
521 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2018 The Ebiten Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
package shareable
import (
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
2018-03-10 16:07:32 +01:00
2018-03-05 16:38:56 +01:00
func init() {
hooks.AppendHookOnBeforeUpdate(func() error {
return nil
// MaxCountForShare represents the time duration when the image can become shared.
// This value is expoted for testing.
const MaxCountForShare = 10
func makeImagesShared() {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
for i := range imagesToMakeShared {
if i.nonUpdatedCount >= MaxCountForShare {
delete(imagesToMakeShared, i)
func MakeImagesSharedForTesting() {
2018-11-12 16:00:10 +01:00
const (
initSize = 1024
maxSize = 4096
2018-03-10 16:02:23 +01:00
type backend struct {
restorable *restorable.Image
2018-03-15 17:21:33 +01:00
// If page is nil, the backend is not shared.
page *packing.Page
func (b *backend) TryAlloc(width, height int) (*packing.Node, bool) {
2018-12-03 18:23:25 +01:00
// If the region is allocated without any extension, it's fine.
if n := b.page.Alloc(width, height); n != nil {
return n, true
// Simulate the extending the page and calculate the appropriate page size.
page := b.page.Clone()
nExtended := 0
for {
if !page.Extend() {
// The page can't be extended any more. Return as failure.
return nil, false
if n := page.Alloc(width, height); n != nil {
// The page is just for emulation, so we don't have to free it.
for i := 0; i < nExtended; i++ {
s := b.page.Size()
2019-02-12 07:05:05 +01:00
newImg := restorable.NewImage(s, s)
oldImg := b.restorable
// Do not use DrawTriangles here. ReplacePixels will be called on a part of newImg later, and it looked like
// ReplacePixels on a part of image deletes other region that are rendered by DrawTriangles (#593, #758).
b.restorable = newImg
n := b.page.Alloc(width, height)
if n == nil {
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
panic("shareable: Alloc result must not be nil at TryAlloc")
return n, true
var (
// backendsM is a mutex for critical sections of the backend and packing.Node objects.
backendsM sync.Mutex
2018-03-10 16:02:23 +01:00
// theBackends is a set of actually shared images.
theBackends = []*backend{}
imagesToMakeShared = map[*Image]struct{}{}
2018-03-10 16:05:06 +01:00
type Image struct {
width int
height int
disposed bool
2018-03-10 16:02:23 +01:00
backend *backend
node *packing.Node
// nonUpdatedCount represents how long the image is kept not modified with DrawTriangles.
// In the current implementation, if an image is being modified by DrawTriangles, the image is separated from
// a shared (restorable) image by ensureNotShared.
2019-05-12 10:53:18 +02:00
// nonUpdatedCount is increased every frame if the image is not modified, or set to 0 if the image is
// modified.
// ReplacePixels doesn't affect this value since ReplacePixels can be done on shared images.
nonUpdatedCount int
neverShared bool
2018-07-21 23:27:57 +02:00
func (i *Image) moveTo(dst *Image) {
*dst = *i
// i is no longer available but Dispose must not be called
// since i and dst have the same values like node.
runtime.SetFinalizer(i, nil)
2018-06-25 18:59:12 +02:00
func (i *Image) isShared() bool {
return i.node != nil
func (i *Image) IsSharedForTesting() bool {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
return i.isShared()
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
func (i *Image) ensureNotShared() {
if i.backend == nil {
2018-06-25 18:59:12 +02:00
if !i.isShared() {
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
x, y, w, h := i.region()
2019-02-12 07:05:05 +01:00
newImg := restorable.NewImage(w, h)
vs := i.backend.restorable.QuadVertices(x, y, x+w, y+h, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
2018-10-28 15:03:06 +01:00
is := graphics.QuadIndices()
newImg.DrawTriangles(i.backend.restorable, vs, is, nil, graphics.CompositeModeCopy, graphics.FilterNearest, graphics.AddressClampToZero)
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
i.backend = &backend{
restorable: newImg,
func (i *Image) makeShared() {
if i.backend == nil {
if i.isShared() {
if !i.shareable() {
panic("shareable: makeShared cannot be called on a non-shareable image")
newI := NewImage(i.width, i.height)
pixels := make([]byte, 4*i.width*i.height)
for y := 0; y < i.height; y++ {
for x := 0; x < i.width; x++ {
r, g, b, a := i.at(x, y)
pixels[4*(x+i.width*y)] = r
pixels[4*(x+i.width*y)+1] = g
pixels[4*(x+i.width*y)+2] = b
pixels[4*(x+i.width*y)+3] = a
2018-07-21 23:27:57 +02:00
i.nonUpdatedCount = 0
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
func (i *Image) region() (x, y, width, height int) {
if i.backend == nil {
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
panic("shareable: backend must not be nil: not allocated yet?")
