShapeEWResize:
return "ew-resize"
case CursorShapeNSResize:
return "ns-resize"
return "auto"
type userInterfaceImpl struct {
graphicsDriver graphicsdriver.Graphics
runnableOnUnfocused bool
fpsMode FPSModeType
renderingScheduled bool
running bool
cursorMode CursorMode
cursorPrevMode CursorMode
cursorShape CursorShape
onceUpdateCalled bool
lastDeviceScaleFactor float64
err error
context *context
inputState InputState
origCursorX int
origCursorY int
m sync.Mutex
func init() {
theUI.userInterfaceImpl = userInterfaceImpl{
runnableOnUnfocused: true,
var (
window = js.Global().Get("window")
document = js.Global().Get("document")
canvas js.Value
requestAnimationFrame = js.Global().Get("requestAnimationFrame")
setTimeout = js.Global().Get("setTimeout")
var (
documentHasFocus js.Value
documentHidden js.Value
func init() {
documentHasFocus = document.Get("hasFocus").Call("bind", document)
documentHidden = js.Global().Get("Object").Call("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", js.Global().Get("Document").Get("prototype"), "hidden").Get("get").Call("bind", document)
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) ScreenSizeInFullscreen() (int, int) {
return window.Get("innerWidth").Int(), window.Get("innerHeight").Int()
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool) {
if !canvas.Truthy() {
if !document.Truthy() {
if fullscreen == u.IsFullscreen() {
if fullscreen {
f := canvas.Get("requestFullscreen")
if !f.Truthy() {
f = canvas.Get("webkitRequestFullscreen")
f.Call("bind", canvas).Invoke()
f := document.Get("exitFullscreen")
if !f.Truthy() {
f = document.Get("webkitExitFullscreen")
f.Call("bind", document).Invoke()
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) IsFullscreen() bool {
if !document.Truthy() {
return false
if !document.Get("fullscreenElement").Truthy() && !document.Get("webkitFullscreenElement").Truthy() {
return false
return true
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) IsFocused() bool {
return u.isFocused()
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) SetRunnableOnUnfocused(runnableOnUnfocused bool) {
u.runnableOnUnfocused = runnableOnUnfocused
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) IsRunnableOnUnfocused() bool {
return u.runnableOnUnfocused
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) SetFPSMode(mode FPSModeType) {
u.fpsMode = mode
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) ScheduleFrame() {
u.renderingScheduled = true
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) CursorMode() CursorMode {
if !canvas.Truthy() {
return CursorModeHidden
return u.cursorMode
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) SetCursorMode(mode CursorMode) {
if !canvas.Truthy() {
if u.cursorMode == mode {
// Remember the previous cursor mode in the case when the pointer lock exits by pressing ESC.
u.cursorPrevMode = u.cursorMode
if u.cursorMode == CursorModeCaptured {
u.cursorMode = mode
switch mode {
case CursorModeVisible:
canvas.Get("style").Set("cursor", driverCursorShapeToCSSCursor(u.cursorShape))
case CursorModeHidden:
canvas.Get("style").Set("cursor", stringNone)
case CursorModeCaptured:
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) recoverCursorMode() {
if theUI.cursorPrevMode == CursorModeCaptured {
panic("ui: cursorPrevMode must not be CursorModeCaptured at recoverCursorMode")
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) CursorShape() CursorShape {
if !canvas.Truthy() {
return CursorShapeDefault
return u.cursorShape
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) SetCursorShape(shape CursorShape) {
if !canvas.Truthy() {
if u.cursorShape == shape {
u.cursorShape = shape
if u.cursorMode == CursorModeVisible {
canvas.Get("style").Set("cursor", driverCursorShapeToCSSCursor(u.cursorShape))
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) DeviceScaleFactor() float64 {
return devicescale.GetAt(0, 0)
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) outsideSize() (float64, float64) {
if document.Truthy() {
body := document.Get("body")
bw := body.Get("clientWidth").Float()
bh := body.Get("clientHeight").Float()
return bw, bh
// Node.js
return 640, 480
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) suspended() bool {
if u.runnableOnUnfocused {
return false
return !u.isFocused()
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) isFocused() bool {
if !documentHasFocus.Invoke().Bool() {
return false
if documentHidden.Invoke().Bool() {
return false
return true
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) update() error {
if u.suspended() {
return hooks.SuspendAudio()
if err := hooks.ResumeAudio(); err != nil {
return err
return u.updateImpl(false)
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) updateImpl(force bool) error {
// Guard updateImpl as this function cannot be invoked until this finishes (#2339).
