Hajime Hoshi ed494dbf59 restorable: Reland: Do not record pixels if restoring is not requried
This change also remove the restrictions of operations on
graphicscommand.Image. For example, now DrawTriangles and
ReplacePixels can be mixed on the same image.

Fixes #1022
2020-11-14 15:00:16 +09:00

455 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2014 Hajime Hoshi
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build android ios
package opengl
import (
type (
textureNative uint32
framebufferNative uint32
shader uint32
program uint32
buffer uint32
func (t textureNative) equal(rhs textureNative) bool {
return t == rhs
func (f framebufferNative) equal(rhs framebufferNative) bool {
return f == rhs
func (s shader) equal(rhs shader) bool {
return s == rhs
func (b buffer) equal(rhs buffer) bool {
return b == rhs
func (p program) equal(rhs program) bool {
return p == rhs
var InvalidTexture textureNative
type (
uniformLocation int32
attribLocation int32
func (u uniformLocation) equal(rhs uniformLocation) bool {
return u == rhs
type programID uint32
const (
invalidTexture = 0
invalidFramebuffer = (1 << 32) - 1
invalidUniform = -1
func getProgramID(p program) programID {
return programID(p)
const (
vertexShader = shaderType(gles.VERTEX_SHADER)
fragmentShader = shaderType(gles.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
arrayBuffer = bufferType(gles.ARRAY_BUFFER)
elementArrayBuffer = bufferType(gles.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER)
dynamicDraw = bufferUsage(gles.DYNAMIC_DRAW)
short = dataType(gles.SHORT)
float = dataType(gles.FLOAT)
zero = operation(gles.ZERO)
one = operation(gles.ONE)
srcAlpha = operation(gles.SRC_ALPHA)
dstAlpha = operation(gles.DST_ALPHA)
oneMinusSrcAlpha = operation(gles.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
oneMinusDstAlpha = operation(gles.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA)
dstColor = operation(gles.DST_COLOR)
type contextImpl struct {
ctx gles.Context
func (c *context) reset() error {
c.locationCache = newLocationCache()
c.lastTexture = invalidTexture
c.lastFramebuffer = invalidFramebuffer
c.lastViewportWidth = 0
c.lastViewportHeight = 0
c.lastCompositeMode = driver.CompositeModeUnknown
f := make([]int32, 1)
c.ctx.GetIntegerv(f, gles.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING)
c.screenFramebuffer = framebufferNative(f[0])
// TODO: Need to update screenFramebufferWidth/Height?
return nil
func (c *context) blendFunc(mode driver.CompositeMode) {
if c.lastCompositeMode == mode {
c.lastCompositeMode = mode
s, d := mode.Operations()
s2, d2 := convertOperation(s), convertOperation(d)
c.ctx.BlendFunc(uint32(s2), uint32(d2))
func (c *context) scissor(x, y, width, height int) {
c.ctx.Scissor(int32(x), int32(y), int32(width), int32(height))
func (c *context) newTexture(width, height int) (textureNative, error) {
t := c.ctx.GenTextures(1)[0]
if t <= 0 {
return 0, errors.New("opengl: creating texture failed")
c.ctx.PixelStorei(gles.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4)
c.ctx.TexParameteri(gles.TEXTURE_2D, gles.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gles.NEAREST)
c.ctx.TexParameteri(gles.TEXTURE_2D, gles.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gles.NEAREST)
c.ctx.TexParameteri(gles.TEXTURE_2D, gles.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gles.CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
c.ctx.TexParameteri(gles.TEXTURE_2D, gles.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gles.CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
c.ctx.TexImage2D(gles.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gles.RGBA, int32(width), int32(height), gles.RGBA, gles.UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil)
return textureNative(t), nil
func (c *context) bindFramebufferImpl(f framebufferNative) {
c.ctx.BindFramebuffer(gles.FRAMEBUFFER, uint32(f))
func (c *context) framebufferPixels(f *framebuffer, width, height int) []byte {
pixels := make([]byte, 4*width*height)
c.ctx.ReadPixels(pixels, 0, 0, int32(width), int32(height), gles.RGBA, gles.UNSIGNED_BYTE)
return pixels