2018-06-25 18:59:12 +02:00
if !i.isShared() {
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
w, h := i.backend.restorable.Size()
return 0, 0, w, h
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
return i.node.Region()
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
func (i *Image) Size() (width, height int) {
return i.width, i.height
2019-04-12 03:15:56 +02:00
// QuadVertices returns the vertices for rendering a quad.
// QuadVertices is highly optimized for rendering quads, and that's the most significant difference from
// PutVertices.
func (i *Image) QuadVertices(sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1 int, a, b, c, d, tx, ty float32, cr, cg, cb, ca float32) []float32 {
if i.backend == nil {
2018-08-02 19:50:11 +02:00
ox, oy, _, _ := i.region()
return i.backend.restorable.QuadVertices(sx0+ox, sy0+oy, sx1+ox, sy1+oy, a, b, c, d, tx, ty, cr, cg, cb, ca)
// PutVertices puts the given dest with vertices that can be passed to DrawTriangles.
func (i *Image) PutVertex(dest []float32, dx, dy, sx, sy float32, bx0, by0, bx1, by1 float32, cr, cg, cb, ca float32) {
2018-06-12 03:33:09 +02:00
if i.backend == nil {
ox, oy, _, _ := i.region()
oxf, oyf := float32(ox), float32(oy)
i.backend.restorable.PutVertex(dest, dx, dy, sx+oxf, sy+oyf, bx0+oxf, by0+oyf, bx1+oxf, by1+oyf, cr, cg, cb, ca)
2018-06-12 03:33:09 +02:00
func (i *Image) DrawTriangles(img *Image, vertices []float32, indices []uint16, colorm *affine.ColorM, mode graphics.CompositeMode, filter graphics.Filter, address graphics.Address) {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
if img.disposed {
panic("shareable: the drawing source image must not be disposed (DrawTriangles)")
if i.disposed {
panic("shareable: the drawing target image must not be disposed (DrawTriangles)")
if img.backend == nil {
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
// Compare i and img after ensuring i is not shared, or
// i and img might share the same texture even though i != img.
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
if i.backend.restorable == img.backend.restorable {
panic("shareable: Image.DrawTriangles: img must be different from the receiver")
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
i.backend.restorable.DrawTriangles(img.backend.restorable, vertices, indices, colorm, mode, filter, address)
i.nonUpdatedCount = 0
delete(imagesToMakeShared, i)
if !img.isShared() && img.shareable() {
imagesToMakeShared[img] = struct{}{}
// Fill fills the image with a color. This affects not only the (0, 0)-(width, height) region but also the whole
// framebuffer region.
func (i *Image) Fill(r, g, b, a uint8) {
if i.disposed {
2019-02-09 11:47:45 +01:00
panic("shareable: the drawing target image must not be disposed (Fill)")
i.backend.restorable.Fill(r, g, b, a)
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
func (i *Image) ReplacePixels(p []byte) {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
func (i *Image) replacePixels(p []byte) {
if i.disposed {
2019-02-09 11:47:45 +01:00
panic("shareable: the image must not be disposed at replacePixels")
if i.backend == nil {
if p == nil {
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
x, y, w, h := i.region()
if p != nil {
if l := 4 * w * h; len(p) != l {
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
panic(fmt.Sprintf("shareable: len(p) must be %d but %d", l, len(p)))
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
i.backend.restorable.ReplacePixels(p, x, y, w, h)
func (i *Image) At(x, y int) (byte, byte, byte, byte) {
2018-04-05 05:02:08 +02:00
defer backendsM.Unlock()
return i.at(x, y)
func (i *Image) at(x, y int) (byte, byte, byte, byte) {
if i.backend == nil {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
ox, oy, w, h := i.region()
if x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
return i.backend.restorable.At(x+ox, y+oy)
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
func (i *Image) Dispose() {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
func (i *Image) dispose(markDisposed bool) {
defer func() {
if markDisposed {
i.disposed = true
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
i.backend = nil
i.node = nil
if markDisposed {
runtime.SetFinalizer(i, nil)
if i.disposed {
if i.backend == nil {
// Not allocated yet.