defer u.m.Unlock()
// context can be nil when an event is fired but the loop doesn't start yet (#1928).
if u.context == nil {
return nil
if err := gamepad.Update(); err != nil {
return err
a := u.DeviceScaleFactor()
if u.lastDeviceScaleFactor != a {
u.lastDeviceScaleFactor = a
w, h := u.outsideSize()
if force {
if err := u.context.forceUpdateFrame(u.graphicsDriver, w, h, u.DeviceScaleFactor(), u); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := u.context.updateFrame(u.graphicsDriver, w, h, u.DeviceScaleFactor(), u); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) needsUpdate() bool {
if u.fpsMode != FPSModeVsyncOffMinimum {
return true
if !u.onceUpdateCalled {
return true
if u.renderingScheduled {
return true
// TODO: Watch the gamepad state?
return false
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) loop(game Game) <-chan error {
u.context = newContext(game)
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
reqStopAudioCh := make(chan struct{})
resStopAudioCh := make(chan struct{})
var cf js.Func
f := func() {
if u.err != nil {
errCh <- u.err
if u.needsUpdate() {
u.onceUpdateCalled = true
u.renderingScheduled = false
if err := u.update(); err != nil {
errCh <- err
switch u.fpsMode {
case FPSModeVsyncOn:
case FPSModeVsyncOffMaximum:
setTimeout.Invoke(cf, 0)
case FPSModeVsyncOffMinimum:
// TODO: Should cf be released after the game ends?
cf = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
// f can be blocked but callbacks must not be blocked. Create a goroutine (#1161).
go f()
return nil
// Call f asyncly since ch is used in f.
go f()
// Run another loop to watch suspended() as the above update function is never called when the tab is hidden.
// To check the document's visiblity, visibilitychange event should usually be used. However, this event is
// not reliable and sometimes it is not fired (#961). Then, watch the state regularly instead.
go func() {
defer close(resStopAudioCh)
const interval = 100 * time.Millisecond
t := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer func() {
// This is a dirty hack. (*time.Ticker).Stop() just marks the timer 'deleted' [1] and
// something might run even after Stop. On Wasm, this causes an issue to execute Go program
// even after finishing (#1027). Sleep for the interval time duration to ensure that
// everything related to the timer is finished.
// [1] runtime.deltimer
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
if u.suspended() {
if err := hooks.SuspendAudio(); err != nil {
errCh <- err
} else {
if err := hooks.ResumeAudio(); err != nil {
errCh <- err
case <-reqStopAudioCh:
return errCh
func init() {
// docuemnt is undefined on node.js
if !document.Truthy() {
if !document.Get("body").Truthy() {
ch := make(chan struct{})
window.Call("addEventListener", "load", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
return nil
// Adjust the initial scale to 1.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mozilla/Mobile/Viewport_meta_tag
meta := document.Call("createElement", "meta")
meta.Set("name", "viewport")
meta.Set("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1")
document.Get("head").Call("appendChild", meta)
canvas = document.Call("createElement", "canvas")
canvas.Set("width", 16)
canvas.Set("height", 16)
document.Get("body").Call("appendChild", canvas)
htmlStyle := document.Get("documentElement").Get("style")
htmlStyle.Set("height", "100%")
htmlStyle.Set("margin", "0")
htmlStyle.Set("padding", "0")
bodyStyle := document.Get("body").Get("style")
bodyStyle.Set("backgroundColor", "#000")
bodyStyle.Set("height", "100%")
bodyStyle.Set("margin", "0")
bodyStyle.Set("padding", "0")
canvasStyle := canvas.Get("style")
canvasStyle.Set("width", "100%")
canvasStyle.Set("height", "100%")
canvasStyle.Set("margin", "0")
canvasStyle.Set("padding", "0")
// Make the canvas focusable.
canvas.Call("setAttribute", "tabindex", 1)
canvas.Get("style").Set("outline", "none")
// Pointer Lock
document.Call("addEventListener", "pointerlockchange", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
if document.Get("pointerLockElement").Truthy() {
return nil
// Recover the state correctly when the pointer lock exits.