func (c *context) framebufferPixelsToBuffer(f *framebuffer, buffer buffer, width, height int) {
c.ctx.BindBuffer(gles.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, uint32(buffer))
c.ctx.ReadPixels(nil, 0, 0, int32(width), int32(height), gles.RGBA, gles.UNSIGNED_BYTE)
c.ctx.BindBuffer(gles.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0)
func (c *context) activeTexture(idx int) {
c.ctx.ActiveTexture(uint32(gles.TEXTURE0 + idx))
func (c *context) bindTextureImpl(t textureNative) {
c.ctx.BindTexture(gles.TEXTURE_2D, uint32(t))
func (c *context) deleteTexture(t textureNative) {
if !c.ctx.IsTexture(uint32(t)) {
if c.lastTexture == t {
c.lastTexture = invalidTexture
func (c *context) isTexture(t textureNative) bool {
return c.ctx.IsTexture(uint32(t))
func (c *context) newFramebuffer(texture textureNative) (framebufferNative, error) {
f := c.ctx.GenFramebuffers(1)[0]
if f <= 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: the returned value is not positive but %d", f)
c.ctx.FramebufferTexture2D(gles.FRAMEBUFFER, gles.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gles.TEXTURE_2D, uint32(texture), 0)
s := c.ctx.CheckFramebufferStatus(gles.FRAMEBUFFER)
if s != 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: %v", s)
if e := c.ctx.GetError(); e != gles.NO_ERROR {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: (glGetError) %d", e)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("opengl: creating framebuffer failed: unknown error")
return framebufferNative(f), nil
func (c *context) setViewportImpl(width, height int) {
c.ctx.Viewport(0, 0, int32(width), int32(height))
func (c *context) deleteFramebuffer(f framebufferNative) {
if !c.ctx.IsFramebuffer(uint32(f)) {
// If a framebuffer to be deleted is bound, a newly bound framebuffer
// will be a default framebuffer.
// https://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glDeleteFramebuffers.xml
if c.lastFramebuffer == f {
c.lastFramebuffer = invalidFramebuffer
c.lastViewportWidth = 0
c.lastViewportHeight = 0
func (c *context) newShader(shaderType shaderType, source string) (shader, error) {
s := c.ctx.CreateShader(uint32(shaderType))
if s == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("opengl: glCreateShader failed: shader type: %d", shaderType)
c.ctx.ShaderSource(s, source)
v := make([]int32, 1)
c.ctx.GetShaderiv(v, s, gles.COMPILE_STATUS)
if v[0] == gles.FALSE {
log := c.ctx.GetShaderInfoLog(s)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("opengl: shader compile failed: %s", log)
return shader(s), nil
func (c *context) deleteShader(s shader) {
func (c *context) newProgram(shaders []shader, attributes []string) (program, error) {
p := c.ctx.CreateProgram()
if p == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("opengl: glCreateProgram failed")
for _, shader := range shaders {
c.ctx.AttachShader(p, uint32(shader))
for i, name := range attributes {
c.ctx.BindAttribLocation(p, uint32(i), name)
v := make([]int32, 1)
c.ctx.GetProgramiv(v, p, gles.LINK_STATUS)
if v[0] == gles.FALSE {
info := c.ctx.GetProgramInfoLog(p)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("opengl: program error: %s", info)
return program(p), nil
func (c *context) useProgram(p program) {
func (c *context) deleteProgram(p program) {
if !c.ctx.IsProgram(uint32(p)) {
func (c *context) getUniformLocationImpl(p program, location string) uniformLocation {
u := uniformLocation(c.ctx.GetUniformLocation(uint32(p), location))
return u
func (c *context) uniformInt(p program, location string, v int) bool {
l := c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location)
if l == invalidUniform {
return false
c.ctx.Uniform1i(int32(l), int32(v))
return true
func (c *context) uniformFloat(p program, location string, v float32) bool {
l := c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location)
if l == invalidUniform {
return false
c.ctx.Uniform1f(int32(l), v)
return true
func (c *context) uniformFloats(p program, location string, v []float32, typ shaderir.Type) bool {
l := c.locationCache.GetUniformLocation(c, p, location)
if l == invalidUniform {
return false
base := typ.Main
if base == shaderir.Array {
base = typ.Sub[0].Main
switch base {