2018-06-25 18:59:12 +02:00
if !i.isShared() {
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
if !i.backend.page.IsEmpty() {
// As this part can be reused, this should be cleared explicitly.
2018-12-01 11:31:32 +01:00
x, y, w, h := i.region()
// TODO: Now nil cannot be used here (see the test result). Fix this.
i.backend.restorable.ReplacePixels(make([]byte, 4*w*h), x, y, w, h)
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
index := -1
2018-04-08 19:18:46 +02:00
for idx, sh := range theBackends {
if sh == i.backend {
index = idx
if index == -1 {
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
panic("shareable: backend not found at an image being disposed")
2018-03-10 16:02:23 +01:00
theBackends = append(theBackends[:index], theBackends[index+1:]...)
func (i *Image) IsVolatile() bool {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
if i.backend == nil {
// Not allocated yet. Only non-volatile images can do lazy allocation so far.
return false
return i.backend.restorable.IsVolatile()
2018-03-10 16:05:06 +01:00
func NewImage(width, height int) *Image {
// Actual allocation is done lazily.
return &Image{
width: width,
height: height,
func (i *Image) shareable() bool {
if i.neverShared {
return false
return i.width <= maxSize && i.height <= maxSize
func (i *Image) allocate(shareable bool) {
if i.backend != nil {
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
panic("shareable: the image is already allocated")
2018-04-29 12:10:36 +02:00
if !shareable || !i.shareable() {
i.backend = &backend{
2019-02-12 07:05:05 +01:00
restorable: restorable.NewImage(i.width, i.height),
runtime.SetFinalizer(i, (*Image).Dispose)
2018-03-23 20:27:10 +01:00
for _, b := range theBackends {
if n, ok := b.TryAlloc(i.width, i.height); ok {
i.backend = b
i.node = n
runtime.SetFinalizer(i, (*Image).Dispose)
size := initSize
for i.width > size || i.height > size {
if size == maxSize {
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
panic(fmt.Sprintf("shareable: the image being shared is too big: width: %d, height: %d", i.width, i.height))
size *= 2
2018-03-23 20:27:10 +01:00
b := &backend{
2019-02-12 07:05:05 +01:00
restorable: restorable.NewImage(size, size),
page: packing.NewPage(size, maxSize),
2018-03-06 18:18:08 +01:00
2018-03-23 20:27:10 +01:00
theBackends = append(theBackends, b)
n := b.page.Alloc(i.width, i.height)
if n == nil {
2019-02-07 09:19:24 +01:00
panic("shareable: Alloc result must not be nil at allocate")
i.backend = b
i.node = n
2018-03-10 16:07:32 +01:00
runtime.SetFinalizer(i, (*Image).Dispose)
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
2019-02-12 07:12:36 +01:00
func (i *Image) MakeVolatile() {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
2019-02-12 07:12:36 +01:00
i.neverShared = true
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
2018-03-10 16:05:06 +01:00
func NewScreenFramebufferImage(width, height int) *Image {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
r := restorable.NewScreenFramebufferImage(width, height)
2018-03-10 16:07:32 +01:00
i := &Image{
width: width,
height: height,
2018-03-10 16:02:23 +01:00
backend: &backend{
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
restorable: r,
neverShared: true,
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
2018-03-10 16:07:32 +01:00
runtime.SetFinalizer(i, (*Image).Dispose)
return i
2018-03-10 15:48:10 +01:00
func InitializeGraphicsDriverState() error {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
return restorable.InitializeGraphicsDriverState()
func ResolveStaleImages() {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
2019-05-26 14:10:25 +02:00
func RestoreIfNeeded() error {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
2019-05-26 14:10:25 +02:00
return restorable.RestoreIfNeeded()
func Images() []image.Image {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
return restorable.Images()
func Error() error {
defer backendsM.Unlock()
return restorable.Error()