// A user can exit the pointer lock by pressing ESC. In this case, sync the cursor mode state.
if theUI.cursorMode == CursorModeCaptured {
return nil
document.Call("addEventListener", "pointerlockerror", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
js.Global().Get("console").Call("error", "pointerlockerror event is fired. 'sandbox=\"allow-pointer-lock\"' might be required at an iframe. This function on browsers must be called as a result of a gestural interaction or orientation change.")
return nil
document.Call("addEventListener", "fullscreenerror", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
js.Global().Get("console").Call("error", "fullscreenerror event is fired. 'allow=\"fullscreen\"' or 'allowfullscreen' might be required at an iframe. This function on browsers must be called as a result of a gestural interaction or orientation change.")
return nil
document.Call("addEventListener", "webkitfullscreenerror", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
js.Global().Get("console").Call("error", "webkitfullscreenerror event is fired. 'allow=\"fullscreen\"' or 'allowfullscreen' might be required at an iframe. This function on browsers must be called as a result of a gestural interaction or orientation change.")
return nil
func setWindowEventHandlers(v js.Value) {
v.Call("addEventListener", "resize", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
// updateImpl can block. Use goroutine.
// See https://pkg.go.dev/syscall/js#FuncOf.
go func() {
if err := theUI.updateImpl(true); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
func setCanvasEventHandlers(v js.Value) {
// Keyboard
v.Call("addEventListener", "keydown", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
// Focus the canvas explicitly to activate tha game (#961).
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
v.Call("addEventListener", "keyup", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
// Mouse
v.Call("addEventListener", "mousedown", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
// Focus the canvas explicitly to activate tha game (#961).
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
v.Call("addEventListener", "mouseup", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
v.Call("addEventListener", "mousemove", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
v.Call("addEventListener", "wheel", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
// Touch
v.Call("addEventListener", "touchstart", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
// Focus the canvas explicitly to activate tha game (#961).
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
v.Call("addEventListener", "touchend", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
v.Call("addEventListener", "touchmove", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
if err := theUI.updateInputFromEvent(e); err != nil && theUI.err != nil {
theUI.err = err
return nil
return nil
// Context menu
v.Call("addEventListener", "contextmenu", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
return nil
// Context
v.Call("addEventListener", "webglcontextlost", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
e := args[0]
return nil
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) forceUpdateOnMinimumFPSMode() {
if u.fpsMode != FPSModeVsyncOffMinimum {
// updateImpl can block. Use goroutine.
// See https://pkg.go.dev/syscall/js#FuncOf.
go func() {
if err := u.updateImpl(true); err != nil && u.err != nil {
u.err = err
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) Run(game Game, options *RunOptions) error {
if !options.InitUnfocused && window.Truthy() {
// Do not focus the canvas when the current document is in an iframe.
// Otherwise, the parent page tries to focus the iframe on every loading, which is annoying (#1373).
isInIframe := !window.Get("location").Equal(window.Get("parent").Get("location"))
if !isInIframe {
u.running = true
g, err := newGraphicsDriver(&graphicsDriverCreatorImpl{
canvas: canvas,
}, options.GraphicsLibrary)
if err != nil {
return err
u.graphicsDriver = g
if bodyStyle := document.Get("body").Get("style"); options.ScreenTransparent {
bodyStyle.Set("backgroundColor", "transparent")
} else {
bodyStyle.Set("backgroundColor", "#000")
return <-u.loop(game)
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) updateScreenSize() {
if document.Truthy() {
body := document.Get("body")
bw := int(body.Get("clientWidth").Float() * u.DeviceScaleFactor())
bh := int(body.Get("clientHeight").Float() * u.DeviceScaleFactor())
canvas.Set("width", bw)
canvas.Set("height", bh)
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) SetScreenTransparent(transparent bool) {
if u.running {
panic("ui: SetScreenTransparent can't be called after the main loop starts")
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) readInputState(inputState *InputState) {
*inputState = u.inputState
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) resetForTick() {
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) Window() Window {
return &nullWindow{}
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) beginFrame() {
func (u *userInterfaceImpl) endFrame() {
func IsScreenTransparentAvailable() bool {
return true