case shaderir.Float:
c.ctx.Uniform1fv(int32(l), v)
case shaderir.Vec2:
c.ctx.Uniform2fv(int32(l), v)
case shaderir.Vec3:
c.ctx.Uniform3fv(int32(l), v)
case shaderir.Vec4:
c.ctx.Uniform4fv(int32(l), v)
case shaderir.Mat2:
c.ctx.UniformMatrix2fv(int32(l), false, v)
case shaderir.Mat3:
c.ctx.UniformMatrix3fv(int32(l), false, v)
case shaderir.Mat4:
c.ctx.UniformMatrix4fv(int32(l), false, v)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("opengl: unexpected type: %s", typ.String()))
return true
func (c *context) vertexAttribPointer(p program, index int, size int, dataType dataType, stride int, offset int) {
c.ctx.VertexAttribPointer(uint32(index), int32(size), uint32(dataType), false, int32(stride), offset)
func (c *context) enableVertexAttribArray(p program, index int) {
func (c *context) disableVertexAttribArray(p program, index int) {
func (c *context) newArrayBuffer(size int) buffer {
b := c.ctx.GenBuffers(1)[0]
c.ctx.BindBuffer(uint32(arrayBuffer), b)
c.ctx.BufferData(uint32(arrayBuffer), size, nil, uint32(dynamicDraw))
return buffer(b)
func (c *context) newElementArrayBuffer(size int) buffer {
b := c.ctx.GenBuffers(1)[0]
c.ctx.BindBuffer(uint32(elementArrayBuffer), b)
c.ctx.BufferData(uint32(elementArrayBuffer), size, nil, uint32(dynamicDraw))
return buffer(b)
func (c *context) bindBuffer(bufferType bufferType, b buffer) {
c.ctx.BindBuffer(uint32(bufferType), uint32(b))
func (c *context) arrayBufferSubData(data []float32) {
c.ctx.BufferSubData(uint32(arrayBuffer), 0, float32sToBytes(data))
func (c *context) elementArrayBufferSubData(data []uint16) {
c.ctx.BufferSubData(uint32(elementArrayBuffer), 0, uint16sToBytes(data))
func (c *context) deleteBuffer(b buffer) {
func (c *context) drawElements(len int, offsetInBytes int) {
c.ctx.DrawElements(gles.TRIANGLES, int32(len), gles.UNSIGNED_SHORT, offsetInBytes)
func (c *context) maxTextureSizeImpl() int {
v := make([]int32, 1)
c.ctx.GetIntegerv(v, gles.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)
return int(v[0])
func (c *context) getShaderPrecisionFormatPrecision() int {
_, _, p := c.ctx.GetShaderPrecisionFormat(gles.FRAGMENT_SHADER, gles.HIGH_FLOAT)
return p
func (c *context) flush() {
func (c *context) needsRestoring() bool {
return true
func (c *context) canUsePBO() bool {
// On Android, using PBO might slow the applications, especially when coming back from the context lost.
// Let's not use PBO until we find a good solution.
return false
func (c *context) texSubImage2D(t textureNative, width, height int, args []*driver.ReplacePixelsArgs) {
for _, a := range args {
c.ctx.TexSubImage2D(gles.TEXTURE_2D, 0, int32(a.X), int32(a.Y), int32(a.Width), int32(a.Height), gles.RGBA, gles.UNSIGNED_BYTE, a.Pixels)
func (c *context) newPixelBufferObject(width, height int) buffer {
b := c.ctx.GenBuffers(1)[0]
c.ctx.BindBuffer(gles.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, b)
c.ctx.BufferData(gles.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 4*width*height, nil, gles.STREAM_DRAW)
c.ctx.BindBuffer(gles.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0)
return buffer(b)
func (c *context) replacePixelsWithPBO(buffer buffer, t textureNative, width, height int, args []*driver.ReplacePixelsArgs) {
// This implementation is not used yet so far. See the comment at canUsePBO.
c.ctx.BindBuffer(gles.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, uint32(buffer))
stride := 4 * width
for _, a := range args {
offset := 4 * (a.Y*width + a.X)
for j := 0; j < a.Height; j++ {
c.ctx.BufferSubData(gles.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, offset+stride*j, a.Pixels[4*a.Width*j:4*a.Width*(j+1)])
c.ctx.TexSubImage2D(gles.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, int32(width), int32(height), gles.RGBA, gles.UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil)
c.ctx.BindBuffer(gles.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0)
func (c *context) getBufferSubData(buffer buffer, width, height int) []byte {
// gl.GetBufferSubData doesn't exist on OpenGL ES 2 and 3.
// As PBO is not used in mobiles, leave this unimplemented so far.
panic("opengl: getBufferSubData is not implemented for mobiles")